Is the tea party the 21st century KKK?

It is hard to get worked up about the tea party crowd on account of them not having any real policies, direction, leadership, briains or victories. Getting upset about them throwing tantrums is missing the point. That's what they do.

Sure there is an ugly rump to their movement but everybody has an ugly rump the closer you get to the arsehole.
Tea baggers are descending on Harry Reid's hometown and charging Wasilla Sarah with being their leader.....Is there a more out of touch collection of imbeciles garnering media attention?

But it's the people who keep badmouthing the Wasilla herbilly that keep her in the news.:rolleyes::1orglaugh

Weren't you taking people to task the other day for saying things like the healthcare bill was " crammed" down the American people's throats ?

But you don't remind saying " Teabaggers" And " Wasilla Sarah" like so many of the Daily Kooks do?
No problem with Bush...Obama on the other hand...not an empty, meaningless threat!!

So you have no problem with Bush racking up a trillion dollar deficit on a pointless war that wasn't sanctioned by Congress, banning medical research based on religious grounds, putting into law the Patriot Act which allowed unprecedented government intrusion into people's privacy, supported warrant-less wire taps that were deemed illegal, torturing people on international grounds to get around having to comply with US law, and giving billions of tax dollars failed companies and putting them under government control...

But you do have a problem with Obama who hasn't raised any taxes and has cut billions in spending in Iraq, and who has seen the economy rise under his first year in office...

So what exactly are you mad as hell about?
The truth to the matter is that politicians in general, whether they be republican or democratik, receive death threats and they always have !:dunno: , but to sit here and convict the tea party movement in it's entirety without a "fair trial" is unbecoming American.

Now act like grownups and don't get sucked up into all of the passion espoused
by keith oldburntman. :nono: :1orglaugh

And let's not forget, Michael Savage and Larry Elder get more death threats than anyone. But never a peep about that. :nono:

So much for freedom of speech, eh.
And let's not forget, Michael Savage and Larry Elder get more death threats than anyone. But never a peep about that. :nono:

So much for freedom of speech, eh.

How is omitting some information to suit a particular bias infringing on anyone's free speech?

Where does it say that someone's speech has to be well informed and accurate? Where does it say that it even has to be true, or coherent?

I think that many people on here have no idea what the constitution says, let alone what it means.

Here it is, FYI.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Calling someone a racist is not violating their free speech. Telling them that they are full of shit is not violating their free speech. Even telling them to shut the fuck up and punching them in the face is not violating their free speech.

The only thing that is a violation of someone's free speech is a law passed by Congress... which as far as I can tell has never happened on the Freeones Bulletin Board.
How is omitting some information to suit a particular bias infringing on anyone's free speech?

Where does it say that someone's speech has to be well informed and accurate? Where does it say that it even has to be true, or coherent?

I think that many people on here have no idea what the constitution says, let alone what it means.

Here it is, FYI.

Calling someone a racist is not violating their free speech. Telling them that they are full of shit is not violating their free speech. Even telling them to shut the fuck up and punching them in the face is not violating their free speech.

The only thing that is a violation of someone's free speech is a law passed by Congress... which as far as I can tell has never happened on the Freeones Bulletin Board.

No shit...

The point is some people on the far left (and as far as I know, on the far right) would like to shut different views out of America altogether.

I'm just playing devil's advocate here...

but that was not the point of that post anyway. The point is people are screaming bloody murder that someone (allegedly), from the tea party camp, sent death threats to congress members. Then they milk these {alleged) crimes to the bank, whilst the O'Reilly's and Edler's of the world get them on a regular basis.
Ok, then. Which leftist group is it that is sending the death threats to O'Reilly and Edler? If you can point them out than we can put them in the same place as the Tea Party.

If there isn't any discernible group, nor is it known who these people are, I don't see how it is much bases for comparison.
Ok, then. Which leftist group is it that is sending the death threats to O'Reilly and Edler? If you can point them out than we can put them in the same place as the Tea Party.

If there isn't any discernible group, nor is it known who these people are, I don't see how it is much bases for comparison.

A lot of it isn't open to the public for reasons the authorities know. Do you think I'm making this up?

