Let the Dudes marry the Dudes.It is a breakdown in society,but more Women to choose from for the rest of us.:1orglaugh4G63 said:As long as dudes aren't married to dudes I'm cool with ET's :rofl:
Let the Dudes marry the Dudes.It is a breakdown in society,but more Women to choose from for the rest of us.:1orglaugh4G63 said:As long as dudes aren't married to dudes I'm cool with ET's :rofl:
which is why if there is intellegent life that far away and they manage to get here we probably shouldn't fuck with them when they get here and pray to god they are friendly and have good intentions for visiting us! If they can travel those kinds of distances in the blink of an eye or even survive long enough for that 250 year journey, then their technology is obviously FAR superior to ours! who knows though maybe someday we'll be the ones who are considered ET on somebody elses planet!reidman said:There may be, but I don't belive in UFO or anything like that. I took astrology and I remember my teachers saying that so far no planets/stars that can support life have been found in whatever lightyears he said. But in that distance, it would take over 250 years for them to get here traveling at the speed of light. So very doubtful.
sammy402002 said:picard2893 said:oh, no...are you serious?
What means "intelligent lifeform"
That means, you know that there is no God out there, in the middle age the chirch created "god" to increase their power, they needed a kind of master ore leader who can´t be killed ore retired from someone, like the kings and queens, who were very powerful...and the fact, that some people still believe in god, is because they have a weak personality or soul or what ever, and they need a father figur or someone who leads them in their way of life...this is my statement...you can´t be serious believe in him or her...the bible was written for the dumb people in the middleage, and if you had read the book, you see a lot of things, which are now explored or expained--------------------------------Interesting thoughts.While it is very true the "Church" was power hungry in the middle ages and still tries to influence events today.The Church of the middle ages did not invent God,but used God.(or the concept of God,whatever You believe),because the texts of The Holy Bible were written long before the middle ages.The fact that organized religion has caused many wars before the middle ages;and continues to do so today is still a fact We are living with.Aren't We fighting Islamic Fundamentalism even Today?However,I believe the statement that The Bible was written for "dumb people" is the most innacurate statement I have read in a long time.It certainly does not make a person "dumb" to have a faith in a power greater than Man.Many Great leaders have had a faith in God;(in fact most World leaders have)-Tragically,even more have used "organized religion" as a basis to wage horrible wars and attacks on others of different beliefs.This is as old as History itself.Powerful people use religion to further their own means.However,the basic faith in a higher power does not make a person have a weak personality or a "weak soul",as You say---mmm--does a 21'st century scientific man such as You suggest have a soul?--I may have to look up soul in the damn dictionary,,that confused Me-I thought that was a faith based term.Well,I went off on the "Dumb people" comment which still covers about 90 percent of the World's population.I disagree.I do not think people with a faith are dumb.This thread started as intelligent life and other solar systems and went a different direction.I don't guess I helped keep it on track,sorry.I just wanted to reply to what I read.So,when it comes down to it,I am still waiting on some documents or transcriptions,or any communications from anywhere other than Earth.That will never happen.We are ALONE.We have to live together and save this planet.God help Us.-Sorry for showing My "Dumbness".--By the way,very interesting post You made.You are German.My Mother was born in Bremen.Enjoy the Football starting soon.:wave:
Hey, mister Los Angeles...thank you for your statement, as i wrote this i was very angry about the church and the religion as well, it´s always the same, you can believe in what you want, aslong nobody get´s hurt...and you´re right, the bible was created long time ago, before the middleages...but when you believe in this "never ending story" you also would believe in dragons and dwarfs...witches and Wizards...these are all stories, created by people, who didn´t want a universe created by ones and zeros, pure mathematic terms and pysically behaviour...they want a magic world, where everything is possible, even the afterlive, :angels: ...well, as the poster says: I want to believe, but i accepted,that the universe has no magic in it, everything is explainable, aristoteles ones said: "We are more than the sum of our matter/stuff"...but that´s not correct. "The soul" is nothing else but the combination of minds and thoughts...the explanation of "intellegence" is:
to know who you are
to know that you exist
"cogito ergo sum"
and that´s all...no angels and no devils...and believe me, it makes me sad, too...because without all the magic stuff our universe is really nothing else but numbers and facts...but anywhere intellegent live does exist out there...(read my comment at the beginning)
Aha, your mom comes from Bremen, did you visit bremen? It´s a very nice city, but Hamburg is a lot better:thumbsup: , i live near Bonn, at the rhine valley, near the seven mountains (the story about Siegfried and the firedragon, the Nibelungen and the dwarf Alberich is here at home)
Legzman said:I'd have to agree with Picard on his star trek thing, i've never gotten into the show but I have seen how things on that show have come into being in the real world like cell phones for instance are HUGE now but they just like the com thingy on Star Trek. As for us being ready for other lifeforms I'd say hell fuckin no we aren't! Look at the way we (here in america) at least treat outsiders. They are supposed to be welcomed but usually they are not. Good ol big brother america...BULLSHIT...sorry I'm sick of that stereotype, anyway, bush or whom ever is in office at the time would probably look at the E.T.s as some new form of terroism since right now we're all hung up on that issue and damn whatever is going on with our own people! He'd more than likely attack with out giving them a chance to show their intent wether it be peaceful or not and that would fuck up any chance we would have of peacful relations with them when and if they did come to visit...stop and think...if they've traveld hundreds of thousands of light years to get here to make some sort of contact then they are obviously FAR more advanced technologicaly than us...hence MUCH better weapons and we might not want to piss them off! God help us if they do exsist and come here while Bush is in office! Could answer my other thread:
real quick!
picard2893 said:sammy402002 said:Hey, mister Los Angeles...thank you for your statement, as i wrote this i was very angry about the church and the religion as well, it´s always the same, you can believe in what you want, aslong nobody get´s hurt...and you´re right, the bible was created long time ago, before the middleages...but when you believe in this "never ending story" you also would believe in dragons and dwarfs...witches and Wizards...these are all stories, created by people, who didn´t want a universe created by ones and zeros, pure mathematic terms and pysically behaviour...they want a magic world, where everything is possible, even the afterlive, :angels: ...well, as the poster says: I want to believe, but i accepted,that the universe has no magic in it, everything is explainable, aristoteles ones said: "We are more than the sum of our matter/stuff"...but that´s not correct. "The soul" is nothing else but the combination of minds and thoughts...the explanation of "intellegence" is:
to know who you are
to know that you exist
"cogito ergo sum"
and that´s all...no angels and no devils...and believe me, it makes me sad, too...because without all the magic stuff our universe is really nothing else but numbers and facts...but anywhere intellegent live does exist out there...(read my comment at the beginning)
:crying: :crying:
I could not be more against this view!!! I don't mean to attack you personally but how does one with such a limited mind live with themselves. Have you ever questioned what exists before and after your life, beyond your mind or how and why your own thoughts surface. Can you explain existence with math and fact??!!! God damn I thought these posts were jokes at first. It needs to be said This universe we live in now is dreamt up by consciousness of far vaster creative force than numbers and facts. I will believe you when you say it makes you sad, if you want to focus on and believe what is force fed about the predictable logic of everything like an equation, that is what your 'soul' will be. They are only modern tools. Again..it's not you personally, it is a latent mindset. The true possibilities are endless, beyond our common knowledge by this universe. Read my other post on page 1. This is still very much about the possibility of aliens.
of course everyone is entitled to their own oppinions...