Israeli Attacks Gaza Strip, Killing 200+

some of you are talking just nonsense
even during this fight Israel is giving the palastines every day supplies and money even tough it goes to the hamas
israel cleared a large communinty (settelments) a year ago to bring them more space to live and try to make a peace process
when Barak was prime minister he was willing to give Arafat everything he wanted. but that wasnt enough for them ....
they dont want real peace, they want israeli out of here.

i am from Israel, and I have served the israeli milatry , been in Gaza , been in a lot of places behind the green line, and i can promise you that the "small person" in gaza is poor, and i pitty him, but there are so many from the hamas that are destroying for everyone, pepole like Haniya , Nasralla, Ahmani Jad, they dont want peace, the like this situation.

The hamas are hiding inside of hospitals, at public places they are cowards , they are fucking shitty cowards.
I am NOT saying israel should kill inoccent people
but where were you in the past 3 years that all south of israel is been bombed by the Qassam ?! Israel wants peace, Hamas wants israel cleared
they are faking pictures from Gazza like children are hurt when they are not (of course some are, but in Ashdod they are not ? in Netivot ? Shderot ?)
Give me a break , you cant take it to one side only.

both sides are to blame, but this one now ? its all on hamas
israel warned and warned but they kept on rocketing.... Israeli goverment cant keep sitting quietly while the south is bombed daily

i want to see all of you smart asses sitting at home hearing alarm 3 times an hour running to shelters
thats not life
but you only see what you want to see.

Happy new year and peaceful year and i truly hope it will end soon and i truly wish we'll have a peaceful Middle east
To Mightyduck:

- Israeli GDP per capita 25 times that of Palestinian's.
- For every Israeli killed by Palestinian's, Israel kills 10+ Palestinian's
- Israeli's live in free country with nuclear weapons and American backing. Palestinian's live in occupied territories.
- UN says Israeli blockade is starving Gaza Strip
- Latest death toll: Palestinian's killed, 375. Israeli's killed, 4.

Man, those Palestinian children sure got it good compared to those Israeli children.
I dont really have a response to above^^.. I do agree with some of what you said.
But i think you might be misunderstanding what im saying and doing.

For the points that i would disagree with, I have already went over them. And dont feel like getting more into it, especially now(or again for that matter).

And that cartoon, like all political cartoons, is just another over simplification.

On I side note

I just want to clarify and say that I dont hate the Jewish people. This is not at all a reflection on them. I have said nothing against them as a people.

(believe it or not) one of my closest friends i have had was indeed, Jewish.
Like said earlier. We have to make sure the Holocaust never happens again...or that attitude that created that ( and this goes for every group and ethnicity). Its the biggest human tragedy in world history. You have no idea how much it effected me (and most of us) deeply.

We all bleed the same color blood...we are all mortals, we are all human, We all want the same things for our family and children....
crossing any religious, racial, political, or ethnic lines...I truly believe that.

(...Unrelated....I need to use bold and different colors in my internet typing more...makes it more attractive to read, and it helps you put forth a certian bad i cant edit my recent posts...)
- Israeli GDP per capita 25 times that of Palestinian's.
- For every Israeli killed by Palestinian's, Israel kills 10+ Palestinian's
- Israeli's live in free country with nuclear weapons and American backing. Palestinian's live in occupied territories.
- UN says Israeli blockade is starving Gaza Strip
- Latest death toll: Palestinian's killed, 375. Israeli's killed, 4.

Man, those Palestinian children sure got it good compared to those Israeli children.

Good post.
I see this thread has gone nowhere ... at least until MiGHTyDUCK showed up.

It's funny that a bunch of people here said I want to 'exterminate' the Palestinians ... and that I am "racist." Where did I say I want to exterminate them? When the Palestinians become a race? :confused:

It might have been the same poster that called me a Jew ... which I'm not. If the bugger could read, I disclosed that in an earlier post. :tongue:

It's just some people turning me into a straw man and taking whacks at me. It's nonsense ... but I hope it makes you feel better. :o

If the Palestinians want to act like animals, I say keep them away from civilized people (um, perhaps behind a fence?) where they can't do damage to others. Sound extreme? How about the people who are hoping the two groups merely wipe each other out?

If I am confronted by a rabid animal ... I'd shoot it. But that doesn't mean I hate all animals.

