Kevin Spacey: What's His Deal?

He woulda made a better impression backpedaling while doing his Walken impersonation.

Goofy Entitled Hollywood Faggot Rapist...




Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Why don't you ask him?
American Beauty is only film I can think of I like with him in it. Oh and Se7en. But rewatching Se7en now doesn't hold the same interest as it did when first came out.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
He always came across as a gay rapist.

So... he was pretty normal in Hollywood. :yesyes:

[NOBABE]Lena Dunham[/NOBABE] is an incestuous child molester, and look at how the feminists and Hollyweirdos fawn over her as some sort of artistic genius and a social justice warrior elite. In a country that wasn't swirling down the toilet, she'd be breaking rocks in a prison yard. Same with Spacey and that other filth out in that cesspool known as Tinseltown.
The Usual Suspects is very good and it also came out in 1995. Great cast overall and story.

Shit that was the film I couldn't think of! I knew there was another from two mentioned. Usual Suspects holds up damn well. Watched it again for first time in few years and still enjoy hell out of it.
So... he was pretty normal in Hollywood. :yesyes:

Lena Dunham is an incestuous child molester, and look at how the feminists and Hollyweirdos fawn over her as some sort of artistic genius and a social justice warrior elite. In a country that wasn't swirling down the toilet, she'd be breaking rocks in a prison yard. Same with Spacey and that other filth out in that cesspool known as Tinseltown.

Sanctimoniously Hypocritical Douchebag Hollywood Actors involving themselves in politics...
Now the Right is more than happy to pile on while the Left turns their back on him. No room to ride bitch in the middle either. Good.

The man who fetches coffee for Dirty Harry is right. Find an appropriate Roach Motel for this tiny insect. Stop by every now and again and yank one of his legs off. Or maybe house him with the wasps and allow nature to take its course. Know what ah mean, Vern?


Somebody please tell these Hollywood actors that the southern accent doesn’t all sound like Foghorn Leghorn or Vivian Leigh.

And yeah, Spacey is creepy as fuck. I mean the whole Frank Underwood thing just creeped me the fuck out.
Somebody please tell these Hollywood actors that the southern accent doesn’t all sound like Foghorn Leghorn or Vivian Leigh.

And yeah, Spacey is creepy as fuck. I mean the whole Frank Underwood thing just creeped me the fuck out.

Jack, you are a lawyer. If Spacey hired you and pulled some nonsense like that would you quit representing him on the spot? How nutty was Spacey to produce and distribute that delusional crap? The Limeys on Walking Dead are more believable as Southerners. I agree with your previous point(s).


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Backpedaling on him now really doesnt mean much.
If one were to put on the tin foil hat and say that the whole lot of hollywood is the real bunch of pedophiles and gays and secret societies of untouchables.. then if you would kindly rewatch the video and notice the parts where he insinuates that he will not be the only one to be blamed.. then You Might view this in a different light.

"I know what you want. Oh sure, they may have tried to separate us, but what we have is too strong. It’s too powerful. I mean after all, we shared everything you and I. I told you my deepest, darkest secrets. I showed you exactly what people are capable of. I shocked you with my honesty. But mostly, I challenged you and made you think.

And you trusted me. Even though you knew you shouldn’t.

So we’re not done, no matter what anyone says. And besides, I know what you want.

You want me back. Of course, some believed everything and have just been waiting with bated breath to hear me confess it all. They’re just dying to have me declare that everything said is true and that I got what I deserved. Wouldn’t that be easy?

If it was all so simple? Only you and I both know it’s never that simple, not in politics and not in life.

But you wouldn’t believe the worst without evidence, would you? You wouldn’t rush to judgments without facts, would you? Did you? No, not you. You’re smarter than that. Anyway all this presumption made for such an unsatisfying ending. And to think it could have been such a memorable sendoff. I mean if you and I have learned nothing else these past years, it’s that in life and art, nothing should be off the table. We weren’t afraid, not of what we said and not of what we did, and we’re still not afraid.

Because I can promise you this: if I didn’t pay the price for the things we both know I did do, I’m certainly not going to pay the price for the things I didn’t do.

Well of course they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful, not playing by the rules, like I ever played by anyone’s rules before.

I never did. And you loved it. Anyhow. Despite all the poppycock, the animosity the headlines, the impeachment without a trial, despite everything, despite even my own death, I feel surprisingly good.

And my confidence grows each day that soon enough, you will know the full truth. Oh. Wait a minute. Now that I think of it. You never actually saw me die. Did you? Conclusions can be so deceiving.

Miss me?"

~~~~> "And my confidence grows each day that soon enough, you will know the full truth. Oh. Wait a minute. Now that I think of it. You never actually saw me die."

But being a strange one in hollywood is no secret, secret societies are no surprise. The tin foil guys speak of the casting couches and children orgies... and blah blah, if you really believe it, then why arent you up in arms? Why isnt anyone?
Why do the nationalists blame gays, pedos, Jews and secret circles for anything?

Anywho, to condense all that into a question: So which is it, is he batshit insane or intelligent? The nutbags can keep their kidfuckery under wraps for all these decades? Did the money talk? Did the society kick him out? Did he cry 'gay' when the little girls blamed him? Do you really believe the insane to be so slithery as to avoid trouble for all this time?
Jack, you are a lawyer. If Spacey hired you and pulled some nonsense like that would you quit representing him on the spot? How nutty was Spacey to produce and distribute that delusional crap? The Limeys on Walking Dead are more believable as Southerners. I agree with your previous point(s).
If he tells me he’s innocent and wants to vigorously defend himself and being that he is a wealthy Hollywood actor and wants to pay me $2000.00 dollars an hour to represent him, sure.
The video will help with his defense. He’s obviously traumatized.
If he tells me he’s innocent and wants to vigorously defend himself and being that he is a wealthy Hollywood actor and wants to pay me $2000.00 dollars an hour to represent him, sure.
The video will help with his defense. He’s obviously traumatized.

Interesting point. You make the looney video work for him. I never thought of that. That’s why you’d be the $2000 per hour lawyer. If you could get him off then you deserve it.