Is it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 27.9%
  • No

    Votes: 72 55.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 21 16.3%

  • Total voters


To me a lot of this arguement comes down to your religious beliefs and to be honest bible bashers arent the best people to have a rational discussion with


Prince of the Rotten Milk
IMHO, and in a word, NO.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
By law (in most countries), abortion is legal so isn't considered murder. I personally don't believe in abortion. There is a potential for human life at conception and that innocent future being deserves the chance at life.

It takes two to tango and if the woman can't be responsible for her own protection, for her own body, then she needs to take responsibility and carry that child to term. If she doesn't want it, there's hundreds of couples who can't conceive themselves that would be happy to give it a loving home.

I do believe there are two exceptions to this, which have been voiced already. If a woman is raped or if she finds out the pregnancy could end her life. At this point I wouldn't blame a woman for making that choice.

I'm not going to look down at women who do make this choice (unless they're one of those selfish bitches that use abortion as a form of birth control and think it's OK), especially since I have a friend who made the choice in highschool. Ultimately it's up to the woman and god (if she believes). Just don't make me pay for it via taxes or my insurance premium.


Legal in many countries but not all.
Wrong according to some religions.
When does life begin?
So many factors to take into consideration. I'm not entirely sure on this one, it's tough. However, I agree quite strongly with much of what my future wife Petra had to say and I want five children. Making those babies is gonna be great fun. ;)
A lot of people think about abortion in terms of black an white but it's not that simple. Imagine a young girl who's sexually molested by her father, should she carry the child? Or a woman who's gang raped and becomes pregnant, should she carry the child? (imagine your girlfriend being raped and becoming pregnant) Or what if the child will develope a severe and painfull disability? There's no simple yes or no. You have to look @ each individual situation. Making a statement like abortion is murder is very shortsighted and a sign of a lack of empathy.
I am gonna get right too the point, NO IT IS NOT MURDER! I think NO MATTER WHAT the situation is, if a woman does NOT want to be pregnant, she should not be forced to carry a baby to full term. NO Ifs Ands or Buts about it! :2 cents:

Its her body & I think she has the right too unequivocally decide whether or not she wants a baby or not! NOBODY should be able to trump the impregnated woman's decision! NOBODY! :uohs:

If only life were as simple as this outlook suggests.If a woman doesn't wish to become pregnant then that's easy for her to arrange.But once a child is on the way there are other interested parties.Husbands and babies have rights too and all things being equal the child's should come first as it can't speak for itself.
i understand the people that get rapped or have severl handicap problems and need to take care of the issue for whats best for them and there unborn baby.
but if your a partier and your birth control doesnt work and you get knocked up and decide you dont want and abort it then it is murder.
so to me it depends on the situation
I think this is so sad! Men deserve the right to stand up and take care of their baby, whether the woman want it or not. :(

Unfortunately during the usual 9 months of pregancy the man has really no role to play except for support, which is why he cant have a say in what the mother does in those nine months.

And whoremaker you pride yourself on your intelligence but all you are really doing is restating the same thing in a more verbose way each time. Thats not intelligence thats vocabulary.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You heard it here first, folks: Chef thinks triffids should have just as many rights as a human. :tongue:

Triffids aren't even real, you stupid dummy. :eek:

But, I still value their lives more than a humans. I also have an 11" penis, $784,000 in my bank account, a super model girlfriend, a pet velociraptor and the arms of Robocop have been surgically attached to my body, making them my own. So, as you can see, none of those things are true.


Hiliary 2020
I am gonna get right too the point, NO IT IS NOT MURDER! I think NO MATTER WHAT the situation is, if a woman does NOT want to be pregnant, she should not be forced to carry a baby to full term. NO Ifs Ands or Buts about it! :2 cents:

Its her body & I think she has the right too unequivocally decide whether or not she wants a baby or not! NOBODY should be able to trump the impregnated woman's decision! NOBODY! :uohs:

nice post, but that really doesnt argue the fact on whether its murder or not, just the womans rights
murder is : the act of killing with intent.
so although the word and thought is ugly, it is what it is.

There's a boy who lives further down my street who has down syndrome and he's very happy and leads a healthy life so that doesn't qualify as a severe handicap in my book. There are also people with down syndrome who suffer from constant physical and mental pain wich requires heavy medication. I would call that a severe handicap. Doctors can determine if a child will have down syndrome but not what form it will take on as far as I know so in the case of down syndrome the decision is very hard. But wat if doctors discover a foetus has a genetic defect wich will cause very painfull deformities, I think we can all agree that qualifies as a severe handicap. In such a case abortion is the humane thing to do imo.

fair enough bb., nice post
also not many down kids are in pain, some have heart problems but that can be dealt with.

Life is per se a handicap causing a lot of pain. :crying:

wow, very deep.

just wanna say, i'm not against abortion, dont like it but i'll respect the right.
i do think the father should have a say and if he agrees to take sole custody then it should be that way.
i am against late term, anything more than say 4 months is just cruel and barbaric in my eyes, make your decision early girls, if not, have the baby and put it up for adoption, even sell it to a good couple, but dont have someone stick a forcep in its skull and rip its brains out which is what late term abortion is.


Yes, abortion is murder.

People need to take responsibility for children they create.

Can we have some more detail or is that asking too much, Worm? :tongue:


Will E Worm

Can we have some more detail or is that asking too much, Worm? :tongue:

First stop posting that picture of your brother. :tongue:

If you have sex You Might just get pregnant. I know it's a shocker. :rolleyes:

It's the responsibility of the two who created that child to make sure it's born and lives a decent life.

If they can't do that, then they are not adults.

Will E Worm

Another shortsighted statement. Taking responsibility can also be sparing a child from a life of suffering. In some cases abortion is the humane and right thing to do.

I agree, your comment is short-sighted. :tongue:

Make a baby, have a baby. Anything else is murder. :wave:
Yes, abortion is murder.

People need to take responsibility for children they create.

That's just a late term abortion. :tongue:

what about rape victumes or kids that have a rather bad birth defect. like half a skull or just something you know the kid will suffer from.