Yes, I am sure that living under Israeli rules have made the Palestinians' lives difficult ... but not impossible and they do nothing to help themselves.

They can't get medical supplies. Nope, not even a single band-aid. But they don't have any problems getting supplies to make rockets (and other weapons). Crude or not, each Qassam rocket has to be manufactured. There's a certain amount of skilled and semi-skilled effort expended to create each and every one of them.

I guess expending a commensurate amount of effort trying to better their lives (using the aide they receive from foreign countries, including the US) never occurred to them. :dunno:

My 3,000-rockets-in-the-last-year number may have actually been a number of years (possibly since 2001) and not just the last 365 days ... but they launched 60 rockets just today so it isn't out of the question.

And if worst came to worst, the Palestinians have a number of other Arab nations they could live in.

Now I'm waiting for some Palestinian apologist to say something like: "Why don't the Israeli Jews merely go live in one of the other Jewish states?"



Hiliary 2020
I'm not gonna take sides with either, I personaly think they are both fucked up.
Correct me if I'm incorrect, but the nation of Isreal was created after WWII in 1947 by the newly formed UN.
Half of Palestine was given to the jews because their bible said it was where they were originally from, before recorded history.

Since 1948 there has been conflict chaos and war there. I suppose because the Palestinians and other Arabs don't want them there.
Again I'm not siding with either.
But that seems to be the situation.

Damn, it kinda reminds me of the current situation in Iraq, the UN doing in 1947 what the US did in 2003.
Interfering with the Arab part of the world, creating change, good for some, bad for others, and the results: Alot of killing amongst themselves happening.


Closed Account
O.K. different country but people are people mon.
In South Africa prior to 1994 elections whites and blacks started moving closer together, but there was a 'legal' divide. Afterwards, blacks started educating themselves. Affirmative action had to be enforced for the ANC to maintain its election promises. Kids started playing together at schools. Now it was alright as far as most of their parents were concerned.
At work, people wished each other well, once it became understood and accepted why black people needed the opportunity. You can't have a thriving economy based on fear and repression. The younger generation in any case saw no reason for their peers to be mistreated. Media pushed the whole 'rainbow nation' concept. Tolerance was the order of the day - siyafunda -'we are learning.' :yinyang:
You work together, you shop together, you play together, you get on each others' nerves sometimes. :cool:
Sure it is a slow process, but at least it heads in the right direction, or at the very least moves ahead. The important thing is the children integrating. It is the new generation that determines the tone of the future.
All this is in a tiny nutshell. It happened in ten years.
Looks like it will never happen in the Middle East, like, ever. Unless both sides can 'let the children play,' the next generation will grow up believing their side is right no matter what. And so on 'till the year 2050, (or 2012!)
I'm not gonna take sides with either, I personaly think they are both fucked up.
Correct me if I'm incorrect, but the nation of Isreal was created after WWII in 1947 by the newly formed UN.
Half of Palestine was given to the jews because their bible said it was where they were originally from, before recorded history.

Since 1948 there has been conflict chaos and war there. I suppose because the Palestinians and other Arabs don't want them there.
Again I'm not siding with either.
But that seems to be the situation.

Damn, it kinda reminds me of the current situation in Iraq, the UN doing in 1947 what the US did in 2003.
Interfering with the Arab part of the world, creating change, good for some, bad for others, and the results: Alot of killing amongst themselves happening.

Basically thats right Mr P.But while the UN was maybe involved make no mistake who even then more than now was calling the shots at the UN and in this situation.The so-called western powers (basically the US and the UK because these places had been colonial possesions of theirs and they were still there after ww2) decided on the resolution of the creation of the state of Israel.What the US and the UK decided about it ,was what was going to happen and did.And also lets not forget that the UN was not the one who went into Iraq,the US did that own its own again mainly along with our old allies the UK.See if the UK doesn't have the empire and clout it once did after ww2 ,it's younger cousins the americans now do. All this came after an exodus of surviving jews from the holocaust from europe had come to the region and started agitating for the creation of the jewish state using even terrorism to bring pressure on the UK and the US.I'm not saying what they did is not fully understandable given what they had been through during ww2,as someone said before this is a complex issue with a lot of sides and valid issues.The motto the jews used at the time was "never again" meaning never again be subject to the whims of any other group or people when it came to their safety and security (no more holocausts).On the other side when the state was created there was people living there who were driven out.

