I just want to bring something up that will hopefully make people think (What? Think? On FreeOnes? Chef, you silly goose!)...
A lot of people who are anti-abortion usually love to talk about how life begins at conception. Even though there are no fully, or even slightly developed human traits at the moment of conception (such as arms, legs, eyes, bones, muscle tissue, brain, heart, skin or even blood), a lot of anti-abortionists like to believe that human life begins the very moment that sperm reaches egg. Basically, they are treating a thoughtless, mindless, physically unaware freshly fertilized human egg just as they would a 25 year old human being who has full mental and physical human capacity.
Yet, at the same time, those same people (and many others) will treat plant life as if it isn't life at all. Even though plants are light years ahead of freshly fertilized human eggs in the sense of development and awareness, people don't accept plant life as life what-so-ever.
Plants react to the sun. If something is blocking the sun from reaching the plant, the plant will lean itself towards the sun in order to survive. If not, it will die. In a sense, plants can feel. Plants are aware of their surroundings and make instinctual reactions to adapt to the world around them. In a sense, plants can think. There are also other examples of "life" that are demonstrated by plants on a regular basis - defense mechanisms and tactics, reproduction, regeneration, feeding, breathing, etc.
Even though plants (in a sense) can think and feel - both of which are things that a fertilized human egg can not do - a freshly conceived human child is considered a life while a living, breathing, reproducing plant isn't.
So, when does life begin? If something like a plant can display more signs of life than a fertilized human egg, then how can we only consider one of those things to be a valid life? I know that people will just be looking at how human life should be more valued than plant life (which is a basic survival instinct), but a life is a life, is it not? And, since that's the case, if terminating a freshly conceived human egg is murder, than shouldn't it also be murder if we pull a carrot out of the ground, clip flowers from the garden or step on a patch of grass?
Just something to think about.