Intellegent life?

Re: Space is discrete ... so the chance for life is too ...

Prof Voluptuary said:
You can't assume what you see is actual. In many cases, Hubble's observations have proven many times why what we see is often not reality.
The classic example is Commander Shepard's golf ball "wobble" in Apollo 14. To those who don't know the first thing about physics, they assume the landing was faked, because air can't exist in space.

I've seen that repeatedly attitude in this thread among others. People tend to observe things and be wrong out of sheer ignorance. Yet when someone like myself who has actually done orbital mechanics as a paid job function in my past, I'm told I'm wrong, arrogant, etc... and the universe is X, Y and Z.

I don't know how many times I've merely quoted statistics and theories that are the reality, whether I believe them or not, and gotten lambasted. I'm not forming an opinion. I'm not saying what I wrote is right or wrong. But they are the major factors why something is or isn't done, or why a theory is or isn't believe to be correct -- at this time.

Maybe you've been watching too much Star Trek. ;)

1-No, the problem is that there is ancient knowlege that we dont know, and have been lost in time, and actually im sure that some ancient engienners were even better than nowdays engieners, the aztecs and specially mayans pyramids are much more complex btw, but all them were advanced in maths and geometry -for example the mayans had a better calendar, even a bit better than nowdays ones, if these civilizations wouldnt have been extingued, now i would talking to you from mars, dont under-rate the science level of other cultures only because dont have TVs or missiles, if they did something that can be compared with nowdays standars, good to them!!!, but that DONT mean that were aliens around, for example when spanians arrived in america they dint knew about refrigeration, thy learned that from american natives, and look a simple concept like that

actually i see more arogant to nowdays ppl that say "nahh these savages couldnt done alone, there must be a little alien hiden somewhere!", lol

2-well i think that God and Science arent worth to discuss is about culture and science, for example in times of islamic empire the science wasnt saw as a treath to God, but we occidentals have a different experience

3-No, all desicions in any scenarie in the end are subjetive, and depend of the ppl -and even how stupid is a civilization-, thats one point of the Tim Burton movie

4-well i really never liked Carl Sagan, but always is cool to see such enthusiasm

5-NO, you are saying that is a comedy!?!?!, come one is like to say that the GREAT Dr. Strangelove was also, both movies are fun to see, but definitively arent comedy
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what the fuck you lookin at?
Some interesting debates you guys have going! Let us not forget that we know relativly little about our own planet as of right now! The sea for example is largly unexplored! We really do know more about space than our own fragile little planet! Just had to put in my :2 cents: again!
Well since we're tearing up each others posts here..
Prof Voluptuary said:
Unfortunately, not too many people seem to be doing that here.
It's not in some "oh, I just thought of it" moment.

Einstein didn't come up with Relativity out of sheer chance.
Newton did not invent gravity because the apple fell on his head.
They were brilliant mathematicians and researchers who built upon others.
You should really read the whole post first before you can make a statement based on what I mean!!.. let's stop this messing up of this thread.

Prof Voluptuary said:
From what I've seen here, people think things are beyond question.

I have never stated they aren't. But I have stated what the current statistics and theories are. Those are just statistics and theories. And no offense, but my answers are far more open minded than what I've seen presented here!
No! your views are of modern teachings/statistics designed to have you working, the genereal consensus! that is not open mindedness! All Things are not beyond question, that is plain to see. I would encourage you to form your own beliefs, you would have more right with your own oppinions -and to walk your own bridges. Because reality works in a much more participatory way than we are commonly aware of. Much of what you put out will come back, and again -your focussed energy

But I believe I am repeating what I have said before now. Just question modern science as you would anything else. To much credit being placed in the wrong places
wowowow...let´s keep clear..."Dr." Voluptuary has some good views, but some still are bullshit, let me say it again, bullllsssshhhhhiiiiitttttt...:D no, i´m just kiddin...well, you don´t have to forget that classic physique has much more mistakes than the modern one...although i don´t really get it, i mean the relativity, i have a book from Steven Hawking, the most intelligent head on this planet (and no discussion, this is true, ok!?), he wrote this wonderful book called a short story about time (?) (german version: "eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit")...and this is one of the most important aspects to the definition of intelligence: to explain something difficult like the relativity and quantum singularities, that everybody is able to understand...even you Dr. Voluptuary...and our discussion shows me another fact, we are all individuell humans with an individuell mind, everyone has it´s own statement, and we can all read the same facts but interpret something different from it (uhh , i hope this was correct english)...