Both are very valid ways to feel,Israelis wanted their own country to feel more secure,people that used to live there want to live there again.
Right now it doesn't look like eitheir of them are close to what they are both looking for.Hopefully the fighting dies down soon,and the two sides try to reach some sort of accomadation with each other.I don't know what the alternative is other than that.I don't really see any military solutions.You can lob rockets at people and send back some air strikes but more than that like a massive bombing campaign that kills 10s of thousands isn't happening,nobody in the rest of the world is going to allow that.A low grade terrorist war is one thing,radical escalation of that would drag the world in in some way possibly miltarily.So they talk or fight like they have,eventually they will talk again I'm sure.
It's funny that a bunch of people here said I want to 'exterminate' the Palestinians ... and that I am "racist." Where did I say I want to exterminate them?
When you said in post #40 of the other Israeli thread:
'Wish it was 2,000 dead Palestinians. They only live for death ... the sooner it comes to them, the better.'

You don't want to exterminate them. You only wish them all dead.
Is this war over yet?

No, I don't mean the one between Israel and Gaza, I mean the one going on between FOs members in this thread.
I see this thread has gone nowhere ... at least until MiGHTyDUCK showed up.

It's funny that a bunch of people here said I want to 'exterminate' the Palestinians ... and that I am "racist." Where did I say I want to exterminate them? When the Palestinians become a race? :confused:

It might have been the same poster that called me a Jew ... which I'm not. If the bugger could read, I disclosed that in an earlier post. :tongue:

It's just some people turning me into a straw man and taking whacks at me. It's nonsense ... but I hope it makes you feel better. :o

If the Palestinians want to act like animals, I say keep them away from civilized people (um, perhaps behind a fence?) where they can't do damage to others. Sound extreme? How about the people who are hoping the two groups merely wipe each other out?

If I am confronted by a rabid animal ... I'd shoot it. But that doesn't mean I hate all animals.

Yes, I am sure that living under Israeli rules have made the Palestinians' lives difficult ... but not impossible and they do nothing to help themselves.

They can't get medical supplies. Nope, not even a single band-aid. But they don't have any problems getting supplies to make rockets (and other weapons). Crude or not, each Qassam rocket has to be manufactured. There's a certain amount of skilled and semi-skilled effort expended to create each and every one of them.

I guess expending a commensurate amount of effort trying to better their lives (using the aide they receive from foreign countries, including the US) never occurred to them. :dunno:

My 3,000-rockets-in-the-last-year number may have actually been a number of years (possibly since 2001) and not just the last 365 days ... but they launched 60 rockets just today so it isn't out of the question.

And if worst came to worst, the Palestinians have a number of other Arab nations they could live in.

Now I'm waiting for some Palestinian apologist to say something like: "Why don't the Israeli Jews merely go live in one of the other Jewish states?"


A lot of those are pretty destructive viewpoints. And incredibly simple...
They launched 60 rockets just today, how many bombs have Israel dropped in the past few days? Palestinian death toll now exceeds 375. Israeli is 4.

And that attitude of "keeping the animals behind a fence" Is the same kind of attitude that people have had before the civil rights movement, or during the apartheid in South Africa..

And who's to say they haven't used this "aide" to better their life's??....

You probably think they use it to manufacture rockets, which i guarantee you is not true.

Have you ever seen what their rockets are and what is used to launch them? its pretty simple..

And as far as someone calling you a "Jew"...that wasn't me...I don't know who did. But yeah, we do agree on that. That's pretty dumb.
And as far as the
And if worst came to worst, the Palestinians have a number of other Arab nations they could live in

.. Nonsense, its not that simple..

Not only because of ethnic and other differences with those countries....some Palestinians don't want a sanctuary- they want, first of all, Palestine. and (some), even want a return the land to the way it was before Britain redrew the lines and the Zionist movement (This is it in a nutshell). (Not saying i agree, but that's why its not that simple.)

Personally, I (and many others, including Some Palestinians) would rather see a solution with both groups. Single state, or two state...etc..

They dont want to leave
My 3,000-rockets-in-the-last-year number may have actually been a number of years (possibly since 2001) and not just the last 365 days ... but they launched 60 rockets just today so it isn't out of the question.

374 is the rough estimate of Palestinian deaths....there's atleast 2,000 injured.

Israel has killed more people in these past days, then Hamas has killed in the past 5 years.