Israelis bring their prejudice to America

A friend of mine married a girl a couple of years after we got out of college, and she was half Palestinian on her father's side (so her maiden name gave her away). She had a teaching job at a private school that had a number of Jewish children as students. Some of those parents banded together and went to the school's administration, threatening to pull their kids from the school if they didn't get rid of her. She was still fairly new and her contract was not renewed the following year. It was easier just to get rid of her than deal with these self righteous bigots. So a girl who was one of the nicest people I've ever met, who had a master's degree in education and who was married to a dyed in the wool Reagan Republican... lost her job because some of the "chosen people" didn't want their babies to be around a "dirty A-rab". If that situation had been reversed, we'd still be hearing about it. Hell, Congress would have probably gone into a special session to make sure the school got no federal funding or grants. Years ago I wanted to look at some condos that were going cheap. The agent I was working with was Jewish. She refused to show me this one condo because the people who owned it were Arabs. When I reported her to the Board of Realtors for an ethics violation, she lied and claimed that she would have shown it to me, but she was unable to make an appointment to get in.

In other words... color me totally unsurprised. Israelis and Jews are no more (and no less) immune from being racists and bigots than any other group. It's the holier than thou hypocrisy and constant whining that I get sick of.

I believe you. The truth is that this has gone on for decades and it's slowly starting to come back to bite Jewish people in the ass, even the ones who have nothing to do with any kind of bigotry. They don't want to hear it, but if Jewish people and especially the Zionist/Jewish Supremacist subset even stopped to admit they were wrong about something, it would go along way in reducing antisemitism in the world.

But the truth is that these folks don't see it that way because they are raised to believe they are genetically, spiritually, culturally better than non Jews.

Here it is straight from the Horse's mouth:
Take a look at the crowd's he draws. For those of you unfamiliar with rabbinical nomenclature, this man is NO kook or outsider. He's the spiritual advisor to the Shas party, which is part of Netanyahu's government. But more importantly he's one of the few Torah Sages in the world and his findings are binding on Sephardic Haredim. He's the equivalent of an Orthodox Metropolitan and a Supreme Court Justice.

And here's another guy with his low respect for non-Jews.
Ah yes, the "go tell them that" line. Always the last resort of anyone in an argument. Can't wait until that country is taken down a notch or destroyed or something. But whatever. :dunno:

Beg pardon?:facepalm:

You're the moderator?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Beg pardon?:facepalm:

You're the moderator?

Hopefully it won't come to that, but if that's what it takes for Israel to treat people with respect, then by any mean necessary.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Beg pardon?:facepalm:

You're the moderator?

Not to pick on you specifically, but that is exactly what I was alluding to. Be at all critical of Israel in public and you can expect to have someone or some Zionist/"friend of Israel" group contact your boss, your banker or your business associates suggesting that you should be knocked down a peg.

It's like they're reading from a script.
Step 1) Bring up the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 2) Link any criticism of Israel to the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 3) Shift the argument away from Israel and its policies and to the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 4) Go after the person making the criticism and suggest that they are the problem.

I can't think of a single entity that is as immune to criticism in the U.S. as Israel.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Not to pick on you specifically, but that is exactly what I was alluding to. Be at all critical of Israel in public and you can expect to have someone or some Zionist/"friend of Israel" group contact your boss, your banker or your business associates suggesting that you should be knocked down a peg.

No, he's right. Calling for the destruction of a country is a little over the line I suppose. I should have worded it better.

And besides...

It's like they're reading from a script.
Step 1) Bring up the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 2) Link to the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 3) Shift the argument away to the holocaust, the Nazis and Hitler.
Step 4) Go after the person making the criticism and suggest that they are the problem.

That describes any argument in the history of the internet. Ever.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, now that the mod squad at FreeOnes is going to be all politically correct going forward, I can't wait til Georges gets that memo. :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, now that the mod squad at FreeOnes is going to be all politically correct going forward, I can't wait til Georges gets that memo. :D

Politically correct? Oh you {insert racial-slang here}!

I'm not politically correct. I just believe everyone should be equal when it comes to being made fun of. Except the redheads. They have no rights.

(You {bleep}.)
Where are ya emceee? Feel like you've been schooled enough on this subject by people who appear to be alot more informed than you?

By the way, when one's supervisor gives an employee some parameters on how he will be doing his job, that's called the employer-employee relationship, not discrimination. He does not own that hotel, he doesn't have a run of the place. If his employer asks him that he not go to certain areas, that's that, no questions asked. I've never been allowed to sit in the boss's chair where I've worked, I've never been granted access to the company safe, and I've never been allowed to cover my face in a customer service environment. Oh the humanity!

Discrimination occurs when the muslim doesn't get hired because he's muslim. It's a miracle he was hired at all, when everyone in that hotel is aware that any minute the cell he's been providing intel to for nine months could blow whole damn place up anyway.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Politically correct? Oh you {insert racial-slang here}!

I'm not politically correct. I just believe everyone should be equal when it comes to being made fun of. Except the redheads. They have no rights.

(You {bleep}.)

Hmm... how about Mossad agents with red hair? I think they live by the creed, all people are equal, but some are more equal. :D


Hiliary 2020
you people will make any excuse for jews that you can possibly think of.
not because of fact , or because of right and wrong.
but because theyre jews and they get a pass for some fucked up reason.

these were hotel employees!!!!!!!!!!!!
this kind of shit should not fly in the united states these days.

i'll go to the holiday inn or even to the same hotel this happened at and tell them i dont want any ******s spics or kikes near me or even on the same floor as my room.........lets see if they abide.
they'll show me the door faster than you can say jackie robinson.

anyone remember this story :

it was on this board, not one person defended them and its the same exact thing, actually worse because maybe this guy was just a bad waiter.


Staff member
Well, now that the mod squad at FreeOnes is going to be all politically correct going forward, I can't wait til Georges gets that memo. :D

I will be honest with you I have always been a right winger. I have always been pro America and pro Israel and I don't hide it.
A big percentage of America most talented sportsmen, artists, actors, writers and politicians have jewish origins. It is undeniable.
I will also tell you that despite all the criticism and hatred I see against the Jews and Israel, you must recognize that they are one of the sfaest and nicest place to visit in the middle east and that their women are beautiful. Israel has always provided and had real as well as constructive economical and political relationship with the US and Europe.
I have also been to Saudi Arabia in 1991 where I was very warm welcome.
I and my cousins have also met some Jordanians a while ago in Texas and we had a very interesting discussions with them. Peaceful and well educated people.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I will be honest with you I have always been a right winger. I have always been pro America and pro Israel and I don't hide it.
A big percentage of America most talented sportsmen, artists, actors, writers and politicians have jewish origins. It is undeniable.
I will also tell you that despite all the criticism and hatred I see against the Jews and Israel, you must recognize that they are one of the sfaest and nicest place to visit in the middle east and that their women are beautiful. Israel has always provided and had real as well as constructive economical and political relationship with the US and Europe.

I appreciate that, Georges. I really do. But I can't let my criticism of Israel in general, and Zionism specifically, be turned around into a discussion about hatred of Jews or the many accomplishments of various Jewish people in the U.S. Again, I have no issue with Jews as a religious or ethnic people. But at the same time, they are no more (and no less) special to me than any other religious or ethnic group.

I am pro American because I am an American. Only when the interests of Israel match those of my country am I pro Israel. But quite often, those interests do not match. And yes, I deeply resent it when Zionists, posing as "patriotic" Americans, establish mandates that are good for Israel, but are bad for the U.S. and (especially) its taxpayers. When Israelis build illegal settlements, why are we, the U.S. taxpayers, forced to pay these people several hundred thousand dollars EACH to abandon their shacks? The same "patriotic" Americans who supported that would be laying down in the highway screaming about socialism and communism if we did anything even close to that for actual Americans.

As I'm sure you know, my nation now has a huge deficit and debt problem. During the Reagan administration we went from being the biggest creditor nation in the world to the biggest debtor nation in the world. And except for a brief time during the Clinton years, we've been sinking in deficits and debt ever since. Now it's beginning to swallow us. So why in the name of all that's good and holy do we have a law (sponsored by Alan Cranston many, many years ago) which obligates us to always provide Israel with a source of funds that are at least equal to their loan payments to us??? The average American small business can't get enough of a loan (even a secured loan) to fund expansions or sometimes even make payroll. But the U.S. government has forced the U.S. taxpayer to loan Israel the money that they would need to make payments to us... for loans that we've already funded once???!!! :mad:

My gripe, Georges, is that in the U.S. it is impossible to even have a civil public discussion or debate on what I've mentioned here. Zionists have seemingly been trained to introduce charges of anti-Semitism as soon as anyone even attempts to bring up these topics. And as we know from Godwin's law, as soon as someone brings up the Nazis or Hitler, the discussion/debate ends for all intents and purposes. Pretty slick trick they've got there.
Oh, yeah. And Muslims are a tolerant bunch just spreading peace and quiet all over the world.