We aren´t all the same, we wish to be, ok...but aslong as we have so many different minds, and cultural problems, different languages etc. we are not ready to contact any other lifeforms...or get visit by other lifeforms...if they are in our orbit, with which nation they want to speak...with america because of the military force and their arrogance for playing the worldpolice? Or maybe australia because...yeah because of what...i don´t know...perhaps they want to talk to iceland, who knows...:dunno:

you see all those different problems our mind has to solve before we can go any further...:(
Yeah, I don't know shit about relativity ...

picard2893 said:
well, you don´t have to forget that classic physique has much more mistakes than the modern one...
What "mistakes" are you talking about?
Do you even know what you are talking about?
picard2893 said:
although i don´t really get it, i mean the relativity,
What's not to get? The basic principles are that time-space bends around gravity and the observer and object are relative (that means time-space can differ -- often because of the travel of the speed of light). Of course there are far deeper concepts involved with general v. special relativity.

Now from an actual application standpoint, it means I have to consider a few more "rates of change" in my calculations for gravity, time, velocity, etc... But the principles of classic physics still very much apply! Relativity merely adds additional rates to classical physics.

I don't understand what you mean by "wrong" at all?!?!?!

picard2893 said:
i have a book from Steven Hawking, the most intelligent head on this planet (and no discussion, this is true, ok!?), he wrote this wonderful book called a short story about time (?) (german version: "eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit")...and this is one of the most important aspects to the definition of intelligence: to explain something difficult like the relativity and quantum singularities, that everybody is able to understand...
The principles are easy to understand. Einstein even stated that he wouldn't have recognized relativity if it wasn't because it was so easy.

The problem is that most people don't have the faintest experience with classical, calculus-based physics. So they don't understand the first thing about how relativity turns classical physics into modern physics. Inertia doesn't "change" -- it's just that the "stright line" is affected warped by gravity. It's not that time "changes" -- it's just that velocity factors into time.

picard2893 said:
even you Dr. Voluptuary...
Dude, get off it.

In the '90s I was doing orbital mechanics for space launch vehicles -- including having to do calculations and write guidance systems for 6DOF (six-degrees-of-freedom) which included input from geostationary NAVSTAR (aka GPS) satellites. There are subtle, but serious relativistic effects at work that make issues significant when you're writing a guidance system for something that not only travels at Mach 10+ -- but receiving time/position updates that is traveling at Mach 30+.

E.g., NAVSTAR satellites "lose time." Now it's only a few nanoseconds here and there, but when you're traveling very fast and your "initial boost" affects where you are going to be 20 minutes later, a small, fraction can mean the difference between 100 meters! And that's before we consider that gravity is affecting space-time -- it's just another rate of change in the calculation -- just like using fuel and distance from the earth (which affects gravity) in the first place.

picard2893 said:
and our discussion shows me another fact, we are all individuell humans with an individuell mind, everyone has it´s own statement, and we can all read the same facts but interpret something different from it (uhh , i hope this was correct english)...
Bullshit. This is about people "acting smart." I never profess to be smart. We all have our own areas of expertises. But don't tell me I need some Hawking book to understand relativity.

picard2893 said:
We aren´t all the same, we wish to be, ok...but aslong as we have so many different minds, and cultural problems, different languages etc. we are not ready to contact any other lifeforms...or get visit by other lifeforms...if they are in our orbit, with which nation they want to speak...with america because of the military force and their arrogance for playing the worldpolice?
Oh get off it.

picard2893 said:
Or maybe australia because...yeah because of what...i don´t know...perhaps they want to talk to iceland, who knows...:dunno:
Not a very good save.
picard2893 said:
you see all those different problems our mind has to solve before we can go any further...:(
You might want to start by learning what the fuck you are talking about and not assuming what someone else may or may not understand.
Elpajeroloco said:
Prof, 1-No, the problem is that there is ancient knowlege that we dont know, and have been lost in time ...
Hey, I never said otherwise. I just said engineers admit that the science used was well beyond what we can explain.
Elpajeroloco said:
actually i see more arogant to nowdays ppl that say "nahh these savages couldnt done alone, there must be a little alien hiden somewhere!", lol
I don't see that. I see intelligent debate.
Elpajeroloco said:
2-well i think that God and Science arent worth to discuss is about culture and science, for example in times of islamic empire the science wasnt saw as a treath to God, but we occidentals have a different experience
The problem is that "The Church" was a real problem in the development of western science. Sagan did a great job of discussing this as well in the Cosmos series.
Elpajeroloco said:
3-No, all desicions in any scenarie in the end are subjetive,
There are called "theories" for a reason. They are not beyond question. Hell, even Darwinism is a "theory." Of course, "intelligent design" is not even a theory.

Elpajeroloco said:
4-well i really never liked Carl Sagan, but always is cool to see such enthusiasm
And the reason you don't like him is because ... ?

About the only thing I disagreed with Sagan on was the concept of "nuclear winter." But even he admitted later that he was very skeptical about it.
Ok, mister Big Time:fight: ..maybe it is my limited knowledge of your language, but you always misunderstand me...of course the basic relativity is not very difficult, i know the theory very well, because i had a lot discussions with people like you, who really want´s to play a"smart mind"...i know that gravity can change time and light, it can change everything i know it already...and the old physic thinking was, what i criticized, perhaps you remember the old discusion between the geologists and physic scientists...the question was "how old is our planet, the physic scientists said something about 100 million years, definitly wrong, the geologists said over 4 billion years, and they were correct....But i think you mean the newton theory is the basic one? Ore do you mean the greek one? There are plenty of "classic" pyhsics, so which one do you mean, of course you think there is only one basic classic physique theory...if you still want to answer me...come on don´t be the teacher, once more, please! (we talked about arrogance, do you remember, the more you know the more grows your self confidence and the arrogance is always with you, and wants to join your mind)

Your turn now:
tunsty said:
I think in statistical terms, there is a fair chance of other life.

Consider this..
there are billions of stars in our milky way, some of which might have planets orbiting them.
Also, there are billions of milky way galaxies, some stretching so far into distant space that even the most powerful telescopes can only see them as a blur.
Assuming that earth maybe the only inhabited planet in this galaxy, if every galaxy also had just one inhabited planet in it, that would still mean billions of inhabited planets.

More interesting for me is the fact that the universe is so old, that civilizations could have come into existence and then died out again a long, long time before we came along.

Somewhere, millions of light years away, there is a planet not too disimilar to ours.
On that planet, people just like you and me, are looking up at the stars and wondering if anyone else is out there..
That's exactly what I think, there's nothing more to add.

And that quote from the movie "Contact" is one of my favourites, so I'll to repeat it once more:
"I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?"

:hatsoff: Jackson
"Hey, I never said otherwise. I just said engineers admit that the science used was well beyond what we can explain."

hmm, i think that you are exagerating a bit about that, the problem isnt the science beyong our understanding, the problem is that were ahead in science and that is understable, there is nothing out of our world in that, sometimes you can reach the same results with diferent ways, the problem is that with the fall of these civilizations these ways were lost

even the scientifics are biased, i remember the case of the crop circles in europe, some science guys went and mesured the radiation, analised diagrams of the "perfect circles", but in the end a farmer confesed that he was who have done that, and repeated in public his "art"

Church and God, both are diferent, but i guess you know that

"And the reason you don't like him is because ... ?"

well to me Sagan was more a media guy, than a true scientific, ok, maybe you could say "WTF is happening to this guy!!", and i understand that, but is only IMVHO, but their effors to try to teach us all are very valuable

the world isnt only Einstein, Hawking or Sagan -well with this last one i have some troubles to put in the side of the first two, anyway- actually i think that more important than Einstein, are Heisenberg and Srohinger, yes Einstein try to explain the universe and all that, but in the end of the day are the quantum physics that rules and explain truely everything

the Hawking works arent so valuable to the investigative science -some guys gona kill me, lol-, really the work and theory of the black-holes and virtual particles emmision isnt so great and dont unify both relativity and quantum physics, is more like a experimental theory

