Is this humanity?


It's good to be the king...
Is it "humanity" to let people starve? The world will have 100 million extra hungry people by 2015, scientists say:
'Millions more starving' by 2015

Is it "humanity" to destroy life on the grounds of their sex? A doctor in India and his assistant have been sentenced to two years in jail for revealing the sex of a female foetus and then agreeing to abort it:
India sex selection doctor jailed

Is it "humanity" that one youth could attack another? A 15-year-old boy has been charged with the rape of an 11-year-old girl in a supermarket toilet:
Boy, 15, charged over store rape

I could go on and on. Suffice to say that some days, I watch the news and think that we don't deserve to be called "human"........:(
thanks a lot om3ga for sharing all this.Really all this make me think that we are worse than animals.Why can't we live with happiness and harmony,why can't we share what we have with those who don't have it and above all why can't we love everyone without taking in regard what is his race,colour or religion?
i really think that the world would do better without us humans poisoning it
Is there such a thing as a "defenseless" religious fanatic?

Of course there is. You take a religious fanatic and remove any and all potential weapons. I hope you do realize that there are Muslim fundamentalists (as well as Christians, Buddhist etc.) that actually doesn't go around armed to the teeth, murdering infidels all day long.
Imagine said:
Of course there is. You take a religious fanatic and remove any and all potential weapons. I hope you do realize that there are Muslim fundamentalists (as well as Christians, Buddhist etc.) that actually doesn't go around armed to the teeth, murdering infidels all day long.

And a religious fanatic that uses their body as a do you remove all potential weapons? Remove the body by killing them? :2 cents:
Then I'd like to direct you to the 2nd sentence in my post. Or, as an alternative, you could just say that the word "defenseless" is obsolete because no one is, by your definition, defenseless.
alexios_hellas said:
I have to play the relevance card here...does any of this really matter?

Unfortunately it a lot of ways to a lot of people...

People are dirty... some people are crazy...but we all started out the same...
humming20 said:
.Really all this make me think that we are worse than animals.Why can't we live with happiness and harmony,why can't we share what we have with those who don't have it and above all why can't we love everyone without taking in regard what is his race,colour or religion?

What a bunch of tree-huggin' hippy crap!
lsdgeyser said:
What a bunch of tree-huggin' hippy crap!

"hippy crap" - Yes.

"Utopia" - Yes.

But then we are proving every single day that we are the true decendant of the apes, but more naked and much more dengerous, despite our big talks and bigger hypes.
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seraph said:
Unfortunately it a lot of ways to a lot of people...

People are dirty... some people are crazy...but we all started out the same...

Yes, it does matter; however, if it did matter so much to the people posting on this thread, then people wouldn't be posting on this thread. They'd be lobbying the government, starting a movement, or flying to Minsk, Baghdad, Kabul, Karachi, or a thousand places in between, instead of sitting on their asses writing.


It's good to be the king...
humming20 said:
Why can't we live with happiness and harmony,why can't we share what we have with those who don't have it and above all why can't we love everyone without taking in regard what is his race,colour or religion?

In my experience in the time that I have been alive and from what I have learned of humanity the answer is because we are incapable of sharing the world. Even more than that is the fact that we seem unable to leave each other alone. There is always somebody that wants what you have, or wants you to act how they want. Those are the people that will go to any lengths to take what they want form people and force them to act in a manner that pleases them. Much of that is at the base of what makes the world a bad’s greed and the lust for power over other people.
"Defenseless Taliban" , Dear oh dear how quick people in the press forget about the atrocities the taliban committed for years and years, staged executions, hanging women of street lamps to name but 2.
the press will do anything to undermine the work NATO and the UN do to try and improve the world for its citizens. Why they don't report the good people do everyday i don't know, well i do but its a a shame
Of course, it's the "World SOCIALIST Web Site"! Only socialists would consider enemies of the United States to be "defenseless" or "victims" or whatever regardless of whether those same "defenseless victims" themselves committed attrocities against people who really are defenseless. In my opinion, the Taliban were receiving what they deserved.
Red Spyder said:
Of course, it's the "World SOCIALIST Web Site"! Only socialists would consider enemies of the United States to be "defenseless" or "victims" or whatever regardless of whether those same "defenseless victims" themselves committed attrocities against people who really are defenseless. In my opinion, the Taliban were receiving what they deserved.
There's only one entity that thinks the US is more evil than any other, and you've just hit the nail on the head my friend!
The key to protesting in the US is to avoid those funded by this organization.
Before I march, I make sure it is not sponsored by the World Socialists.
They are extremely well-funded!

Luckly US leaders know that guilt-by-association is wrong, so these are allowed.
Otherwise we'd have McCarthy'ism all over again.
I just sure wish some fellow Americans, who do and should exercise their right to protest, would research before they do.

I know I do.
Just a few questions Prof.
1. Is the news a fact?
2. Is humanity talks about 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?

The basic question was simple. Not imperialism or socialism. "Is this humanity?"

Welcome back Prof, you were absent for a few days. I missed you:fight: