All of a sudden, Bill Cosby doesn't seem like
such a bad guy afterall, huh?
I mean, ya know... compared to this NAMBLA piece of shit. Too bad one of [NOBABE]the kid's[/NOBABE] dads didn't tune his ass up with some teeth removal.
Speaking of creepy fellers, have you heard about George Soros' money man, Howie Rubin, getting sued for raping some prostitutes?
Soros fund manager raped, beat Playboy models, $27M lawsuit alleges
What's kind of odd about this story is that he hired these Playboy model/hookers, telling them that he wanted to spank their asses, play the "what's worse than a hurricane?" game and play out every rape scene he'd ever dreamed up. And they went along with it... until they realized that a bigger payday could be had by playing the victim card.
Oh yeah, and a big shout out to Barbara Walters... who turned a blind eye and ran cover for her Hollyweird pedophile pals. Fuck you very much there, Babs.