1) You have no intelligence, remember that. You are an utter piece of mediocrity and it has been seen in several threads so don't start thinking that you are an intelligent when you aren't. I am not a psychologist first and second, learn to type and use proper spelling because it makes you an illiterate tool.
again you avoid my point and actually prove me right. the way i say something makes no differenc.e and yes you obviously don't understand sarcasm. you tried what is called armchair psychology and you failed.
therefore you need to sort out your aggressiveness and blame everyone who is defending a respectable cause.
2) what the fuck have my points do with religion? can you fill me in? The fact that you were lacking proper arguments, showed you are inability to answer my statement and therefore to have a valid answer.
wtf? now you are just being silly. i already went through all the religious bullshit you said in your pathetic post. the fact that you deny this and resorted to insults shows you lack proper arguments and as you say "inability to answer my statement and therefore to have a valid answer."
Thank you for proving that you are a raging idiot.
thank you for proving you feel defeated you resort to more childish insults.
3) Name me other events that made 6 millions of dead aside the holocaust? And I want valid proofs no childish bullshit.
http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/di... them both killing in the dozens of millions. and i guess by childish bullshit you mean holocaust revisionism. and by the way judging from your previous asinine posts you are in no position to demand "valid proofs" but that is what i like to do.
Your points are senseless and are absolutely not constructive nor helping the discussion.
meaningless garbage.
4) I am far to be spoiled and far to be a little child. But you have gone way too far and you have to be stopped with your endless trolling.
you are spoiled because you see something you don't like you scream "BAN" and yes that is very childish.
You know nothing about me,
yes, i am not allowed to make inferences about you based on the biased garbage you spew and you are as i quoted earlier :bowdown: you are the master of everything and you can do whatever you want.
so before making bs statements on my case, know who I am and then you will be able to open your dirty fucking mouth.
hhahaahahahah that is the most ironic thing i have ever heard coming from you.
We haven't educated pigs together, so be careful at what you are implying or meaning when you don't know me personally.
wow you are starting to really scare me with this "be careful" language you BIG SCARY MAN lol
l am not putting words into people's mouth, I am simply depicting the reality and you can't handle the truth because you are so weakminded that it hurts.
more pointless insults and bullshit and i'm not the one who cried like a bitch after i pwned your religious based horseshit.
this has to be the best part of your epic fail post:
You called other people names by using this statement :"i said i was sick of the sob-stories."
hahahah you thralled through everything i said(don't deny it) and all you could find that came close to "called other people names" was that? hahahah yet another example of you making a point and not backing it up.
here, i will try myself since you have failed. here is some of your name calling:
illiterate tool, dumbass, utter piece of mediocrity, raging idiot, useless piece of stinky garbage, etc. etc. just some of the ad-homineum insults i found from you. and yet all you could come up with was "i said i was sick of the sob stories".
Everyone is sick of you and your pathetic arguments that are wasting bandwidth and not contributive to anything.
again more hot air.
You said this about me "the fact that you had to take one tiny thing like this and make it look like something else shows your sneakiness and deceit". I am not sneaky, I just used your own words against you and you were not prepared to it, when I have to say something, I always say it in a straightforward way.
nice try but it is too hard for you to get out of that one. you tried to use words and twist them into something else for your benefit in the argument and you failed miserably because i exposed you. you were not prepared for this so you lied some more just there.
but hey that's just me i do things in a straightforward way.
You have said: "you can't come up with anything but bullshit about me". Yes, we can come up with something about the fact that you have several issues and that your threads started recently showed and show your mental instability.
if a crazy lunatic from a mental asylum says that the earth is round and grass is green is he wrong because of. no because what he is is nothing to do with the point he is making. that is why you are the one who started the childish name calling and i wasn't, because i understand this and you don't. well there goes your argument out the window doesn't it. pwned yet again.
5) You will be said something by another person in another form but I had to say something that was seriously well adapted to your case.
6)You just proved your insanity, thanks for proving that I am right again.
already destroyed this argument