Mayhem said:
I would instigate WWIII against the Arab world. No more pussy-footing around. They would have to build Tomahawk missiles around the clock to keep up with demand. Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia would all be on my list. The streets would become rivers of blood.
Don't get me wrong. For years I've followed the lead: Islam is a religion of peace, blah, blah, blah. But now they're attacking embassies again? Fuck 'em. They are animals, they should be slaughtered like animals. I'm through being "enlightened" or "tolerant of other peoples beliefs".
And for all you Canadians, Brits, Frenchies and the rest who like the blame America for everything: Blow Me! We are the first super-power in the history of the planet that has failed to annihilate (or tried to) a hostile power that has attacked us. If we were the Roman Empire, British Empire, etc., this whole issue would be over, and Islam would be relegated to the museums where it belongs. The old tactics worked best. Kill them, burn them, starve them, let them die of disease. America failed to follow this doctrine in Korea. Strife in Korea. We failed to follow this doctrine in Vietnam. We lost in Vietnam. And now the Middle East. They are the ones who want this war. I say give it to them.
Anyway, that's what I would do.
Excuse me:
During the Middle Ages the Islamic World had a very significant impact upon Europe, which in turn cleared the way for the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. In the Medieval age, Islam and Muslims influenced Europe in a number of different ways. One of the most important of these subjects was Science. Cities like Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo and Cordoba (the capital of Muslim Spain) were the centers of civilization. These cities were flourishing and Muslim scientists made tremendous progress in applied as well as theoretical Science and Technology. In Europe, however, the situation was much different. Europe was in the Dark Ages. It had no infrastructure or central government.
Science was encouraged by the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad and they established the "House of Wisdom", an academy of science where they gathered important Sanskrit and Greek manuscripts and supported scholars to study and translate them. Some of these manuscripts were thus saved for humanity only through the Arabic medium.
Thus, Muslims feel that the era that followed the Romans Era and is commonly refered to as the "Dark Ages" by us, should fairly be named the "Muslim Era".
The important contributions made by Islamic scholars can be seen in many words still in use today: alkali, algebra, alchemy, alcohol, Aldebaran, Altair, Algol, alembic, algorithm, almanac, Almagest, through to zenith and zero. Not bad for "animals"....
Also, I'm sorry but not all Muslims seek the destruction of western society. As I mentioned in another thread it is up to those silent Muslims to denounce and defeat the extremist elements in their midst, who taint their religion with each bomb, kidnap, destruction and atrocity.
Those extremists responsible for 9/11, Bali, Madrid, 7/7 and other outrages are scum of the Earth and deserve to go to hell. But they are also successfully (imo) painting Islam as an intolerant religion dedicated to the destruction of our civilisation and they strengthen support for far-right elements (like our British National Party). The average Muslim has to recognise this.
A religion that kept science & mathematics alive during the Dark Ages shouldn't be hijacked by fundamentalism.
Ok - If I was dubya, I would adopt a disguise and go amongst the populace to determine what people
really think: