Looking at Porn is Unacceptable in God's Eyes
It's okay for a married man to look at porn. Better that he does that then cheats. Who cares as long as he's coming home to his wife, then they both benefit! It's not like he knows the girl, so it's okay. Besides men don't think about things emotionally, it's just entertainment to them!
These are the things people have been telling me in the past 24 hours. These women are wrong! I would like to define what cheating is! There are 4 things you need to ask yourself to know if what you're doing is cheating. I know men are not the only one with this problem but I will address them because I caught my husband looking at porn yesterday.
1) What does God say about it?
- (Matthew 5:28) But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Porn WILL effect your relationship with God. It will make it very difficult to become closer to Him.
2) How do I feel about it?
- If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. In other words if it feels wrong it probably is. And will it be enough? Or will you get to the point that to satisfy your lust you need to cheat?
3) What will other people think?
- We spend all our lives trying not to care what others think but the truth is, it matters. Will it dishonor your wife? Will it cause others to stumble in the Lord? Will it dishonor you?
4) How will your wife feel?
- I'll tell you. No matter what you say she will feel worthless. She is no longer the only women in the world to have this special intimate relationship with you. Now she is, in a way, sharing you with strangers -- lots of strangers. You are supposed to love her and only want HER naked! She's supposed to be the only women who turns you on! But now any women will do. There's something wrong with her. She's not attractive enough for you, not good enough. You need someone else to turn you on just to be able to sleep with her. Who are you thinking about when you're with her? Where did you learn that? Did you watch another women do it. She's worthless. She's nothing. All the love she has to give cant compare to a stranger's perfect body.
- Did you hide it? Did you lie? How can she ever trust you with anything now? Are you cheating? Will you? How will she get through this?
What do you do now?
Be honest - It will be SOOOOO much harder on her if she finds out on her own. Be quiet - let her yell! She needs to get it out!
Be gentle - Don't get defensive or mad at her for yelling at you, she's hurting. Be understanding - let her know that her feelings are justified.
Be loving - Hold her (if she'll let you) tell her how much she means to you and that you love her so much you're going to do what it takes to stop so you can be close again.
Be apologetic - Don't just say it once; let her know you're truly sorry for hurting her.
After things calm down make her feel sexy so she knows there is nothing wrong with her, but don't try to have sex with her until she's ready; you'll just make her feel like one of the girls in your porn.
Most importantly, seek God. Constantly ask him to help! God knows everything and he truly loves you and wants to help. He can help her understand and help you work it out.