Intellegent life?

No, I don't believe in intelligent Life on other planets, in fact, I don't believe there's much intelligent life on this planet.
Elpajeroloco said:
hmmm seems that you think that i just read ppular science??ehh??, well i have read books about the topic -the hawking "a moment of time" was one, among others, have read the linde theories, the sakharov ones and other stuffs, but mainly plain old physic books
Sigh, I guess I shouldn't bother even responding in forums like this. I'm going to be hard-pressed to find anyone who has actually had years of calculus-based physics and mechanics.
Finally you´ve got it...we are just normal people, just pornstar lovers...not scientist...maybe you should be concentrated on your pornstar knowledge...if it exists...:D discussions about "intelligent Life" shouldn´t be that serious you want to...not in this forum...
picard2893 said:
Finally you´ve got it...we are just normal people, just pornstar lovers...not scientist...maybe you should be concentrated on your pornstar knowledge...if it exists...:D discussions about "intelligent Life" shouldn´t be that serious you want to...not in this forum...
I just thought it was quite humorous that you spewed off about being "open minded" only to turn around and state that many theories were fact and beyond question. Then you managed to tell me what you learned, and what I could learn, not knowing the first thing about my background (let alone the fact that I really reserved myself until it was obvious you didn't know the first thing you were talking about). That's what bothered me.

I'm still amazed how hypocritical select people can be on this board with their lack of reserving judgement and narrowmindedness. That's the only thing I keep having to point out. People call me "wishy-washy" for it, but I really try to make sure I understand what I'm talking about at times, regardless if I agree with it or not. Sometimes we all have opinions, but sometimes there is just blantant ignorance and over-professing of knowledge in areas people honestly don't have the fainted idea about.

Then again, most people on this board thought the Moon landings were faked (at least before I started shooting holes in the popular video out there), so I shouldn't be surprised.
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ohhh man, do you have something better to say than "you read PS" or "this forum isnt for my intellect", come on..

well any seious guy knows that actually men arrived to the moon, but the guys that think not, are using the same difusse logic of the egyptian aliens "argument", and after 1000-2000 years there will be guys that will say that aliens helped Von Brown to reach the moon -if isnt happening now-

anyway i dont have problem whit any of your beliefs, so, no problem :thumbsup:

something more interesting...

piccard, dont know , really never watched a lot of vogager, but still i go whit Dianne, is better, to me, dont know, she have the body o like, maybe like a latina??, the borgy lady is nice, but still both arent so hotter as Tpol :nanner: :nanner:

and yes we agree that there must be intelligent guys out there, but we dont know how we will react to that...the world have not been in contact with a ET civ, -if not we would be still in contact and that would be pretty well known-, maybe the ETs to reach other planet will be us?, who knows, dont know how could react an american, an african, an asian , a christian, a islamic, a budist , is complicate and depends of the culture, i think that the reaction will not be the same to all

cheers to all :glugglug:
I htink Prof. Voluptuary is like you and me...he is still looking for intelligent life...especially inside this forum, but i tell you what, there is no chance to find someone, who has more intellect than i just said, we are just primitive animals, who are hungry for pussies, no serious...the question, if we are alone in the dark is quiete important, and it is defently time to get an answer...i know some of man on earth are not ready for contyct, but we they should come to us, visit us...give us a signal or somethin, anything that could answer if we are alone or not....
I guess what my overall point here was, is that I could be an alien here right now and you would never know the difference.
If you are an alien, welcome to earth, and now, get off here,:D no serious...i don´t think you are, because an alien wouldn´t talk to members of freeones, to get a better view of how we think of aliens...this would make no sense at all...but of course it´s possible...but i´m not convinced...:D

and by the way, i think we´ve lost Prof. Voluptuary, because this thread was not on his intellectual level...we miss you...:thefinger

Ok maybe aliens are still here, maybe they can change their look (like a chameleon, or somtehin) so it can be possible, that Bush is an Alien, he has no human conscience or emotions...

maybe they want to kill the humans by provoking the third world war...and we all know, we wouldn´t survive this war...everything is possible...
picard2893 said:
If you are an alien, welcome to earth, and now, get off here, no serious...i don´t think you are, because an alien wouldn´t talk to members of freeones, to get a better view of how we think of aliens...this would make no sense at all...but of course it´s possible...but i´m not convinced...

and by the way, i think we´ve lost Prof. Voluptuary, because this thread was not on his intellectual level...we miss you...

Not to start another argument here, but ^that's^ just not true. A common misconception like I've been saying.

