Ace Boobtoucher
Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
So the judge let's her out of jail and she gets treated like she's a rock star. Huckabee there to champion her cause thereby endorsing the notion that it's OK for citizens to defy federal law. That's what you want in a potential presidential candidate! Of course, everyone knows that Mike has zero chance anyway so this is all just grandstanding to appeal to the religious lunatics who already support him so I don't see him picking up much residual benefit from this. To glorify a woman who took an oath to uphold the law who in reality is just a homophobic bigot is despicable. She should resign if she is incapable of upholding her promise to carry out her job. If I refused to do that I was hired to do for whatever reason, I'd be shitcanned so fast it would make your head spin. The same principle should apply to her.
But...but...I thought dissent was the truest form of patriotism.