But really that wasn't my point, I mean even a person such as yourself KNOWS these characters get death threats (whether you admit it or not). I mean, we all know presidents get death threats, but we don't hear about them. the point is these congress people are milking alleged incidents to push their agenda.
It's a common tactic of the left to plant radical people in right wing events. This is a FACT.

This is not a fact. The actual fact is that various law enforcement agencies--local and federal--planted spies within Left-wing student groups and at events back in the 60s and 70s to 'keep tabs' on people. These same authorities never planted spies within right-wing groups--I wonder why? It all started with J Edgar Hoover.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
From what I understand, there's not just one "Tea Party", but several regional and local organizations. And on the national level, there are at least two organizations (which I don't think get along with each other). One of them seems to just be an off-shoot of the Republican Party. I guess that's the one supported and glamorized by Fox News and Sarah Palin? :dunno: I'm not sure.

Since there are several factions, I don't think it's really fair to paint them all with the same broad, guilty brush. And within each faction, I'm sure there are some well meaning people, who have some legitimate concerns. But with that said, some of the factions seem to be populated and/or controlled by some real whack jobs, racists and social retards. I was a proud member of United We Stand back in the 90's. As the Tea Party(s) purports itself to be now, ours (really) was a fiscally center-right group that had concerns about the direction of the nation at that time. But ours was also a MUCH more diverse and inclusive group than what I've seen of ANY of the Tea Party groups. We had a great many Vietnam Vets (because of Perot's P.O.W. work), and we had people of all races and religions involved. We had several college professors and a lot of professional people in the group in my area - but working class people were right in there too. There would be a mom who was anti-gun sitting beside an NRA Life Member at meetings (she was a rather nice woman too ;)). Maybe there's some intellectual horsepower in some of the Tea Party groups too - I don't know. But the rusty, squeaky wheels seem to be getting the most attention. And the wingnut squeaky wheels that are in the funny papers make comparisons to the KKK sort of insulting to the KKK, IMO. All I know is, none of my United We Stand brothers and sisters (AFAIK) went around shouting people down, using racial epithets, spitting on members of Congress and calling people faggots and queers. We also never tried to blow up the house of a Congressman that we didn't agree with (but were so stupid that they got the wrong guy's house!).

Interestingly, this incident happened in the city where I used to live, and where I was involved with the United We Stand movement. In a city rated the #1 place to live in America for several years running, they're now plagued by this low rent trash. :mad:

Perriello's brother attacked after Tea Party posts wrong address for health care protest

Opposition to massive health care reform has been building since last fall and it hit a boiling point for U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello this week.

Since Perriello, D-Albemarle County, cast his vote in favor of the reform Sunday, backlash has been swift and personal. His brother's house has been vandalized, his re-election campaign targeted by former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and his actions have been denounced by Republicans and Tea Party members.

The FBI and Albemarle County officials are investigating a severed gas line from a propane tank to a gas grill on the porch of the Ivy home of Bo Perriello, a day after Lynchburg Tea Party member Mike Troxel listed the address he believed was the congressman's on his personal blog, encouraging people to protest. According to The Associated Press, a threatening note also was sent to the house.

My advice to Perriello: buy a Glock 22 with an extended magazine and a laser sight. Anyone found at your house at night... make sure they're found in that exact same spot the next morning. :thumbsup:
This is not a fact. The actual fact is that various law enforcement agencies--local and federal--planted spies within Left-wing student groups and at events back in the 60s and 70s to 'keep tabs' on people. These same authorities never planted spies within right-wing groups--I wonder why? It all started with J Edgar Hoover.

Verifiable fact? I don't know. I don't know if I can sit here and say for sure, but if I dug long enough (Google) I gaurantee I would find factual evidence. The fact why you would just blow it off is totally up to you but I know you know this is happening. At least I put it out there (in this thread anyway), so at least some people here will think outside the box, ya know...:)

This shit happens all the time in America in all walks of life, and the smartest thing the left could/would do is put the most utterly dispicable people in "their camp" to make them like total nuts and wackos (unless they're dumber than I think).

