If you are against american government, they call you terrorist :)

i just want to start a topic for a little evening amusement... i have been in America for several years, like every other nations there nice people n assholes, but whenever i see discussion if you do not support America, you are terrorist, if you are with America you are defending yourself/your country/ or whatever the heck you are doing :)

i just want to see how you see this, no harm no hard feelings just a little bit fun...

some examples from American tvs,

isreal killed and bombed schools accidentally while they are protecting their country :)
Venezuela government and chavez are terrorist because they dont sell their oil to America :)
iran is a terrorist country because they are trying to produce nuclear weapons, USA and Israel officially announced that they do have thousands of nuclear weapons :)
and story continues with wikileak stories, tortures in iraq etc....
I'm a terrist

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If you aren't American, you're a terrorist. Act accordingly.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
What if you're a legal resident of America who thinks an Americanocentric view of the world is deplorable?

GTFO! You're either with us or against us.


Hiliary 2020
i just want to start a topic for a little evening amusement... i have been in america for several years, like every other nations there nice people n assholes, but whenever i see discussion if you do not support america, you are terrorist, if you are with america you are defending yourself/your country/ or whatever the heck you are doing :)

i just want to see how you see this, no harm no hard feelings just a little bit fun...

some examples from american tvs,

isreal killed and bombed schools accidentally while they are protecting their country :)
Venezuela government and chavez are terrorist because they dont sell their oil to america :)
iran is a terrorist country because they are trying to produce nuclear weapons, USA and Israel officially announced that they do have thousands of nuclear weapons :)
and story continues with wikileak stories, tortures in iraq etc....

well your final sentence summed you up pretty good.
the tortures in iraq.
i suppose you meant the usa torturing.
the fact that saddam, when he was in power and even before tortured and murdered millions in very disgusting ways doesnt matter to you right?
and iran does support terrorists, you know, people who bomb crowded areas with the intent to kill everyone there.
thats why they are a terrorist country, the fact that they will have nukes is a seperate issue.
and chavez has allied with iran and said some pretty strong things against the usa, so that at least would make him an enemy right?
( although Obama smiled, shook his hand and accepted the down with america book from him as a gift).

as far as isreal i'll agree with you on that.
they have been guilty of terrorism many times and i wish the usa would cut them off but that aint ga happen.

so youre a foreigner, let me guess an arab or indian living in the usa but you dont support the country?
do you hate the united states?
if so, why are you there?
i remember from a movie, i think it was from The Town (ben affleck)

"unless this guy convert into islam there is no way we can get a warrant for him"

well your final sentence summed you up pretty good.
the tortures in iraq.
i suppose you meant the usa torturing.
the fact that saddam, when he was in power and even before tortured and murdered millions in very disgusting ways doesnt matter to you right?
and iran does support terrorists, you know, people who bomb crowded areas with the intent to kill everyone there.
thats why they are a terrorist country, the fact that they will have nukes is a seperate issue.
and chavez has allied with iran and said some pretty strong things against the usa, so that at least would make him an enemy right?
( although Obama smiled, shook his hand and accepted the down with america book from him as a gift).

as far as isreal i'll agree with you on that.
they have been guilty of terrorism many times and i wish the usa would cut them off but that aint ga happen.

so youre a foreigner, let me guess an arab or indian living in the usa but you dont support the country?
do you hate the united states?
if so, why are you there?

hey brother no offence, i love america even though im not american, i just hate how big guys set americans mind....

The reason for going iraq was to find nuclear weapons, DICK said we made a mistake there was no nuclear weapons in iraq but oil :) i strongly suggest you to watch The Movie "The Green Zone"

if US Government, i repeat government not the americans were really concerned about tortures why did not they shut down Guatemala base?

and i also suggest you to check saddams background, he was a CIA Agent and was trained by cia like bin ladin, dont believe me go online, and find out

i also advise you to check what corporate america has done in Indonesia, Philippines, Ecuador, Bolivia etc dont believe me? go to youtube and watch "confessions of an economic hitman"

again this is just for fun dont be offended


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
i just want to start a topic for a little evening amusement... i have been in america for several years, like every other nations there nice people n assholes, but whenever i see discussion if you do not support america, you are terrorist, if you are with america you are defending yourself/your country/ or whatever the heck you are doing :)

i just want to see how you see this, no harm no hard feelings just a little bit fun...

some examples from american tvs,

isreal killed and bombed schools accidentally while they are protecting their country :)
Venezuela government and chavez are terrorist because they dont sell their oil to america :)
iran is a terrorist country because they are trying to produce nuclear weapons, USA and Israel officially announced that they do have thousands of nuclear weapons :)
and story continues with wikileak stories, tortures in iraq etc....

