Jail Guard Fired For Posing Naked


Lord Dipstick


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You know we keep cops and prison guards on the police force or dept. of correctionsfor tazering or punching suspects in the face stuff that would get you fired from any job, yet they fire the ones that are female and very hot for taking off their clothes...that makes as much sense as a screen door on a submarine which does work by the way!


what the fuck you lookin at?
so...why was she fired?
hmm. She's quite hot. I'd let hers frisk me, I think.

But no anal play with her billy club. :nono:

If she really did get fired just because she got naked and let people take pictures someone should mail her boss a box of shit.
I don't think its any employers right to tell someone what they can and can't do on their own time. Though I do understand that sadly most people see a business as a sum of what their employees do. Though that should be just at work. What someone does on free time shouldn't matter to anyone else.

I do think it would be hard enough to have males in prison respect her authority without them knowing she was in playboy. After I don't think she would have a prayer to return to that job safely.
I do think it would be hard enough to have males in prison respect her authority without them knowing she was in playboy. After I don't think she would have a prayer to return to that job safely.

In any place that I've known of they don't let female officers guard male prisoners where they directly interact with them.
She can live with me for the time being. I'll pretend to commit crimes, she can frisk me, put me in handcuffs and do any police misconduct she seems fit. I won't report it.
It is stupid that she got fired but it is understandable because i think some of the inmates get priveliges like magazines of playboy, and what if some recognize her. Then it would make her a liability because you know, inmates are kind of crazy.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
How the fuck am I the first one to post her naked pics? What are the rest of you doing? She can handcuff me anytime. :D

(sigh, click to enlarge)

She only only had one set dammit! :mad: Now I guess there won't be any follow up pictorials...

:shakes fist:
Pretty messed up that her job is interfering with her legal, private business. Where is Gloria :sing:"All-dead":sing: when you need her? Oh...fergot...this doesn't quite fit into her women as the right kind of victim angle.