Don't be sorry Jasonz.
I was thinking about the same thing last week.
At least you have the guts to post this, considering the virulent hatred you would have to combat.
Funny how those that would shut you up are sometimes those that yell about free speech etc.
It is one thing to not believe - or at least to say you do not believe - in God, quite another to spew out hatred.
I believe the Lord God would maybe tolerate pornography if the world were a better place. If people had maybe a more pleasant way of treating others, really cared, stopped the hating, the violence, the blaming and finger pointing, the ugliness.
Then, maybe, yeah, He would not mind if people got their pleasure their way.
God has given people free choice, but, bear in mind He also has given us common sense.
Mosaic law urged Israelites to take a year off to "know your wife" in Biblical times. Talk about an ideal society.
Today, well, there is not even time to pee without the boss threatening to fire your ass. It is just about greed.
And, yeah, I have often prayed about porn. I have to decide to leave it entirely, just post in the celebrity and Post Games section, or never come back here, or, just be careful what I watch.
Like has already been said here, there is some poor stuff out there.
Lets take Shyla Stylez for a moment, if I may. Shyla really enjoys sex. She makes it beautiful to watch. If Sandra Shine were to do hardcore, would she do it in good conscience? Would it work? I don't know. I have actually sort of asked her that, but don't want to push it.
What I mean is, some babes out there seem suited for h/c/. They do it well, they make it look good and acceptable. Just cos dey be bangin' like crazy doesn't mean oh now suddenly it is evil, I don't think. They do it in good conscience.
Others, well, I think there are some truly evil directors out there. How the blazes some stars, like Carmella Bing et al hold it together is a testament to their strength of character and will.
I think if you can honestly accept that you are going to benefit by what you are watching, then do so. Otherwise just look at, you know, Alison Angel or Bryci or Denise Milani.
I look at Crissy Moran. In her pictures there was such a purity about her.
I think the priests are called to purity. They have to represent the people. I don't want to say too much, for fear of having my words trampled upon.
I do really believe God wants every man to have his wife and every wife to have his man.
I am just really grateful to the performers out there who make our lives a bit more fun and worth rising in the morning. Getting a rise in the morning. I mean getting out of bed in the morning.
1 John 3:16: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins".