muslims spreading women's suffrage, eh? i'd recommend grabbing a dictionary if you think thats a bad thing, but i agree with what i think you meant instead
You speaking of this type of womanly duty? :elaugh:
muslims spreading women's suffrage, eh? i'd recommend grabbing a dictionary if you think thats a bad thing, but i agree with what i think you meant instead
Yes. And I can imagine them beheading Jewish people just because muslims have a religious superiority complex and think they decide who lives or dies.
But really, I shed a tear because :gasp: because some muslim douche bag felt discriminated against as a result of his employer giving him a reasonable heads up about possible conflicts with hotel guests.
Fire that fucktard for being a muslim AND a pussy.
Why would you want to mix the two up anyways?
It's not prejudice, it's precautionary mobilization!
Hell, you can't even get a muslim cabbie to pick you up if you have booze in your possession . . . and what about the blind with their seeing eye dogs . . . Nope! They will NOT be served by many muslim cab drivers.
It seems like they were concerned about protecting one of their top guys. And they would rather be safe than p.c.
It is not about Israeli or any of that. It is about common sense and how Muslims run about justifying car bombing and suicide bombing their agenda anywhere they see fit.
Best example is this,
Would you let gangs meet up in same fashion for sake of safety?
Example: Bloods are holding a conference and Crips are holding a meeting in same hotel. Would you let the two cross paths? And if Latin Kings are catering to each of them would you allow them to cater the goods to each of them?
If you come up with an excuse regarding peaceful resolution, you are completely out of touch with reality and haven't a clue about warring factions.
Sad but true when it comes to the real world. Then again, when it comes to Israel, it is easier to condemn them than condemn the ones that will suicide/car bomb your city out of revenge. Because Israel only defends/Islam victimizes.
When was the last time Israel attacked/murdered/threatened viciously a country/individual because they made a statement about them they did not like?
Because everyone knows that Muslims will blow you up or behead you if you talk bad about them.
ummm they've started every war they've been in with the exception of the '73 conflict.
Because everyone knows that Muslims will blow you up or behead you if you talk bad about them.
Yes. Islamic terrorists/crazy ass suicide bombing mother fucking goat fuckers should be treated as a international problem.
I am speaking of worldwide, not just in North America where CAIR and other Islamic terrorist groups protect the rights of terrorism. I am speaking of the same Muslim bastards who suicide bomb across the world, car bomb across the world, behead in the name of Allah, stone women in the name of Allah, and any other vicious act they decide is some fucking stupid ass act of fucking Allah they deem fit to kill anyone they do not like.
So yeah, it is easier to make fun/mock/ridicule/attack Israel. Because Israel will not resort to suicide bombings, car bombings, or beheading of anyone because they disagree.
Not my fault you support terrorism. If you want a Islamic ran world, see how long you last. Unless you become their slave... then You Might last a little bit longer before you die of being overworked.
You are right, terrorism is bad. But its not the biggest monster out there. So dont be such a coward. Id fear a druglord over a terrorist anyday.
Whimsy, emceee is as hopeless as the Arab causes he she it supports. Just take every word he she it says with a huge grain of salt.
can you imagine muslim politicians staying in an American hotel and requesting no Jewish employees be allowed to come to the floor they are staying on?
this isnt an arab cause, pro muslim thing at all.
its about pure racism and discrimination in this case.
a few points:
if the jews did request that no muslims be allowed near them in the washington dc hotel, we'll never know because no ones gonna admit to it.
so it will always be unproven.
but why doubt it? its not possible?
israelis dont hate muslims?
israelis dont believe in segregation?
israelis aren't capable of this?
these people are very strict about marriage within their own and many other things when it comes to associations.
if they did actually say keep the muslims away from us in a hotel in the united states they are shitheads period and anybody in the hotel that would appease them is a spineless pussy.
its the usa 2010, cant have this sort of stuff from anybody, against anybody.
but we'll never know what really went down so forget it.
funny the mentality in the usa.
a white says keep the blacks away from me- racist
a black says keep the whites away from me - understandable
a white say keep the muslim or jew away from me - anti muslim sentiment and that special word anti semitism.
a jew says keep that muslim away from me- defendable
a muslim says keep that jew away from me - hateful
bunch of bullshit.
Dude emceee always comes down on either the Israelis or the US. Admit that. Personally I don't care as like emceee there are plenty of white middle class privelaged young adults who support the Arabs over the state of Israel and the JOOZ.
If the Israelis kept muslims away it was for security concerns and I will not fault them for that.