Is Bush the worst president ever?

Is Bush the worst president ever?

  • YES

    Votes: 298 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 149 33.3%

  • Total voters
Re: Is Bush the worst president ever? [1/2]

This is all subjective
Which is also a simple statement many people make.

Listen, I'm not anti/pro-whatever President. But the basic concepts of microeconomics and income taxes as well as macroeconomics and budgets aren't very difficult -- especially not in a progressive income tax system wtih capital gains.

but for all the talk about corporate spending increasing the hiring of people, I almost never see it,
Sigh, you keep over-simplying things into nothing of what I said. Companies pay tax on what expenditures they don't make, so it makes sense to keep recycling net profit beyond revenue minus operating costs into additional operating costs -- typically private sector positions. But they don't come back right away.
and it never seems to be of as good of jobs that have been lost.
The US has constantly been losing jobs in a global economy. Adding to the fact is that being good in math and science is wholly unaccepted in generation X and, even more so, Y. We are graduating few and fewer engineers (not technologists, major difference) each year and the immigrants have also gone down.
If were talking about how well the tax cuts help the economy then 2003 would be a good indicator of how they don't really work like some people expect them to.
Income tax cuts don't work like some people expect them to because they don't realize we have a progressive income tax system. That means someone who makes more than you always gets at least as much of a tax cut as you do.
It seems with every new recession since the 60’s there is a little bit that is lost that isn't added back when the next recovery comes around.
Yes, because we keep taxing private sector discretionary income more and more to the point there is none. That means wealth cannot change hands -- those who have it have it, those who do not do not. You will never distribute wealth with incresed income taxes. And you can't take money away from people who just sit on their wealth, because they aren't doing anything with it -- not income, gains or otherwise.

The only "distribution of wealth" tax is the inheritance tax. In some legal texts, its an illegal tax. But it remains because -- and at 55% -- because people don't like the offspring of wealthy people to get their money.

BTW, you should read up on the investment tax laws of the UK. They are far more pro-wealth than the US, and benefit the "rich-wealthy" far more. You can lose money and you get credits against future capital gains -- or outright lack of any capital liability from a tax standpoint -- after 3 years.

Income grown since 1970 to 2000: Pretax incomes in 2000 dollars (average income) Bottom 90% of U.S. population
1970-$27,060 2000-$27,035 change -.01%
90 to 95th percentile
1970-$80,148 2000-$103,860 change 29.6%
95 to 99th percentile
1970-$115,472 2000-$178,064 change 54.2%
99 to 99.5th percentile
1970-$202,792 2000-$384,192 change 89.5%
99.5 to 99.9 percentile
1970-$317,582 2000-$777,450 change 144.8%
99.9 to 99.99 precentile
1970-$722,480 2000-$3,049,226 change 322%
top 13,400 of households in country
1970-$3,641,285 2000-$23,969,767 change 558%
I have a hard time believing that is because of inflation,
I never said that was inflation -- that's why I don't bother with these discussions, people mis-quote me out of context of where I used a term.

Furthermore, you should research who is paying what taxes from 1970-2000. It's proportional. The more you raise taxes "on the rich," the less people who are trying to acquire wealth (the income earners) can't.

and I don't think this is taking into account the fact Americans work more hours than they did in 1970 and have more two income households and the data is worse for the lower 90 if you don't count 1971 and 72. This also doesn't count the fact that things like cars healthcare and houses are more expensive than they have been in the past so even a stagnate income growth is a loss.
Healthcare, yes., but that's another story. Houses is debatable, as the market is currently inflated and was fairly stagnant until recently.

Ok there is a problem with this logic. It creates sort of an oxymoron type of situation. If they have less money to invest how come they are getting more money like you said before.
Ah ha! Now you get to it!

First off, those with wealth do not pay income tax. And if capital gains taxes are high enough, it's better for them not to invest.

So, secondly, when you take incentive for investments away, you get less jobs.

Worst than that, these so called "rich" taxes against the "evil people" are actually levied just as equally against the middle to upper income earners. Every discretionary dollar you tax that they could have invested is now one less dollar that not only don't create a job, but doesn't allow them to acquire wealth.

If you don't have wealth you must have income to acquire wealth, and increased income taxes only take away from that discretionary income to acquire wealth. Which is why as the taxes go up and more and more is shared by the income earners, only those with existing wealth actually get to keep their money.

The fact that the overwhelming majority of people can't even separate income from wealth when it comes to taxes makes me want to ram my head into a wall and put me out of my misery! ;)

Furthermore, that's just the microeconomics of it.

