If we all quit when life sucked nothing would ever get done.
Tried. They all reject me.
Even KFC. :rofl:
Miss Vaseline is loyal. :thumbsup: :thefinger
Its not that. I just dont get to meet them. I am out of college, unemployed and have no local buddies to are into night life.
Ergo cant meet girls in an educational environment, or work or in a club.
Tried socializing thru activity groups but thats a dead end and online dating hasnt yet been worth it.
Tips? My patience is at an end on all fronts.
Ok, paying for it?
Is it as immoral as I have told myself or been raised to believe?
I live a horrible, middle class existance which is based on conformity. Its a suburb in a desirable address, 2 minutes from a rowing club and 10 from a golf course. I am expected to be prim and proper, good schools, 2 stints at college, nice house [live rent free], 2 cars in the drive way, and a family of successful corporate lackeys-and I am sick of it.
I want to be wild, to be crazy. To fuck the world-and literally fuck the world. I dont know man, I'm just down on my life. All my life its been his regimented, socially driven existance and I'm tired of it.
I want to go crazy, really.
I have a huge student debt and no job. I feel like I've wasted years to no avail.
And I havent felt the silky wetness of a lady in like 6 months! I am going mildly crazy!
Whatever you fucking do, stay away from guns!!!!!!
I don't think it's immoral to pay a hooker at a brothel who gets regular health checkups. At least when you spend your money on her, your guaranteed sex unlike when you go to a bar or club in which your not guaraneed of getting laid although you wasted all this money buying expensive drinks for chics there.
Stop overanalyzing your situation and reactionary by lashing out at the world; there's people all over the world whose circumstances are much worse than yours and would trade places with you in a second if they could. Be proactive, constructive, enjoy and appreciate the opportunities and privelages you were born with and learn how to make lemonade with the lemons you're currently holding.