Oh wait, that is pieces and bombings and honor killings and women suffrage and beheadings and stonings and complete hatred towards anyone who dare disagree with them. Nevermind. Damn those Israelis!

Why would you want to mix the two up anyways? You have Israeli delegates and a Israeli Defense Minister. I wouldn't want any Muslims on the floor either! I'd have that whole place on top security and questioning anyone who comes off suspicious.

the jews in Israel have taken a polarity shift as a consequence they are pretty much copying their enemies. Spitting on women who sit in the wrong area of a bus and general suppression. they just haven't killed any....Yet.

Suicide bombing is an act of desperation if they where capable of retaliating honourably I'd say they would. Both of them fucking suck anyway. America has armed Israel to the teeth and the death toll ratios are no where near in comparison. It's a quiet wee thing people hardly know anything about because they own the media. Nor are they super genius as they pretty much ripped of their hated enemies from youth movements to Goebbels empathize on the power and importance of media manipulation.

Don't get me wrong I ain't no fan boy of Muslims but focusing on them as some powerful bad guy who is oppressing them poor Jewish folks is just a pile of bullshit. Soon Iran will be gone unless the Russians and Chinese actually will wage war for them. With Iran gone Israel can expand all over the middle east. Unrestrained.

As for sinking boats I'd say they would get away with sinking even another ship even if it was American, though you won't get any american Christians going there on a mission of mercy cause well they are busy sucking Jewish dick.
I appreciate that, Georges. I really do. But I can't let my criticism of Israel in general, and Zionism specifically, be turned around into a discussion about hatred of Jews or the many accomplishments of various Jewish people in the U.S. Again, I have no issue with Jews as a religious or ethnic people. But at the same time, they are no more (and no less) special to me than any other religious or ethnic group.

I am pro American because I am an American. Only when the interests of Israel match those of my country am I pro Israel. But quite often, those interests do not match. And yes, I deeply resent it when Zionists, posing as "patriotic" Americans, establish mandates that are good for Israel, but are bad for the U.S. and (especially) its taxpayers. When Israelis build illegal settlements, why are we, the U.S. taxpayers, forced to pay these people several hundred thousand dollars EACH to abandon their shacks? The same "patriotic" Americans who supported that would be laying down in the highway screaming about socialism and communism if we did anything even close to that for actual Americans.

As I'm sure you know, my nation now has a huge deficit and debt problem. During the Reagan administration we went from being the biggest creditor nation in the world to the biggest debtor nation in the world. And except for a brief time during the Clinton years, we've been sinking in deficits and debt ever since. Now it's beginning to swallow us. So why in the name of all that's good and holy do we have a law (sponsored by Alan Cranston many, many years ago) which obligates us to always provide Israel with a source of funds that are at least equal to their loan payments to us??? The average American small business can't get enough of a loan (even a secured loan) to fund expansions or sometimes even make payroll. But the U.S. government has forced the U.S. taxpayer to loan Israel the money that they would need to make payments to us... for loans that we've already funded once???!!! :mad:

My gripe, Georges, is that in the U.S. it is impossible to even have a civil public discussion or debate on what I've mentioned here. Zionists have seemingly been trained to introduce charges of anti-Semitism as soon as anyone even attempts to bring up these topics. And as we know from Godwin's law, as soon as someone brings up the Nazis or Hitler, the discussion/debate ends for all intents and purposes. Pretty slick trick they've got there.

Religion America goes on about separation of church and state but nothing can be further from the truth. It's a theocracy and folks believe the jews must be in Israel for the end times. And this is something they seek to strengthen at every turn. to be fucking honest I think it is stupid because Jews being part of other countries is what made them strong but they always then have some sort of cultural freak out.
Religion America goes on about separation of church and state but nothing can be further from the truth. It's a theocracy and folks believe the jews must be in Israel for the end times. And this is something they seek to strengthen at every turn. to be fucking honest I think it is stupid because Jews being part of other countries is what made them strong but they always then have some sort of cultural freak out.

What country do you live in?
Poor muzzies. I just can't imagine why they are so universally disliked. It could be their propensity for violence with anyone who disagrees with them. Then again, it could just be their body odor... I'll quit now. This list could get pretty long.