Macroecomonically, even the wealthy actually don't have "more money" -- they have "more money" as a "percentage" in circulation. The amount of "money" in circulation is fluid. The more you tax, the less it multiplies, the less there is. As I said, this is nothing new and has been talked about since Alexander Hamilton. There is a balance in aggregate taxation where the circulation and multiplier is ideal -- beyond that, you actually get less.

JFK (a Democrat), Reagan and W. have all proven that we are beyond that point of diminishing returns. Increased income taxes actually reduce circulation, overall wealth available (let alone the chance of those who don't have it from acquiring it) and reduce the federal revenue in collected taxes. It's a lose-lose-lose situation, but people keep voting for it because they think there is this magical concept that the higher the income tax, the more money the federal has.

Raising income taxes gives you maybe 2-3 years of increased revenue from existing circulation, then a major drop as the circulation is constrained. Lowering income taxes literally takes 2-3 years before the circulation is increased once again. As I said before, I'm surprised that federal revenue has come back up this quickly after the tax cuts -- although there were some made before 2003 as well, but not nearly as much.

You can't have it both ways.
It's not "both ways," it's simple concepts of microeconomics and discretonary income along with the reality of macroeconomics and what the money multiplier does on aggregate circulation. Yes, you lower income taxes and you get increase multiplier, circulation and ... tada ... federal tax dollars actually collected!

People keep asserting that is impossible, "you can't have it both ways," but that's based on the assumption that money is finite and by rasing tax percentage the federal revenue will increase. People don't realize that unless you have a pure socialist economy with no currency, the private sector defines 100% of the value and circulation of money.

If they are really getting less because we take more then they should have less,
They have less total, yes. But they have more, percentage-wise.

Progressive Tax in Microeconomics 101 Example:

Income tax brackets are 20% on $10-20 and 40% on $20+.
It costs $20/day to live.

Someone who makes $30/day brings home $24.00 minus $20 and has $4.00 of discretionary income.

Someone who makes $60/day brings home $42.00 minus $20 and has $22.00 of discretionary income.

There is about 25% re-investment (yes, this is over-simplified, but far more complex than "there is a finite amount of money and raising income taxes always increases federal revenue and penalizes the rich").

I now raise the income tax to 50% on $20+.

Now the $30/day person brings home $23.00 and has $3.00 of discretionary income, $1.00 less than before.

The $60/day person brings home $38.00 and has $18.00 of discretionary income, $4.00 less than before.

Re-investment drops below 20%.

I now lower the income tax to 30% on $20+.

The $30/day person brings home $25.00 and has $5.00 of discretionary income, another $2.00 more than the last increase.

The $60/day person brings home $46.00 and has $26.00 of discretionary, another $8.00 more than the last increase.

Re-investment is over 30%.

What's all this mean?

1) I've now just given the "rich (income earner)" 4x the tax break than the "middle class." If I give it on the $10-20 bracket, the "rich" still get the exact same as the middle class (both currently pay $2.00 of the $10-20).

2) Who can afford to give up more? Well, that's not really the question ...

3) The real question is how many new jobs to I kill? Whether we're talking 50 $30/day earners or just 1 $60/day earner, both of them invest most of their discretionary income. That's new jobs no longer being creates in both cases.
Re: Is Bush the worst president ever? [2/2]

I otherwise they should have no problem paying out that enormous increase in income compared to everybody else that they have been getting for the last 30+ years.
You do know that 99% of the taxes in this country are paid by people who make over $40,000, correct?

They have more than enough to put back into the economy more than they ever have before yet they get more tax breaks.
Again, they have more of a percentage, not necessarily total money, especially not after inflation.

Even that doesn't take into account things like globalization. I hope they never figure out that when they need to go back to hiring workers because of more investments they could just go to other countries for pennies on the dollar. We would be screwed then.....oh wait.
Agreed. Then again, you get what you pay for sometimes. I've seen that first hand and American companies are suffering.

It used to be that American companies tapped the top 10% of what the world had to offer. Now they are outsourcing everything, even when it costs them quality and customers -- especially when localization (laws, local/state statues, etc...) is required in a product.

I agree that they pay a disproportion amount of federal and maybe state income, but when you take into account all taxes that are paid the rich don't pay as much more per dollar than most people think.
You're kidding me, right?

People who earn no more than the lowest tax bracket pay less than $0.10 on the dollar total. People who earn no more than the middle tax bracket pay less than $0.17 on the dollar total. People who earn in the upper tax bracket pay, on average (as it varies), over $0.28 on the dollar.

That's not only taking away from investments, but we're still only talking income earners here. 99.9% of the upper tax bracket make less than $1M. Wealth is not income. The wealthy pay $0.00 on the dollar of income taxes. ;)

They pay a lot more total because they have a lot more money.
Incorrect, they pay a lot more because they have income that is a lot higher.