Anyway hail sexy aliens :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown::nanner:
Hey, bro...i don´t understand, what do you mean with missconceptions???
What do mean with "that´s not true" that you´re not an alien, or that an alien would never be inside freeones???

anyway...i think we can put in thousands of theories in here, but we can´t proof it anyway...that really suck´s, man...
Just that Prof.'s ideas he mentioned deserve no more respect or attention than any other philosophies and ideas throughout history and any other possible ones. The Modern views that appear advanced and convince us that they're the best we have, are really just particular trails for particular purposes. When you follow one path, of course that is the one that will appear most prominant. And I don't believe those are the way to find alien life. That is what sucks most about the education system and how everything functions.
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ObeBoneKenobi said:
Just that Prof.'s ideas he mentioned deserve no more respect or attention than any other philosophies and ideas throughout history and any other possible ones.
They aren't my "ideas" -- so get off that! They are applied Newtonian-Einstein astrophysics commonly referred to as classical with modern physics. And other than that, I simply reguritated what theories exist and what theories are no longer considered accurate.

There have been many people here that have stated certain things are undeniable or fact. Furthermore, there have been many people without any background in understanding classical, much less modern, physics that is part of the problem.

Those 2 points right there are the real problem with people lacking "open minds" here.

ObeBoneKenobi said:
The Modern views that appear advanced and convince us that they're the best we have, are really just particular trails for particular purposes. When you follow one path, of course that is the one that will appear most prominant. And I don't believe those are the way to find alien life. That is what sucks most about the education system and how everything functions.
Huh? So you're saying people with solid understandings of calculus-based Classical and Modern physics are the problem? That we "can't think outside the box"?

Get real! The ones that have the required scientific and/or engineering understanding are still the people who come up with the next generation and theories, concepts and inventions! Now you can be "self-taught," such as Newton was (for his time, he was clearly a prodigy), and Einstein was largely self-educated to a point (although he did have some instruction by others). But they still learned the foundations and built their work on those of others BEFORE they could even remotely theorize and begin to explain the universe!

You canNOT come up with the future without understanding the first thing about actual physics! A common misnomer is that people like Newton, Einstein and countless others had no understanding or education (self taught or formal) of physics. You still need to tools to understand and explain the universe -- even if your theories and inventions eventually contradict thought!

This is why I consider many of you in this thread to be very narrow minded. You think you're being "creative," but in reality, a lot of your views are based on "popular science" you have read or seen -- and then formulated them together. At the same time, several of you have clearly shown me you are "closed minded" on what you think are indisputable facts.

Science is based on taking the unexplained and trying to explain it. That includes taking current knowledge and applying it, and modifying it when it doesn't fit. And in all cases, that requires you have calculus-based foundations in classical and modern physics! That is NOT "optional"! Otherwise we get a load of "popular science" non-sense like I'm seeing right there -- with so-called "indisputable facts" like the theories of the "big crunch" and other theories most scientists now say there are many problems with.

Education is never the problem. Education is freedom of understanding because you at least have some tools to build upon, even if you end up modifying those tools in the end. These tools have been handed down from generations, based on lessons learned, and take lifetimes to realize on your own!

In fact, that's a core difference between "traditional" education in science or applied science (traditional engineering) and "vocational" education in applied engineering or technology. The latter only tells you how things work today. The former gives you the tools to realize and build tomorrow -- even if you have to modify them to fit the future!
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Prof Voluptuary said:
They aren't my "ideas" -- so get off that! They are applied Newtonian-Einstein astrophysics commonly referred to as classical with modern physics. And other than that, I simply reguritated what theories exist and what theories are no longer considered accurate.

There have been many people here that have stated certain things are undeniable or fact. Furthermore, there have been many people without any background in understanding classical, much less modern, physics that is part of the problem.

Those 2 points right there are the real problem with people lacking "open minds" here.

I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge in the area of calculus-based physics/contemporary science, that is where your mind is open to. But ^That^ was exactly my point - I know they aren't your original ideas, but what you and many others have devoted their time to understand. Physics are physics, and really has as much to do with ET life as any other ideas. The lacking of an 'open mind' occurs when people aren't allowed the time to question and think for themselves, as is what happens throughout educations, and don't allow for alternate theories or ideas to be realized. Much of the time we are punished for 'opposing' the common way. Which is what I meant sucks.

I believe most in the dreamtime philosophies on creation. Every theory that modern science and physics bases it'self around first had to be dreamt up. Begginning as possible ideas, many of which at the time were laughable and are considered fiction. The most groundbreaking are those that push those boundries, which in turn become the basis of much contemporary science. again.. this doesn't have to be about science and calculus-based physics but that is where you take it. These lessons/tools that are passed down through generations could have been learned in anyway.
I don't know if I can make it any clearer.
Otherwise we get a load of "popular science" non-sense like I'm seeing right there -- with so-called "indisputable facts" like the theories of the "big crunch" and other theories most scientists now say there are many problems with.