Hawking is one of the supporters of the "closed" universe, that is,a big bang, and big crunch, but some scientifics are considering that actually our universe is only a little piece of the whole unverse, that is our universe can be a "open" one, in a HUGE closed megauniverse, (Lindes inflation theory)

but i think that the true science dudes are in quantum physics and not in relativity and cosmology

"There are called "theories" for a reason"

yes, but the point is how our feelings and biased thinking affect in the decitions, for example Einstein was against the quantum guys, because he was sure that "'God does not play dice with the universe",in Contact the main feeling of the movie was that loneliness in the "cold universe" then build that stuff,not a debate of "what if?" ,the default thinking was advanced aliens that want to be our big brothers, not by facts, only subjetive, maybe a romantic interepretation, not of aliens, but of us, then putting the God vs Science thing, when was realy Christianism vs Science, never liked the concept of the movie

but what if some ETs making a huge gate to a planetary assault, they use communications to send planes of the gates, and left the stupid humans to built that?? doomed by that "i feel alone in the universe", i think that the movie would had more depth
picard2893 said:
i know that gravity can change time and light, it can change everything i know it already...and the old physic thinking was, what i criticized,
Classical physics is very much still applicable. Modern physics just adds additional rates of change that affect space, time, etc... That's all.
picard2893 said:
perhaps you remember the old discusion between the geologists and physic scientists...the question was "how old is our planet, the physic scientists said something about 100 million years, definitly wrong, the geologists said over 4 billion years, and they were correct....
I never heard of that one. But that has nothing to do with any analogy to "classic" v. "modern" physics.
picard2893 said:
But i think you mean the newton theory is the basic one?
"Basic"? What do you mean by "Basic"?
Classical physics is Newtonian physics.
Modern physics is Einstein on-ward era.
There is nothing wrong with Newtonian physics, except it doesn't account for everything.
picard2893 said:
Ore do you mean the greek one?
Greek physics never was. Aristotle was the "great observer" and he was often very wrong. The main problem was "The Church" picked up his teachings and they became fact for centuries.

Before Newton and calculus, there were just a couple of centuries of theories -- Kepler being probably the first, modern astrophysicist. Newton then made them laws. The laws are still very my applicable. Modern, orbital mechanics owe their entire existance to Newton -- his calculus, his laws.

Einstein just showed how Newton's laws apply with relativity -- respect for gravity and light. Newtonian physics is still very much used in modern physics.

picard2893 said:
There are plenty of "classic" pyhsics, so which one do you mean,
Last time I checked, "classical physics" meant Newtonian physics, including use of calculus -- study of rates of change in a system -- across all education systems in all countries.

Defined another way, it would be the state of physics in 1899 and Lord Kelvin's infamous speech -- which included 3 things that were not yet explained. Maxell, Einstein and others largely explain them, with many new things that do not apply. These new principles of modern physics just add more rates to the equations already applied in Classical Physics.

Even E=mc^2 is an insult to modern physics. It's an algebraic equation of an ideal. It's the limit of energy for a given mass. It is not modern physics, but a simple, algebraic derivative of an ideal.

I sure wish Newton was still around today. He would have probably invented an entirely new branch of calculus that would simplify most of Hawking's equations. We've stangnated so much and have moved differential calculus forward so little since Newton's demise. The classic reference is always the Brachistochrone Problem -- a public challenge someone made of Newton's intellect in a magazine. They gave him 6 months to solve it.

He solved it overnight -- literally, 1 night -- and invented a major branch of calculus at the same time.

picard2893 said:
of course you think there is only one basic classic physique theory...
Again, from the standpoint of defining physics in all academia in all cultures, Newtonian physics with calculus on-ward is considered "Classical Physics." It does not mean it is not correct, but rather the classical foundation of all physics today.
picard2893 said:
if you still want to answer me...come on don´t be the teacher, once more, please! (we talked about arrogance, do you remember, the more you know the more grows your self confidence and the arrogance is always with you, and wants to join your mind)
It was clear to me that you were very arrogant in your original response awhile back -- that it was beyond question that the universe was in a continous cycle of the "big bang" and the "big crunch."

The theory of the "big bang" is just a theory.
And the theory of the "big crunch" is no longer believed to be accurate as of the '90s.

No offense, you spoke of "opening our minds" but yours seems to be quite shut.
Elpajeroloco said:
hmm, i think that you are exagerating a bit about that, the problem isnt the science beyong our understanding, the problem is that were ahead in science and that is understable, there is nothing out of our world in that, sometimes you can reach the same results with diferent ways, the problem is that with the fall of these civilizations these ways were lost
No, I don't think you understand what's involved.

We can't find anything in any writings to show that they had even a classic "Statics" level understanding of "Engineering Mechanics." You can't design structures without it. We have not even found "reference tables" that would have had to been used when building structures. That's what dumbfounds everyone.

We have found all sorts of tables, references, etc... with regards to base 360, calendars, etc... in South American cultures. We can explain their designs and techniques. But the pyramids in Eqypt, that really gets engineers in awe. We don't know how they designed them without such mathematics or at least tables that were used based on their experiences from previous building projects.

I mean, you don't have to have a developed mathematics and defined branch of engineering mechanics to build. But you would have to have some record -- like a set of reference tables based on experience over the ages -- to apply building techniques they used. We have found none whatsoever.

Elpajeroloco said:
even the scientifics are biased, i remember the case of the crop circles in europe, some science guys went and mesured the radiation, analised diagrams of the "perfect circles", but in the end a farmer confesed that he was who have done that, and repeated in public his "art"
Yes, I know. People overblow the crop circles. Sometimes a comment becomes fact. They were "near perfect" using techniques that are quite understood and repeatable.

But crop circles compared to pyramid design is a whole different ballgame!

Elpajeroloco said:
Church and God, both are diferent, but i guess you know that
"And the reason you don't like him is because ... ?"
well to me Sagan was more a media guy, than a true scientific, ok, maybe you could say "WTF is happening to this guy!!", and i understand that, but is only IMVHO, but their effors to try to teach us all are very valuable
Ummm, then you do not know the first thing about Sagan! You only know his media. You don't know about him PRIOR to his "popularization" of astrophysics.

The main character in Contact mirrors himself. He was a brilliant and respected astrophysicists of many breakthroughs -- not just theories, but of actual, applied science. NASA's JPL recognized this early on, and most of NASA's unmanned missions owe their success to him.

Then he started the Planetary Society, which includes SETI, and went into his media career and the "popularization of science." He was lambasted and disowned by much of the scientific community for mis-appropriating costly scientific resources to "searching for little green men" and "dumbing down" astrophysics for the lay person. And even his most respected colleagues thought he was "wasting his talents" -- e.g., a direct and virtually mirror reference to this was made by the Director of NSF towards his character, Arroway, in Contact.

Elpajeroloco said:
the world isnt only Einstein, Hawking or Sagan -well with this last one i have some troubles to put in the side of the first two,
Of course, because you do not know the first thing about Sagan BEFORE his media personality.
Elpajeroloco said:
anyway- actually i think that more important than Einstein, are Heisenberg and Srohinger, yes Einstein try to explain the universe and all that, but in the end of the day are the quantum physics that rules and explain truely everything
No one is "more important."

God knows if it wasn't for Newton's lifetime, calculus would have not only come later but it would not be as developed as it is today. And it's still quite incomplete and more complex than it needs to be. There are select transforms for linear differential equations (e.g., Laplace and Fourier are two we heavily use in EE), but there are so many possibly transforms yet to be discovered -- possibly for non-linear as well.

Elpajeroloco said:
the Hawking works arent so valuable to the investigative science -some guys gona kill me, lol-, really the work and theory of the black-holes and virtual particles emmision isnt so great and dont unify both relativity and quantum physics, is more like a experimental theory
Then it seems you do not know the first thing about Hawkings either! Stop reading "popular science" and actually sit down and read how the man works with 7th order differential equations!