Those who have a lot more money pay $0.00 income tax. Those people worth $10+M actually outnumber those who make $1M year in income.

To be fair they should still pay a lot more than they do because when they go to the store it’s not like they have to pay $1,000 for a loaf of bread because they make more.
And what they pay at the store has what to do with macroeconomics, the money multiplier and the number of jobs created? Discretionary income doesn't discriminate or care about "fair" -- every $1 invested has the same ability to create another job. That's why people keep voting out jobs. ;)

The cost of living is about where ours are minus the luxuries..
And over 90% of discretionary income is put into investments, not luxeries. When the American public wakes up to that, we'll be prosperous again.

30 years ago, people didn't demonize the high income earners like they do today. Then again, they were much better educated on the average -- especially in math and understanding of basic micro and macroeconomics.
The Return Of Voodoo Economics

Republicans Ignore Their Experts on The Cost of Tax Cuts

By Sebastian Mallaby
Monday, May 15, 2006; A17

Nobody serious believes that tax cuts pay for themselves, as I noted last week. But most senior Republicans flunk this test of seriousness.

In January, George W. Bush declared that, "by cutting the taxes on the American people, this economy is strong, and the overall tax revenues have hit at record levels." Regrettably, this endorsement of what his dad called voodoo economics was not a one-time oversight. The next month, Bush told a New Hampshire audience, "You cut taxes and the tax revenues increase."

Bush is not alone in this. Dick Cheney, allegedly a serious person, asserted in February that the "tax cuts have translated into higher federal revenues."

Bill Frist is sometimes taken seriously, not least by himself. And yet the Republican Senate leader is capable of saying: "Many people in Washington have long known a dirty little secret about tax-cut measures: When done right, they actually result in more money for the government."

Chuck Grassley chairs the Senate Finance Committee and ought to know about this stuff. But he mouths the following nonsense: "There is a mindset in both branches of government that if you reduce taxes you have a net loss, if you increase taxes you have a net gain, and history does not show that relationship."

And just last week Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) celebrated the extension of the Bush tax cuts by saying, "We've put these tax provisions in place and they've raised money."

Okay, so let's review this issue with the help of some experts. I'd like to cite Richard Kogan of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, because his work inspired this column. But to win over reasonable conservatives, I'm going to choose N. Gregory Mankiw of Harvard, a proponent of tax cuts who chaired the Council of Economic Advisers in the Bush White House. Mankiw is a top-notch economist hired by Bush and Cheney to advise them. And last year he published a paper on how far tax cuts pay for themselves, reporting enthusiastically that this self-financing effect is "surprisingly large."

How large, exactly? Mankiw reckons that over the long run (the long run being generous to his argument), cuts on capital taxes generate enough extra growth to pay for half of the lost revenue. Hello, Mr. President, that means that the other half of the lost revenue translates into bigger deficits. Mankiw also calculates that the comparable figure for cuts in taxes on wages is 17 percent. Yes, Mr. President, that means every $1 trillion in tax cuts is going to add $830 billion to the national debt.

Let's engage in what Bush might call the soft bigotry of low expectations and cut Republicans some slack. Hey, maybe they just overlooked that Mankiw paper? Or maybe, despite hiring Mankiw to head the Council of Economic Advisers, they later acquired reasons to doubt his judgment? In that case they should at least have listened to Douglas Holtz-Eakin, another conservative economist who worked in the Bush White House and who went on to run the Congressional Budget Office.

In a study published under Holtz-Eakin's direction last December, the CBO estimated the extent to which a 10 percent reduction in personal taxes might pay for itself. The conclusions confirm that the free-lunch mantra is just plain wrong. On the most optimistic assumptions it could muster, the CBO found that tax cuts would stimulate enough economic growth to replace 22 percent of lost revenue in the first five years and 32 percent in the second five. On pessimistic assumptions, the growth effects of tax cuts did nothing to offset revenue loss.

So Mankiw isn't with them. Holtz-Eakin isn't with them. Which raises a question: When top Republicans go around claiming that tax cuts pay for themselves, which economic authorities are they relying on? None, is the answer. These people's approach to government is to make economics up.

The Republicans' only argument is that tax receipts have boomed in the years since the 2003 tax cut. But the question is whether tax receipts increased because the tax cuts worked some kind of magic or because the economy was headed up anyway after the recession, thanks maybe to low interest rates resulting from the Asian savings glut. Friends, the reason we have economists is so that they can solve these puzzles for us. Ignoring their solutions is like ignoring the judgment of medical science in favor of faith healers and quacks.

Politicians are always speechifying about how the United States must lead the world in research to maintain its edge. But having the world's best economics research isn't particularly helpful if those same politicians are silly enough to tune it out. The truth is that American business excels at turning university research into world-beating products; the paranoia on this score is overdone. But American government is often lousy at turning research into policies. That's what we should fret about.

