i just want to start a topic for a little evening amusement... i have been in america for several years, like every other nations there nice people n assholes, but whenever i see discussion if you do not support america, you are terrorist, if you are with america you are defending yourself/your country/ or whatever the heck you are doing
There are nice people and a small percentage actually believe in the whole terrorist if you are not with us mentality. What most people do not like is when someone moves from another country and immediately starts bashing the country and live here for many years and bashes it. Why stay if unhappy?
I don't know what groups you hang around with but has anyone actually deemed you a true to life terrorist for not liking the country?
Or are you just reading into it and thinking that way?
Either way most people are laid back until politics or religion get on subject.
And if you should encounter someone babbling on, out of the blue, with no direct enabling of a political topic or religious subject, go the other way. You are not going to change their minds anymore than they will you; most likely.
isreal killed and bombed schools accidentally while they are protecting their country
They are facing against a HAMAS ran nation of Palestine and other nations who are wanting to see Israel flushed off the face of the planet. Has been that way for a very long time. Casualties always happens in war. Negative opinion is most popular thanks to leftist reports; positive opinion is most popular thanks to rightist reports.
Israel does many preemptive attacks and attacks back when attacked. It's called war. It happens. It will always happen. Until the true terrorists are completely wiped off the face of this planet there will always be a massive amount of innocent bloodshed. On both sides due to one side attacking for no reason; the other side attacking to defend and protect.
Venezuela government and chavez are terrorist because they dont sell their oil to america
Not true. Valero gas stations are Venezuelan owned. As well as Citgo and I believe Clark gas stations.
Not to mention the very voting machines people use are linked to Venezuelan owned factory.
iran is a terrorist country because they are trying to produce nuclear weapons, USA and Israel officially announced that they do have thousands of nuclear weapons
When you have a leader get up continuously talking about wiping Jews off the face of the planet, destroying Israel and all the swine in it, nuking Israel, and hating North America in the same vicious light. Do you really want him to be able to build nuclear warheads?
Unless of course you hate this country so much and think you have a way out or so oblivious to the fact that Ahmadinejad is a madman who wants to see the world as a violently ran Islamic state like his own country, well, good luck living in that world. I know I wouldn't want it. Neither would I want a nuclear fallout if he does get his hands on nuclear warheads.
So what are you saying the end? You have regrets of moving here? Unhappy? Were you able to so freely mention this kind of dislike and opinionated views without repercussion by the government where you used to live?
This is indeed a great country to live in. Don't let a few folks make you think of this country as bad. And if this country is so bad. Why so many illegals sneaking in for a better life and get up in arms if they have to go back to their country of origin?
I say this is a mighty fine damn country and I would like to see it stay that way. Just too bad we have shit politicians and a quiet public not voicing what it is that needs to change. Politicians work for US; not the other way around. That is what people need to remember. In this country there is supposed to be majority and minority. Plain and simple. Equality is for humanity only. What you do for yourself will always separate you from others. So if you are rich you are rich; if you are poor you are poor. In the end we are all humans with different ways of living; but still human.
Keep this country great.