and I can post the dissenting opinion.
but here's just my own thoughts on the matter:
if marriage is traditionally and legally defined as being between a man and a woman, that applies across the board equally. A straight person would have the exact same right to marry as a gay person under that definition. Whose civil rights were being violated there? That kind of distinction is made all the time. The legal driving age for many if not most states is 16-years-old. When I was 15 and felt I could perfectly handle a car, was I being denied equal protection under the law by not being allowed to drive legally?
My sister and I are pretty close.
I think this was an honest reply and I can respect it. I don't agree with it, but what I respect is that you're being direct in your beliefs.
Some tangential thoughts that aren't in direct response to your comments -
On this topic, I would say that we do not agree. While a good point that some people may believe incest should be protected as well, I do not believe that same. If we had a reason to be in conflict over our disagreement, I believe the process would be that we would go to court and the court would decide the interpretation of the law. If the court made a decision and one of us did not agree with it, we could appeal. Potentially the Supreme Court of the United States could make a ruling on the interpretation of that law. That would in fact become the law of the land, since it was the court's interpretation of the law.
If my interpretation was not what the court agreed with and I continued to violate it, the court may order to me to stop violating the decision. If I continued, I would be in violation of law.
If the court did not side with my desire instead of violating their decision, which is the interpretation of the law, I could work to change the law itself.
One other thing that I could do to bring awareness to the need for a change in law is to peacefully disobey the law. I would accept the consequences of doing this and in return hopefully bring awareness to my point of view.
Taking this back to what happened in KY, the problem I have is that they had a Clerk who feigns that her rights are being infringed upon. I can't know her thinking, but I will share mine, I believe she does not actually believe legally her rights are infringed upon. I believe she doesn't agree with the ruling and instead of having the courage (which I would respect) of protesting to change the law, even by knowingly violating it and accepting the consequences, I believe she is manipulating the context to put herself in a victim's role. I think she and her supporters are anything but heroes. I believe the are cowards. Any comparison to her (and her supporters) to someone like Rosa Parks is delusional.
But, hey, that is just my opinion. I could be wrong.