© 2006 The Washington Post Company
He is most certainly not the worst president in history...I would give that to Hoover or Buchanan. The Iraq War may have been a disaster, but it's nowhere near as bad as the Depression or the Civil War was.
Is anybody else tired of hearing how "stupid" the president is? He sucks at public speaking...duh. But that does not necessarily reflect his intelligence. After all, he does have a Bachelor's from Yale, and an MBA from Harvard, not to mention his successful ownership of the Texas Rangers.
Write 'failure' as a keyword in Google and do the search. Then look what web page the first one is. That's funny:rofl:


Closed Account
That our government is stupid - any of them - is a popular myth, probably sanctioned by that same government. It exonerates them from accountability for some of the horrendous things they do. Bush is the worst president ever, but not because he's stupid, because he and his cronies are deviously wicked, and know how to get what they want and manipulate the minds of America and of the world too... how many non-Americans say "Bush is stupid"... oh no, people. If only. He's not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing. That's the scary thing.


I agree...but the only reason why he's so inarticulate in his public speaking is because there's no teleprompter telling him what his answers will be.

He is a living, breathing manifestation of corporate America...afterall, that's who got him elected and kept him there the second time around.
Even his base is sick of Bush.

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i really don't care for poltics.i have to said its between both george bush sr.and george bush jr and jimmy carter.carter the whole iran hostage sr. the ression and no new taxes jr.high gas prices,war in iraq
I normally don't care for politics nor know much about it, but to me he is easily the worst president in US history. Perhaps even worse than say Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, or even Bill Clinton (although I though he did a fine job minus the whole Lewisnky scandal.)

I can give at least 5 reasons also.

1. The war in Iraq. (should have never tried to start again what his father did)

2. 9/11 (enough said)

3. He's about as dumb as a rock (The rock is even smarter)

4. Gas prices (so after nearly a year of rising prices, he JUST NOW says something about it! Fucking idiot)

5. Hs handling of the two major hurricanes last year Katrina and Rita was a joke.


1. Bush did not expect the insurgency will mount such offensive act against the US Army/Marines. Nor President Johnson/Nixon understood Viet Cong well !

2. 9/11 is actually Clinton mistake who failed in intelligence to monitor the Muslim terrorists. It was Reagan who supported Bin Ladan back in the 1980's against the Soviet Union. So everyone is responsible.

4. He is indeed indirectly responsible for the gas price but if you live in San Francisco, the gas price was 2.75 regular in July 2000. It is only around 3 bucks or more now in 2006 !

5. I lived in the Coast and back in 1969, another hurricane almosts destroyed the entire Gulf coast and no one remembered. Bush pumped in 109 billion dollars in less than 1 year in New Orleans. 109 BILLION dollars ! The mayor of New Orleans got to go !

Bush is stiff and inflexible and his senior staff were afraid to speak up to provide a better platform for all American !
5. Bush did send US $109 Billion relief fund to Katrina victims. The problems with reconstruction is most of the damages are due to flooding not by Katrina but the breaking of the leeves. So insurance companies would not pay for all the damages of flooding.

"Most" of the blacks have no savings, no jobs in New Orleans, that's why half of the residents did not return.

The part of New Orleans that was not flooded are getting back into business.

How can Bush do anything about the oil rigs in the Gulf Coast except the local and state government ordered to retreat. I would like to point out everyone who had a car and a few bucks would like to leave the Gulf Coast when Katrina hit. Only those who were poor, sick, elderly, handicapped who remained became the victims. There were only 3 days delays but the National Guards were in full forces 72 hours later. Is this all Bush's mistake? I don't think so.

119 billion dollars pumped into the Gulf Coast is almosts 3 times the money Bill Gates has (the richest man in the world). I did believe Bush learned a lesson and the Republican will lose the White House because of that.

Everything should be done have been done by the Federal Government ! No US President can single hand micro-managed this worst Hurricane !
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Closed Account
That clip on the news with him on the motorcycle was hilarious. What an asshole.
hell yeah, fuck Bush !!!
all i can say is that many of the americans here doesn´t know nothing about international politics...they talk about international Law like if it was the same than USA law...

Israel has right to defend itself??? ..and how about syria and lebannon invaded by Israel several times?????? how about palestinians recluded in ghettos and with no citizen rights even when they live in Israel?????

International politics are much more complex than american politics...and the rest of the world doesnt think our country is the only one who can solve the world problems without cooperation of nobody... UNILATERALISM is not the way..but many american politics(and citizens) ignore this



PS-you know the debt USA has with UNO? ... USA administration doesn´t believes in UNO so they don´t pay to mantain it...