Actually, Clinton is a redneck, W. is a cowboy
He's not intelligent - as the unwinnable War On Terror attests - and he's also only interested in one thing, bending the world to America's (or rather his) will, principally by seeking to control the World's oil supply, especially in the Middle East.
Can you name an American President who didn't?
Now with that said, if we're "all about the oil for America and America only," how come we're involving companies from
all the coalition partners and the cost of American gasoline is so high? Yes, some of that is due to world competition, refineries, new additive restrictions, etc..., but the price of a barrel of oil is still high. And we could by-pass OPEC and just "take control" of all Iraqi reserves, bringing down costs of gasoline to under $2, possibly $1.50 (but never close to $1.00 again because of increased world consumption outside the US, refinery, additive restrictions, etc...).
But are we doing that? No.
So while I won't argue with the comments that W. is dumb, has the wrong focus in many areas, etc..., I rather tire of the fact that people don't realize the US is
not just sucking Iraq dry. Quite the opposite!
Cast your mind back 60 years and the USA was loved in Europe,
And the US pretty much realized at that point that Europe's control on the world
had to go. That's when Europe stopped liking us.
even as recently as in the Clinton years, America was respected round the world.
No, I disagree. Yes, America was more "tolerated" under Clinton than W., but the "tolerance" of the US
died with the end of the Cold War. All of those actions of American national security interest -- what many people call American imperalism -- were now laid far more to bear as "why should we continue supporting the US now that the Soviet threat is gone?"
That, more than anything, had to do with the loss of "tolerance" of what America does. And like Monroe and Teddy in the new centuries and new world order before them, W. is pissing everyone off with radical changes in American policy that go even further.
Yes, America is the most powerful nation in terms of the military, but it's just plain wrong to abuse that power.
And yes, we've been doing that for 60 years in the minds of most people. Once the Cold War was over, Clinton really pissed a lot of people off too (again, I think people forget that). W. just took it to the next level, defining a completely new doctrine for a new century and new world much like Monroe and Teddy did.
I'm not saying I agree with it, understand that (I
never voted for W.). I'm just saying for anyone who really does remember Clinton and for anyone who has studied American history, this is nothing new.
The illegal invasion of Iraq was an abuse of that power and now, like a child watchnig a car crash, he talks about who won and who lost in the dreadful Israel/Lebanon conflict.
Like it or not, W. has a doctrine and he's sticking to it. Some would argue that it causes no more of a mess than Clinton's constant washing back'n forth on different situations -- being gung ho on Somalia and then castrating the UN Security Council on Rowanda.
But in reality, W., like Clinton, just made a lot of mistakes and learning as he goes. W.'s decisions and mistakes have just involved far more troops than Clinton's, which is why more responsibility for lives falls on his hands.
But let us not forget the Reagan years. In fact, 98% of the commentary I see on Lebanon are utterly ignorant of the history in the Reagan administration. Why, all of the sudden, W. is to blame for what has already been a problem for 25+ years is beyond me.
I have a lot of progressively-minded American friends and I know all Americans aren't rednecks like Bush, but I'm afraid he's done lasting damage to America's image around the world.
Bush isn't a redneck, he's a cowboy.
Clinton was actually a redneck -- whites-only golf club membership carrying and all. Rednecks make good politicians because they are the "do as I say not as I do" whereas cowboys tend to be too damn headstrong and "we're all going to wrestle up this cattle together" all while both the cattle and help are mowing down everything in their path.
Now I'll fully admit that Clinton made better decision in 1994-1998 than W. But if you want to go down the cowboy v. redneck avenue, understand that at least W. says something and sticks by it -- whereas Clinton was a heavy "do as I say not what I do" sexist and racist. Yes, the media tells you otherwise, but in all honesty, I wish people would "wake up" to the type of person Clinton was (and still is) outside of his politics.