Elpajeroloco said:
Hawking is one of the supporters of the "closed" universe, that is,a big bang, and big crunch, but some scientifics are considering that actually our universe is only a little piece of the whole unverse, that is our universe can be a "open" one, in a HUGE closed megauniverse, (Lindes inflation theory)
And you're still reading "popular science" mags.
Elpajeroloco said:
but i think that the true science dudes are in quantum physics and not in relativity and cosmology
And I think you're lack of having an "open mind" is readily apparent in that statement. Astrophysics and quantum physics are complimentary.

Elpajeroloco said:
yes, but the point is how our feelings and biased thinking affect in the decitions, for example Einstein was against the quantum guys, because he was sure that "'God does not play dice with the universe",in Contact the main feeling of the movie was that loneliness in the "cold universe" then build that stuff,not a debate of "what if?"
I really think you're out-of-the-ballpark there. I think you're applying bits and pieces to things you don't understand at all. Or worse yet, you're reading other people's interpretations.

Newton, Einstien and, hell, modern engineering is based on being able to completely explain any system with a set of equations that factor in variables of all rates of change that affect other variables in a system. It's very accurate, very precise, very complete.

Quantum physics is probably going to lead to a new branch of calculus and will help us simplify how we describe many systems. I see it as a very nice compliment to what we already have and could very much use.

Elpajeroloco said:
,the default thinking was advanced aliens that want to be our big brothers, not by facts, only subjetive, maybe a romantic interepretation, not of aliens, but of us, then putting the God vs Science thing, when was realy Christianism vs Science, never liked the concept of the movie
Dude, Sagan was just interjecting the realism of how some people would act if we contacted other life. I found it a crapload more refreshing than the "perfect/goodie-goodie" and unrealistic attitude commonly found in Star Trek.

Elpajeroloco said:
but what if some ETs making a huge gate to a planetary assault, they use communications to send planes of the gates, and left the stupid humans to built that?? doomed by that "i feel alone in the universe", i think that the movie would had more depth
Dude, you just totally missed that point! The function of the National Security Advisor to the President is to always present what the "worst case security issue" could be to the US. By default, he assumes threat. By default, he is always looking for a way to give the President control of anything.

I thought the ending of Contact in this regard was Sagan's utmost brilliance!

No, it's not the "Star Trek" ending. It was a crapload more realistic.
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well actually we know almost nothing about egyptians, the only thing we have is the rossete stone, and it dont cover all the ancient egiptian, many documents were lost, and there isnt clue how these wonders -and many others arround the world- were done, of course the ppl want a simple and fast answer, and some will think in these little space guys advisers -with out any evidence-..........,the egyptians didnt started to build huge pyramids, there are older that are very smaller, they learned the "art" of the pyramids as the mumification, -that also was a great achievement- with the time, not all the pyramids were succefull.

yes the crop circles and pyramids are different, but basically the same missinterpretation is aplicted

hmmm seems that you think that i just read ppular science??ehh??, well i have read books about the topic -the hawking "a moment of time" was one, among others, have read the linde theories, the sakharov ones and other stuffs, but mainly plain old physic books

hawking is mainly famous by the theory of the black holes and the creation of dual virtual particles, some guys have over-hiped that theory saying that is a link between relativity and quantum -thats what you read in PS-, but that isnt true, also hawking works are based in a thermodynamic work of black holes and surface change and entropy change of a jewish team, i know that there are other works, he have colaborated in other cosmology works, but hes mainly famous by that overhiped "theory"

i know what sagan did before, butto compare it works with Heisenberg, is going too far, Sagain is more a techincal, not a scientific, it "science" is based in speculation, not in well proved theories

I say that quantum physics are far more important than relativity, because is a basic explicative theory, you can understand gravity under quantum physics, but you cant understand quantum physics under relativity, but well now there are some theories of gravity under quantum theory and it seems that still there isnt one that is solid enought, even the "limit" of the universe (c) isnt so stable under quantum concepts