Prof.......uhh??, the first time you refered about your PS "argument" was about me, i never have said that the space-time cyclic/closed universe (big bang/crunch) was the only theory and the most important, i only said that Hawking defended that, actually i mentioned about the inflation theory of Linde that is very different with the cyclic universe, the close/clyclic universe was popular in the scientific communtity, but that shows that even the theorist thinking was wrong, i reffered about the "big crunch" to show that Hawking isnt big stuff

the other things about the education, open/narrow minds, etc...i realy dont care, but man try to say something better than "im a genius, you need do back to the school"
Well i think we all learn more and more about classic physics and the antithese "open minded" by our teacher Prof. Voluptuary, what ever that name means...but the more i read his comment, the more i get the feeling i´m talking to my physique teacher...blablablablabalbalbalbalbalblaablalaaa, that was it, just old "classic" boring theories...and yes, yes, yes...they are important, Prof. but should really be open minded for other theories, ideas and possible events...

and what about the meta physic: the first law in metaphysics is: Nothing unreal exists...everything is possible, even the point that Newton, Eintein and Hawking could be totally wrong...maybe we are moving inside a circle and don´t get it...and please, don´t quote me again Prof...
ObeBoneKenobi said:
I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge in the area of calculus-based physics/contemporary science, that is where your mind is open to.
No offense, but that' exactly the closed minded attitude that we have here.

Calculus is a tool. It is the tool that describes systems and its interactions. It's quite an "open ended" tool. And there is not one single, major physics breakthrough or theory in the last century or two that has been accomplished without it.

Closed minded is to ignore the fundamental tools that allow you to discover and prove theories as [eventually] laws.
picard2893 said:
Well i think we all learn more and more about classic physics and the antithese "open minded" by our teacher Prof. Voluptuary, what ever that name means...but the more i read his comment, the more i get the feeling i´m talking to my physique teacher...blablablablabalbalbalbalbalblaablalaaa, that was it, just old "classic" boring theories...and yes, yes, yes...they are important, Prof. but should really be open minded for other theories, ideas and possible events...
and what about the meta physic: the first law in metaphysics is: Nothing unreal exists...everything is possible, even the point that Newton, Eintein and Hawking could be totally wrong...maybe we are moving inside a circle and don´t get it...and please, don´t quote me again Prof...
If you can find another way to describe a system of interactions than with Calculus, I'm all ears. Until then, every damn physicist in the world is going point out the obviousness of the truth. And that would include many physicists that you are quoting.

The problem isn't a "lack of imagination." The problem is people who don't have the tools to many any practical sense of the imagination. You can't understand and describe systems without calculus.

Math is the universal language -- always has been, always will be.
Prof Voluptuary said:
Calculus is a tool. It is the tool that describes systems and its interactions. It's quite an "open ended" tool. And there is not one single, major physics breakthrough or theory in the last century or two that has been accomplished without it.

Closed minded is to ignore the fundamental tools that allow you to discover and prove theories as [eventually] laws.

Prof Voluptuary said:
The problem isn't a "lack of imagination." The problem is people who don't have the tools to many any practical sense of the imagination. You can't understand and describe systems without calculus.

Math is the universal language -- always has been, always will be.

I don't know how else to get my point through. I am not ignoring these tools of modern science, because as I've obviously made clear, that is all they are. Tools that we use, not the true nature of all things. And these tools could have evolved in anyway imaginable. What is more closed minded is being able to identify these as tools and still believing they govern our entire universe. I guess they will if you allow them to but why would you want a closed universe of math in control. Seeing beyond that means seeing that a lack of imagination is the major problem. And how are your theories that u use to do with ET life?? Because you expect to find them out on other planets..and hw do expect to travel there? you even admitted yourself that it calls for radical changes in the current mind frame. I think I've said all I can.
what did i told you about quoting?

Well, i agree with Prof. that the universe and mathematic calculus belongs together, we are all nothing more than ones and zeros, everything can be put in mathematic terms...and the mankind is afraid to hear that, so he created things like God, Love, the Soul, afterlive, everything which can´t be put in mathematic terms, because they actually not exist. If something not exist you can´t work with it...

...and of course, if you know a lot about science and physics, you might be able to understand a bit more about, what is the universe...and the theories our Prof. had told us...but, if we can´t proof, that a big crunch or what ever happened in the past, why we talk about´s just throughing theories into this thread...without any background...:dunno:
If that's all you believe then I really do pitty your soul. How are you alive? one's and zero's for eternity! :(
You do not believe your soul exists because it is not confined to a mathematical equation! ???