he is not evil or the worst president ever.
I happen to think he is both - or atleast this current administration is.
But I hold Congress equally culpable.
And last but not least - I hold we, the American people, atleasts morally responsible.
I've come to this conclusion after watching egregious violations and perversions by governments from my youth. Johnson made me sit up and notice... and from then on, it's been downhill.
... or so I thought...
When I wasn't busy dodging shells or sacking villages, I found time to read. I found that this decadence and perversion of our republican ideals has been going on for DECADES. I say "republican" with a small 'r' lest some idiot think I'm somehow condoning the "Republican" Party.
So, is Dubya the worst? Asbolutely!
And so have Presidents stretching back to Wilson (in recent history atleast).
I don't base this on what the current trend of "anti-Americanism" [and despite what Fox claims, it certainly exists. Just because muslims are treated badly (or worse) doesn't excuse prejudicial attitudes toward Americans. Neither attitude should be acceptable or excuseable].
Perhaps some of you have an inkling of what I'm talking about - but I wouldn't be surprised if most of you didn't. I sincierly don't mean it to be 'personal' - just stating what I see. And quite frankly, I think a lot of those expressing anti-American sentiments have little to no clue of whats going on.
I'm usually one of the first to admit that America has been wrong in the past. be it supporting dodgy charecters or repressive dictatorships (and we still do!) around the world - I admit and acknowledge that America has done wrong.
What I can't understand (nor accept) is the near preachy nature of other so called 'free' nations who point fingers at America and cry "foul!". As if they were pure snow!
Most of those who accuse America of wrong doing have little to no concept of how this country works and what it's founding ideals are. A case in point is the current battlecry over "the nation taking a collective yawn as our rights evaporate". Liberals/Democrats are seemingly outraged as the current administration regards or disregards the supreme law of the land as it pleases.
And they SHOULD be outraged - what this adminstration is doing is unconscionable and unacceptable.
But I can't help but ask - these same liberals who are crying about our "rights" ... are they willing to eliminate our IRS (theft of property)? Roll back gun control laws (2nd Amendment)? Eliminate welfare and anti-hate speech laws?
The Constitution isn't just a "good idea" -
It's the LAW! You can't cherry pick from the law - that's not how law works.
And yet, on the other hand, I am appaled and disgusted with the near lack of outrage from the "Republican" Party. The party which elected itself with it's "contract with America" promising us smaller, lesser intrusive government.... but has only begotten us a bigger, more costly, more profligate and more intrusive government than ever!
Who is to blame for this?
The answer is short, simple and very bitter --- WE ARE.
Just stand at a street corner and ask a 100 (hell, ask 500) people ~ "Who elects the President of the United States" ~ I wager 2 beers that atleast 80%-95% of the folks say something along the lines of "the people/citizens elect the President during the Presidential Election". NOW, ask them the follow up question of "do you know how your State elects it's Electoral College?" and be prepared for more than a dozen blank stares. Don't be surprised if some actually ask you what "an electoral college is".
These are the "people who vote".
People who don't even know the basic functions of their government.
People who moan and complain when government doesn't fix "x" ill or "y" habit
People who clamour for Democracy whilst forgetting that we are a Republic.
The list is
On a last note: I have to agree with the Prof about his points regarding the complicity of other governments in our current fiasco. The Prof and I may not agree on everything regarding American foreign policy, but he does a good job of pointing out the hypocricy of foreign governments.