I really think you're out-of-the-ballpark there. I think you're applying bits and pieces to things you don't understand at all. Or worse yet, you're reading other people's interpretations

i just try to explain that the science have it subjetivity that Einstein wasnt god, that he was mistaked, that he didnt have the mind to understand quantum phisics, so he was against that, scientifics are humans and they are also subjetive, and that happens even with your famous National Security Advisor

about Contact we wont agree, i dont like neither Sagan nor Contact, maybe you like that, but realy that isnt for me

anyway, please could you stop yelling "stop to read PS" and try to put an ARGUMENT???
Prof Voluptuary- no offence, but You have contradicted yourself a number of times now just going by that of what you have read.. Not your facts themselves! it is a mindset, way off and really making a mess of this subject. I mean I wouldn't trade Sagan's or Einstein's or Hawking's life works for the world!!!

please don't tear apart quotes from other people if you haven't read completely what they are trying to say.ok Interpret others views in your own right, of course. This is a topic about the possibility of extra terrestial life. The question is of how it you people of science even believe in ET life? I definatley do. You obviously have spent alot of time gaining your qualifications for your proffession. Which is apparently a respectable one if that is what you want to hear. But keep in mind that most of what we are sure of and what is tought are for proffessional purposes. They are not designed for the purpose of open questioning and free thought. ET existence is present in many other ways than engineering mechanics of all things!!
Yes ObeBoneKenobi...i´m with you...Prof Voluptuary seems to be so fascinated to quote from some other´s statement, that he seems to forget what this tread really wants to say...

To Prof Voluptuary: Thank you for your answer, and your knowledge about the universe and the human physique is very impressive, :bowdown: ...but what you really learned, was nothing else but theories, like you said...and aslong they are theories, it didn´t make any sense to pic them up to explain something...because one theoriy says 1, another theory says 2...etc...a devil´s circle...

oh yes, one more thing: Don´t say anything against Star Trek, just because you don´t like it or don´t understand it. If you say that this "Vision" is nothing else but another stupid science fiction show, i can see that you didn´t understand what´s behind the message...It´s a very serious political series, that give us a straight message to our behaviour. For example:

the federation stands for America
the klingons are the russians
the romulans are the chinese
the bajorans are the jewes
and the cardassians are the germans...and through the different episodes, they wan to show us our behaviour, and our political and cultural statement against other cultures...and in this series you can imagine how humans would react by strange cultures like the gorn, or the know it is a test of characterisation...think of it...and don´t say, Star Trek can´t be realized...if you really know something about physique, you would never say "oh, no, this is defently impossible"...remember columbus or the X-1 supersonic-flight...the Ion engine, the hypospray, even the transporter, the handy...ok i have to stop here...and i know, what you want to say...of course it is also a "show"...there are explosions in space, and some other things...but this is just somethin for our eyes, exciting action etc...Did you ever see Star Trek?
Star Treek, was a nice serie -im not a fan of it, but i like the Deanna tits :nanner: -

realy ST was a biased interpretation of the world, sometimes too much romanticism, but even biased by the cold war propaganda (you know , the brutes, stinky, stupids are the russians, and the wisest, intelligent and civilizated are the americans, nice, not?)

i remember one episodie in the next generation, in which some american natives wanted to remain in a planet, and then piccard start to comment how the english hunted and persecuted the indians.....i just wanted to be there to tell him, "WTF!! is wrong with you, were the americans also who exterminated the indians!", but realy i also wanted to be there to touch the Deanna tits and butt!!!:nanner: :nanner:

is a good serie -mainly by Deanna tits :nanner: -, but dont take it too serius
yes, i know this episode, it´s a very good one...the indian leader told Picard something abour Picards familiel-line and their past...filled with indian blood...and than the indian leader said to Picard, he is here to get a white shirt, to get off this old blood caused by the war between indians and frensh (especially one general called whatever...Picard)...and he solved the problem, the indians still live on this planet (or will be):D ....and yes, dianna´s tits are very nice, but what do you think of Jeri Ryan aka Seven of Nine? i think much much much much much better?!:thumbsup:


and a nice pic of her: Ryan 273.jpg

but don´t forget, this is a discussion about "intelligent life" and i don´t think there is any intelligent life inside of Dianna´s or Seven´s breasts!?:D :rolleyes: