Illegal Immigration Costs Taxpayers $135 BILLION a Year

Illegal immigration is costing taxpayers a whopping $135billion a year according to a new report.

The price per alien has ballooned by about $3billion in four years, with factors like free health care and a soaring immigrant population are contributing to costs. Other big price tags in the per person tally are free education, and an enormous law enforcement bill.

The report out by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) is called the 'The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers,' is being touted as the most comprehensive report to date, according to the Washington Examiner.

Claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates say aliens pay off-setting taxes back to the federal and state treasuries, the total amount in the report is just $19billion, making a small dent in the overall costs of undocumented immigrants in America.

President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and conservatives in Congress have been aggressive in pushing for immigration reform, specifically in dealing with aliens with criminal history.

Often their efforts are either fought in courts or by what has been dubbed 'sanctuary communities' that out right refuse to deal with federal law enforcement looking to deport individuals.

Meanwhile the construction of several boarder wall prototypes are being constructed from various materials, and they are expected to be tested near San Diego, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The lengthy report also breaks down factors like the costs of educating a child that doesn't speak English. That cost averages $12,000 a year, and in an city like New York it can go as high as $25,000 a year.

The price of an illegal child soars higher once you factor in lunches, welfare and healthcare, according to FAIR's report.

California also has a whopping bill of spending around #23billion a year overall, which is followed by Texas at $11billion and New York coming in third at $7.4billion.

On the federal level, the 12.5million aliens and their $4.2million children cost about $29billion in medical care, $23billion for law enforcement, $9 billion in welfare, $46 billion for education.

Part of the issue at hand is undocumented workers provide cheaper labor to small businesses.

'The United States recoups only about 14 percent of the amount expended annually on illegal aliens. If the same jobs held by illegal aliens were filled by legal workers, at the prevailing market wage, it may safely be presumed that federal, state and local governments would receive higher tax payments,' said FAIR.

Well looky what we got here.


Is there a point to this? And is there a reason why the Daily Mail was the source you decided to use?

I could go on, but this is the sort of thing I've decided not to waste too much time on. :sleep:
The report out by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) is called the 'The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers,' is being touted as the most comprehensive report to date, according to the Washington Examiner

A totally unbiased study from a totally unbiased organisation, published by a totally unbiased media...


Hiliary 2020
There we go again with the conditioned response w/ denial.
"I don't wanna here any mo!"
I agree another illegal immigrant thread is not necessary but can anybody actually deny that illegal immigration in a drain on the country?
It is.
But its not going to change. If the GOV wanted to stop it they would. They don't and they won't.
Besides we've got bigger things to worry about like Koweans, and Iwanians and those pesky Naztis.

Will E Worm

They should all be deported.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
This study contradicts numbers I've seen (CBO, 2007, for example), but it's more recent, so who knows. As has already been stated, the source is dubious. Due diligence asks that one actually go through the study, but time-as-a-precious-resource begs to regard bad sources as simply bad and leave it there.

In any case, this is all a red herring anyway. Even if we accept the $135 billion a year cost, we waste 2-3x that much sucking Saudi and Israeli cocks and lighting the Middle East on fire for corporate profits. Congress just approved an extra $80 billion a year for just those purposes. But oh noes, it's brown people or future universal healthcare that'll bankrupt us. :rolleyes:

You want to crack down on illegal immigrants? Roll back certain trade deals and legalize all drugs and crack down on companies that hire illegal immigrants.

Problem solved. joke. Very few people want to upend their lives and go to a country that doesn't like them (nor will their home country for leaving), doesn't speak their language, live in a limbo status with the constant threat of deportation, etc etc, unless their alternative at home is really that bad. And the US has a huge responsibility in making it that bad - either from a few items already mentioned above, or, you know, our history of replacing democratically elected leaders with dictators to protect corporate interests.
Unless you have 100% blood-kin descendants who are Native-American, ALL Americans are immigrants.

I wholeheartedly agree with you but the Federation for American Immigration Reform does not. They want to restrict ALL immigration, legal or illegal. This includes restricting immigration of people who are making innovation in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

- - - Updated - - -

Unless you have 100% blood-kin descendants who are Native-American, ALL Americans are immigrants.

I wholeheartedly agree with you but the Federation for American Immigration Reform does not. They want to restrict ALL immigration, legal or illegal. This includes restricting immigration of people who are making innovation in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Unless you have 100% blood-kin descendants who are Native-American, ALL Americans are immigrants.


To emigrate is to follow a legal path of being in a country. If you did not, you are not an immigrant.

The "New World" and America was not a sovereign country and all who came before a government was formed were settlers.


BTW, don't let the fact that Will posted it keep anyone from watching the above video. I watched all 9 parts last night and I'm glad I did. Rep to Will. :hatsoff:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue

To emigrate is to follow a legal path of being in a country. If you did not, you are not an immigrant.

The "New World" and America was not a sovereign country and all who came before a government was formed were settlers.

By whose definition? I guess you meant "sovereign country" and "government" from a strictly European-model viewpoint then. I think the individual Indian Nations might beg to differ but if it makes you feel better to think that yours is the correct interpretation then by all means please do so. :hatsoff: