This Is Why We Have Sanctuary Cities

You have sanctuary cities because of mostly and mainly gangs linked to illegal aliens immigration but also because of weak on crime mayors, senators and governors which are all democrats.


Cut of the :bs: and the nonsense and get back to reality please.

Denver sanctuary policy stands after arrest of hit-and-run suspect who was already deported six times

Denver Sticking To Sanctuary Policy Following Arrest Of Hit-And-Run Suspect Who Was Already Deported Six Times

Welcoming illegals who are felons and proven repeated criminals is a sign or intelligence? Definitely a sign of absolute stupidity and safety gross negligence. :thefinger:
ICE proves us once again how much sanctuary cities love criminals. Sanctuary cities freed suspects who killed girl, 16
If I lived in a city that told illegal border crossers to come there to be safe I would f*in run! How dumb is that, "you snuck into the country for some reason go ahead and hide here!" you know that when Americans run for Mexico it's because they have committed crimes don't you think some of those Nobel illegal border crossers in "search if a better life" have committed crimes in the life there running away from? Sanctuary cities but not for their residents hahah