It's not nearly getting as much play as it could be getting, so at this time I think it's a moot point.
So you have no problem with Bush racking up a trillion dollar deficit on a pointless war that wasn't sanctioned by Congress, banning medical research based on religious grounds, putting into law the Patriot Act which allowed unprecedented government intrusion into people's privacy, supported warrant-less wire taps that were deemed illegal, torturing people on international grounds to get around having to comply with US law, and giving billions of tax dollars failed companies and putting them under government control...

But you do have a problem with Obama who hasn't raised any taxes and has cut billions in spending in Iraq, and who has seen the economy rise under his first year in office...

So what exactly are you mad as hell about?

I have no problem with the Patriot Act. I don't feel any different, no standard issue kicking in my door, no KGB or Stasi following me. problem since I'm not a muslim terrorist I have nothing to fear.
Torture? Sure do whatever it takes to win if that means waterboarding a known jihadist with freakin gravy it.

Do I support Obama's current strategy in Afghanistan and even in Pakistan? You betcha.


Yeah, it's not like obama's chicago buddy & mentor, William Ayres isn't a bomber himself. :dunno:

In any event, we're going round and round about two wrongs having the potential of making a right, they don't, so now what ?

Rey said:
My advice to Perriello: buy a Glock 22 with an extended magazine and a laser sight. Anyone found at your house at night... make sure they're found in that exact same spot the next morning. lol !

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Two wrongs don't make a right. But three lefts do. :D

When I first moved here, I had a little problem with some deer poachers on some land I had nearby. Then someone (me) started a rumor around the area that I had one of my large capacity "toys" fitted with a nightvision scope. That night time, deer poaching problem went away in no time flat. I can't imagine why. :dunno:

There's a way to act. There's a way to protest. There's a way to change things that you don't agree with. And... there's also a way to get your ass shot down like a dog while you're doing something (illegal) you have no business doing in the first place. My dad was always an effective communicator of that message. I just try to follow his lead. :)
Weren't you taking people to task the other day for saying things like the healthcare bill was " crammed" down the American people's throats ?

But you don't remind saying " Teabaggers" And " Wasilla Sarah" like so many of the Daily Kooks do?

I fail to recognize the association with me using terms like Wasilla Sarah and Tea baggers with refuting the nonsensical notion that this was "crammed" anywhere.

This has been debated for a year and it's not like it's a brand new issue either. GOPers could have taken up reforms (IF they were indeed sincere about reform) in any of the sessions after the defeated it in '93. They didn't do dick!!!

They could have EVEN offered meaning contributions to this bill...they had a fucking YEAR to do so. Instead they chose to rile up phony outrage and ONLY play the defeat Obama, obstructionist card.

The Demos and Obama gave GOPers EVERY opportunity to add meaningful content to the the debate, offer legitimate, good faith alternatives and EVEN READ THE MOTHERFUCKER instead of just whining about how many pages it was.

More than half of those fuckers didn't even read the USA PATRIOT act before rubber stamping it.

So yeah, don't give me the "crammed" bullshit.

These fucks are in the minority...just because they represent the 30 or so pct. of zombies who are obstructionists to the policy in any event doesn't mean they get to hold up the fucking show. This is what majority rule is all about. There will be some people who don't agree with what the majority representation decides. In that case you have two options, get more people to think like you and change the majority or STFU and move to another country.
The rage is quite genuine.

I don't doubt there is some minority of people who think they are angry. Even if the reasoning is baseless and/or hypocritical.

Understandable when you have a bunch of sheeple sitting around listening to idiots tell them how angry they should be.:sleep::sleep:
I have no problem with the Patriot Act. I don't feel any different, no standard issue kicking in my door, no KGB or Stasi following me. problem since I'm not a muslim terrorist I have nothing to fear.
Torture? Sure do whatever it takes to win if that means waterboarding a known jihadist with freakin gravy it.

Do I support Obama's current strategy in Afghanistan and even in Pakistan? You betcha.

So you like to pick and choose what fits your agenda instead of truly defending what is Constitutional...

So you say, but I can't believe that most of these "tea baggers" and their ilk wouldn't shit a brick if Obama did those things.

Point is that Obama has been criticized since before he was even in office, usually for things that he hasn't done (either because we want him to, or because we fear he will), over issues that are far less controversial than many Bush policies.

To be clear when I say controversial I mean subjects that are debated about on the political stage, not armchair pundits and weekend picketers.