Wrong, young man. Totally wrong.
The two threads have nothing to do with each other and I am a living testament as to why. Sam and I both grew up in the same era and in the same part of the country (evidently)....and yet we both developed totally opposite social and political attitudes. How did that happen? Well, for the same reasons that people in today's world share divergent views....socio-economic and educational reasons being the primary drivers.....just like 2012, OK? Sam wants to continue to call blacks (that's really the best moniker to give them from my perspective....it's what they are just as much as I am "white"....no?) "colored folk". Don't you dare blame it on the fact that he's "an old man"....so am I, sonny, and I have about as much in common with Sam from a social and political perspective as I do with a grapefruit.
Back in the 60s, people were as politically diverse as they are today....it's just that we didn't have 24-hour information streams to remind us of it. Things were slower and simpler then, but certainly not less contentious.
Now...as far as this thread is concerned....well, it's just more narrow-minded dogmatism being spewed forth from a guy who looks around him, sees change he doesn't like and that, in fact, scares the shit out of him....and so he reacts the only way he knows how. Give him some slack. He can't help it.