If You Woke Up Tomorrow Being G.W. Bush...


Say: ''The War On Terrorism Ends Now. Terrorists are murderers, and such murderers will still be tracked down and punished. But there are people in the Arab world who have legitimate issues with us and, while terrorism is not an acceptable way to express those issues, we will look at the issues and attempt to address them in a fair way. Plus, henceforth, we'll apply the same rules to Israel that we apply to all other nation states. And, when removing evil dictators, we won't confine our interests to those with oil. Zimbabwe be warned.''
Stop attacking us, and we'll stop attacking you.

You realize, I hope, that the same could be said by the Muslims. Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason why these ignorant, hateful, savage animals hate the west so much? Claiming moral highground in this so called war on terror is far more ignorant than anything the Muslims could possibly offer.

Apart from that, what you're suggesting is the slaughter of millions of innocent people due to the actions of a few, most of which probably do what they do as a direct result of actions by the west. The scary thing is, a lot of people agree with you.
Tell me again; who are the savages?


We're all savages. And I'm claiming absolutely no moral high ground. I'm saying that I'm on my side and they are on their side and I'm sick of my side getting killed. And if they only way to curtail my side from getting killed is by killing more of them.......so be it. Didn't ask for it, don't want it, but if that's the way the game is going to be played, I'm going to play to win. The words, "Unbelievably Large Military Arsenal" applies to only one country that I know of, and it's time we acted like it.


It's good to be the king...
Mayhem said:
Om3ga: Good post. I am well aware of the contributions that medieval Islam made to the society of the time. In fact, I'll see you and raise. Muslims were bathing when Christians were still stupid enough to think it was harmful. And during a time when a dozen books made a "library" to a Christian, cities like Cordoba, Seville and Madrid (all under Muslim rule) were centers of education, with entire streets groaning under the weight of books and pamphlets. The idea of a coffee house as a center of debate was an Islamic invention.

That was then, this is now.

Whatever redeeming features the Muslim world may have had at a given time, those values are quite simply gone. GONE. Show me one area of the Mideast that bears any resemblance to what you and I described. It's not there anymore. What's left is ignorance, hatred, spite and bile for their own sake. And people are dying, and they will continue to die. Or is there anyone out there delusional to think that maybe things will have calmed down by this time next year?

So all that I (personally) am left with is: If people are going to die anyway, let it be the other side. Show me anything other than violence that these people might understand and let's give it a try. But when that try fails(and it will), go back to bombing the shit out of them.

It really is that simple. Stop attacking us, and we'll stop attacking you.

I don't want to drift off-topic any further, but how can we see anything other than violence, when those committing the violence hogs the limelight? Peaceful Muslims doesn't sell newspapers or up the ratings. I'd like to know the opinions of people like Jihad Momani, the Jordanian newspaper editor who published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in his country.

Jihad Momani also wrote the following:

"Muslims of the world be reasonable. What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"

PS: Jihad Momani was fired, arrested and is now accused of insulting religion under Jordan's press and publications law.
Guys and gals, this thread was NOT intended for debates among/between members here on specific, singular topics (PMs are ample for that), but rather to see what people would do to change/improve the world or the USA, what issues they would address, and what sorts of decisions they would make if they woke up and were President of the USA...

It's a "what if?" thread.

:hatsoff: :)
Reveal the largest ball of twine to the ppl at Guiness so I can get a official positive rating in the eyes of my public.
Nightfly said:
If, by some magic or curse (depending on how you see Bush) this happened, what would you do? :dunno: :confused:

Pull the old hat-trick and bone the twins and then have a 3some with Laura & Condi.:wave:
well first off all i'd institute an equal tax rate where your payment was directly correlated to your earnings. in other words: take the rich off welfare. then I'd take all that money I just got and pay out reparations. I'd then issue the following statement to the world: "we've taken steps to bring about reconcilliation and real democracy to our country, I hope the rest of you can follow in our example. the war on terror is over, but for all of those that still wish to pratice violence and intolerance, let you be warned. we still will do our part to fight injustice and preserve democracy. but our policy is live and let live. Now to deal with that, here is our new president, Collin Powell. I formerly resign."


Slam said:
I would hire a team of interns and pull a Clinton. Then the next morning I was no longer GWB, I'd watch the news and enjoy him dealing with the problems :p

Nice idea - on second thoughts, if I were Bush, I'd call a press conference and, when the press walked into my office, first thing they'd see is me, Bush, with my dick in bent-over Monica Lewinsky's ass.

Then it would change back to Bush himself and he could deal with the fall-out. :thefinger


1) Announce to the world that for the rest of the present administration that America will no longer act as the world's police force.
2) ASAP hold referendum in Iraq. Ask whether Iraqi's wish U.S. troops to leave Iraqi within 3 months. If 50% +1 of Iraqi's say 'yes; then all U.S. troops are to leave Iraq within 3 months.
3) All United States military bases around the world that are not under treaty obligations to be open; shall be immediately closed and the land sold (so later administrations cannot easily go back).
4) Within 2 years; all military and non-emergency economic aid (including loan assistance and loan guarantees) will cease completely.
5) All prisoners held in terrorist 'detention camps' (such as Guantanamo Bay) must go on trial within one year. All that are not are to be officailly released to their home countries authorities within one calender year.
6) Implement the 0.7% agreement of emergency aid to third world countries. In addition, set aside an additional 0.3% (roughly 8 billion dollars) to purchase generic AIDS drugs to be distributed world wide as needed through reputable AIDS fighting agencies. This latter policy to continue until the UN no longer considers AIDS a world wide epidemic.
7) 2005 United States federal expenditures: $2.466 Trillion dollars.
2005 United States federal revenues: $2.119 Trillion dollars.
Immediately propose to Congress an across the board budget cut of 15% to balance the budget; unless Congress can agree to a budget that is balanced. Also propose that no federal budgets may go into deficit unless a national emergency and/or an official state of war exists.
8) Implement a flat income tax system. And remove all tax deductions except for charitable contributions.
9) Legalize drug use. Implement federally run drug clubs to open in every city over 100,000 people. All proceeds to go to drug rehabititation and to paying down the national debt.
10) Lower national minimum wage age to 16.

And then sit back and wait to be assassinated.:)
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BTW Number 10) the minimum wage one was assuming that 16 and 17 year old's are allowed to work minimum wage jobs in the 'states (like at McDonald's and Subway et al) but are paid less then adults (as they do here in Canada).

Oh, one more...
11) Legalize prostitution.
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before killing myself I would do some of the stuff mcrocket said like legalize drugs, prostitution, ...
I would also abolish death sentence
I would take a look inside the area51 to see what is really happening here.
I would accept kyoto protocol
and finally I would steal some billions of $ inside the war reserved money and send them to my family, friends and freeones staff+members ;)
leave iraq, fire cheney and rummsfield, let gays marry, nominate people to the supreme court that are aware of changing times and don't want this to be the 1800's again, stop spending money we don't have, goto school cause I'm stupid, actually answer an unscripted question instead of dancing around it, admit I'm actually not from texas, catch osama, then i'd turn blue and renounce my religion, the dump lara and turn gay.

and if by then i hadn't turned back to me id kill myself


Man, did I forget a bunch of things that the above two posts reminded me of; try to abolish death sentence through Congress, try to get Kyoto through Congress, fire Rumsfeld and Cheney, let gays marry (I forgot about that one 'cause it's legal up here in Canada). All great ideas - if you had the power to do them.
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Nightfly said:
Guys and gals, this thread was NOT intended for debates among/between members here on specific, singular topics (PMs are ample for that), but rather to see what people would do to change/improve the world or the USA, what issues they would address, and what sorts of decisions they would make if they woke up and were President of the USA...

It's a "what if?" thread.

:hatsoff: :)

No I won't debate. But, thousands of 'thank-you's for starting this thread.

1. I will desist CIA to make frankenstines like Osama Bin Laden in future.
2. I will stop talking.
3. But I will fail to do either.
4. I will kill myself.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
1) Apologize to the world for being a closed-minded redneck tyrant
2) Fire my entire staff and cabinet
3) Resign
4) Spend a week of total debauchery in Las Vegas
5) Drink myself into oblivion
6) Die living under a bridge