Is the tea party the 21st century KKK?

As far as I can tell, they haven't lynched any Black folk, or car-bombed any Jews yet . . . but their bullshi!t rhetoric seems to be inching ever closer to violence.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I am going to break my vow of giving up cursing for Lent and say that is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen written here in a long time.

I went to a couple tea party events and they ejected anyone who even showed the slightest semblance of racism. There were even a couple of black speakers there.

Go stick your head in a toilet.
Leftist strategy:

Characterize and demonize these people as racist knuckledraggers.


Because they disagree with them.

How about someone producing video evidence of these events chock full of racism.

Surely with today's technology, someone somewhere has video of this hatefest.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Not everyone in the tea party movement is a right-wing, racist nutball. Although I don't really agree with their tactics and persona, I think their overall message of "we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore" about government ineptitude and intrusion is completely valid. If whoever is leading (if indeed, anyone is) the group had a broader political tolerance attitude to include disaffected moderates and liberals, I think their agenda would be much better served. They show their true colors, however, when they choose someone like S. Palin to be a keynote speaker at their "convention". That type of action makes me think they deserve the "right-wingnut" label that many consider them to be. Show me who you run with and I'll show you who you are.

KKK wannabes though? Sorry....I don't see it.
Wow...awesome post!!! I've been involved in some tea-parties and we have a mission..."we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore" even if it means moving out of this once GREAT country!!!!

The Constitution of the United States of America has been raped!!!

Not everyone in the tea party movement is a right-wing, racist nutball. Although I don't really agree with their tactics and persona, I think their overall message of "we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore" about government ineptitude and intrusion is completely valid. If whoever is leading (if indeed, anyone is) the group had a broader political tolerance attitude to include disaffected moderates and liberals, I think their agenda would be much better served. They show their true colors, however, when they choose someone like S. Palin to be a keynote speaker at their "convention". That type of action makes me think they deserve the "right-wingnut" label that many consider them to be. Show me who you run with and I'll show you who you are.

KKK wannabes though? Sorry....I don't see it.
Really, tea baggers would actually leave this country? Will they be singing "God Bless America" as they head out the door to....who would want them? Seriously. I don't see a lot of enterprise-minded individuals at their rallies. :dunno:
Yes we's better than getting screwed by Obama and all of his henchmen...and by the way, I have two enterprises and can run both of them on the who cares where I live???

Really, tea baggers would actually leave this country? Will they be singing "God Bless America" as they head out the door to....who would want them? Seriously. I don't see a lot of enterprise-minded individuals at their rallies. :dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Holy shit, its BillClinton!

Oh how I wish VladimirPutin was still here to see this!
Don't talk bullshit. Nobody is leaving the country.

Tons of people said they'd leave the country if Bush got re-elected. Every one of them is still here.

Throwing out the "if such-and-such happens...I'm leaving the country" is an empty, meaningless threat.

No problem with Bush...Obama on the other hand...not an empty, meaningless threat!!

Don't talk bullshit. Nobody is leaving the country.

Tons of people said they'd leave the country if Bush got re-elected. Every one of them is still here.

Throwing out the "if such-and-such happens...I'm leaving the country" is an empty, meaningless threat.

has anyone heard about the phone messages Bart Stupak of Michigan has received? calling him a "motherfucking babykiller" also "i hope you die and go to hell" he got over fifty hate messages. On top of that the new york congresswoman who's office window in Niagra was smashed out with a brick? both voted for ObamaCare and clearly the rise of these terroristic threats and messages have their roots in the tea party movement. I guarantee you these wouldn't be happening if the tea party fever wasn't spreading around to confused, angry and hateful conservatives. These methods of intimidation are exactly how the KKK worked and how they started to scare people. It's only after their intimidation stage that they turn to acts of violence. History repeats itself.