Katy wants to play...dress up...

Yeah baby!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Quite sexual and educational at the same time.
Well that's not bad. Kids see chick in the summer in far less clothes at the beach than that. I don't see the problem. Crazy parents.


Member, you member...
"The clip will remain online at KatyPerry.com, however, so the singer's more mature fans can watch it." That's more L O L than anything.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow, she needs a big bowl of shut up stew. Her voice is awful and her looks aren't that great either.
Fucking stupid ass parents!!!

Why don't they complain about the ambiguous homosexual lifestyle the characters Ernie & Bert portray?! They live together, sleep in the same room, and they walk in on each other in the bathroom when the other is taking a bath. WTF is that shit all about?!

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Katy Perry and Elmo?


This is news-worthy? Give me an Fning break, the prudes in our society really need to get a grip on reality and actually be concerned about what is really important. Not some celebrity on a kids show that didn't do anything wrong by the way...


Here's the video


I don't see anything wrong with this, too sexy for children's television. What is the world coming to? This has to be those FAT fucking bitches that are home all fning day and have nothing to rag about so lets rag about the hot girl on a kids show. This is just more proof about the PRUDES

Re: Katy Perry and Elmo?

The clip was adorable. People who are offended are insane.

It's not really even cleavage you're seeing. It's like a skaters costume she's wearing. It's skin-colored material that goes all the way up to the ring around her neck.

If you look closely you can even see that it's not quite the same color as the rest of her skin.
