L.A. Police done it again and caught on tape !


Retired Moderator
It's funny how quick we all are to judge,

Did anyone bother to think why they only showed 19 sec of the clip?

Anyone bother to ask what the hell happened to spur this on before the tape was cut on?

I guess not.

With all of the insults said here so far I can't help but wonder who you will call the next time a mugger has held a gun in your face or someone breaks into your home and violates the sanctity of your home :dunno:
It was L.A. Police again beating , punching the innocent

What a hugely ignorant assumption. Innocent? Why? Because the tape didn't show what the guy did?

My best friend is LAPD, and they are the single police department in the world with their hands tied tightest behind their backs. That department has had to go so soft because of the public's uninformed, knee-jerk reactions to what they see on the news, you wouldn't believe it. If the guy hadn't been resisting, he would have been on his stomach, in cuffs, not on his back, using his hands to try to get at the officer. Don't forget, cops get scared, and hurt just like anyone else.
What a hugely ignorant assumption. Innocent? Why? Because the tape didn't show what the guy did?

My best friend is LAPD, and they are the single police department in the world with their hands tied tightest behind their backs. That department has had to go so soft because of the public's uninformed, knee-jerk reactions to what they see on the news, you wouldn't believe it. If the guy hadn't been resisting, he would have been on his stomach, in cuffs, not on his back, using his hands to try to get at the officer. Don't forget, cops get scared, and hurt just like anyone else.
Yep like they always say...when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME!:2 cents:
im not saying that what was shown is right or wrong. like seraphim said, there was only 19 seconds or so. but as los angeles resident, i will say that this worries me. i really dont want to go through another riot.


Member, you member...
Even though it was only 19 seconds, it looked to me like the suspect was detained there, but yet the cop still punched him several times. Okay, we don't know what transpired before that 19 seconds, but when a person is down, is it okay to do that?
My two cents.


It's good to be the king...

I'm avoiding comment on items like this on the grounds that I don't have the full info.
While it is true that the force used appeared ott (the suspect complained he couldn't breathe), a 19-second flim clip doesn't explain the full story.


what the fuck you lookin at?
It's funny how quick we all are to judge,

Did anyone bother to think why they only showed 19 sec of the clip?

Anyone bother to ask what the hell happened to spur this on before the tape was cut on?

I guess not.

With all of the insults said here so far I can't help but wonder who you will call the next time a mugger has held a gun in your face or someone breaks into your home and violates the sanctity of your home :dunno:

So seraphiM how exactly does the law work in regards to people breaking into your home. Are you infact allowed to shoot them, per self-defense, or what? I heard if you shoot them in the back it's murder but if you shot them in the front it's self-defense! Anyway that's what I'd do to answer your question!


Closed Account
I was always told to believe half of what you see and none of what you hear from the media. I need more before facts, you know we are lucky that half the cops don't go postal these days. That has to be the most stressful, risky unappreciated jobs in the world. Everyone always ready to blame them. Like that guy in that other video, man if somebody tells you to do something "do it" work the rest out later. Quick moves and disregarding a command of any kind, even if you're innocent is stupid in my eyes. Times they are a changing and a sudden move of any sort to a police officer is the same as to a dog. It represents a threat and they will and should react.

Seriously, can you blame them? Look at our world. Its time people take more responsibility for themselves. Time to think before you act. Stop trying to kill the messenger. We can't have our cake and eat it too you know what I'm saying? Everyone wants them to risk their lives for us. Yet the same people want to bitch if they push someone down or hit them a few times? Get over it. Innocent or guilty, if you're told stop and put your hands behind your head. DO IT! Told to shut up and lean on a car. DO IT! Work it out later. They aren't frigging judges, don't try to argue and plead your case there, arms flaying. They can't decide if you are guilty or innocent on the spot, so save it. They do however have the power to call the shots in a moments need as to if you were being threatening to them or others if you act a ass. As they should be able to. All IMHO of course.


It was all over my local news tonight.


Member, you member...
Considering that there are some police officers that are members here on the board....that makes your statement "Flaming"! :2 cents:

Yes, but I'm sure he did not know that.

Not disagrreing with you, Doc, but I think you know where I'm coming from.
im not saying that what was shown is right or wrong. like seraphim said, there was only 19 seconds or so. but as los angeles resident, i will say that this worries me. i really dont want to go through another riot.

True, remember the riots that happened after Rodney King was beaten by cops, L.A was in a big chaos.