First off, welcome to the USA....a place where, in spite of our shortcomings, people are certainly free to speak their minds on such subjects without fear of reprisal.

It's easy to understand how some people would feel the way that you do. However, some of the things you claim are not exactly so. There will always be Israeli apologists in the US....it just comes with the turf. Turn on Al Jazeera and you'll hear the opposite viewpoint. Sorry....it has always been thus.

Likewise, I don't believe that I have ever heard anyone refer to Hugo Chavez as a terrorist....most certainly not for the reasons you mentioned. In fact, Citgo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Venezuelan government and sells a shitload of gas to Americans every day:


Iran is a different story. While it may seem hypocritical for the US to be so vehemently opposed to them developing nuclear weapons, Ahmadinejad has brazenly called for the extermination of Israel by whatever means possible and those would undoubtedly include nukes if Iran indeed had them. Regardless of what you think of the hypocrisy, the US and Israel don't arbitrarily threaten to use them the way Iran most certainly would. Believe me, if we were so inclined we would have long-ago reduced most of this planet to a smoldering cinder.

As far as the Wikileaks issue is concerned, SPC Manning took an oath of loyalty to the United States and he betrayed it. He is a traitor and should be treated as such. Additionally (and not condoning this at all), every nation of any substance has covert operations/black ops that are in effect that deal outside the framework of the law and the US is no different. It's just a fact of life. To call the US to account for this is to hold us to a different standard than you would other nations and is unequivocally unjust.

Besides, what does that have to do with the subject of your thread? Some people believe that the mere presence and actions of the US military in the Middle East qualifies as terrorism in and of itself so if that is your contention....that we are hypocrites in that regard....that is a whole other argument. :2offtopic

Lastly, I don't know where you are from or what your ethnic background is but I think you may be hearing what you want to hear. If you think about it, there is more dissent and criticism of the US by its own citizenry than could ever be heaped upon us by some foreign source so I think your contention that anyone who does not blindly support the aims of the American government is inherently dubbed a "terrorist" is extreme to say the least. Most certainly, however, there are plenty of groups and individuals who do wish us harm and have acted both overtly and covertly to achieve same and these people are unquestionably and most justifiably labeled as terrorists.
i just want to start a topic for a little evening amusement... i have been in america for several years, like every other nations there nice people n assholes, but whenever i see discussion if you do not support america, you are terrorist, if you are with america you are defending yourself/your country/ or whatever the heck you are doing :)

There are nice people and a small percentage actually believe in the whole terrorist if you are not with us mentality. What most people do not like is when someone moves from another country and immediately starts bashing the country and live here for many years and bashes it. Why stay if unhappy?

I don't know what groups you hang around with but has anyone actually deemed you a true to life terrorist for not liking the country?

Or are you just reading into it and thinking that way?

Either way most people are laid back until politics or religion get on subject.

And if you should encounter someone babbling on, out of the blue, with no direct enabling of a political topic or religious subject, go the other way. You are not going to change their minds anymore than they will you; most likely.

isreal killed and bombed schools accidentally while they are protecting their country :)

They are facing against a HAMAS ran nation of Palestine and other nations who are wanting to see Israel flushed off the face of the planet. Has been that way for a very long time. Casualties always happens in war. Negative opinion is most popular thanks to leftist reports; positive opinion is most popular thanks to rightist reports.

Israel does many preemptive attacks and attacks back when attacked. It's called war. It happens. It will always happen. Until the true terrorists are completely wiped off the face of this planet there will always be a massive amount of innocent bloodshed. On both sides due to one side attacking for no reason; the other side attacking to defend and protect.

Venezuela government and chavez are terrorist because they dont sell their oil to america :)

Not true. Valero gas stations are Venezuelan owned. As well as Citgo and I believe Clark gas stations.

Not to mention the very voting machines people use are linked to Venezuelan owned factory.

iran is a terrorist country because they are trying to produce nuclear weapons, USA and Israel officially announced that they do have thousands of nuclear weapons :)

When you have a leader get up continuously talking about wiping Jews off the face of the planet, destroying Israel and all the swine in it, nuking Israel, and hating North America in the same vicious light. Do you really want him to be able to build nuclear warheads?

Unless of course you hate this country so much and think you have a way out or so oblivious to the fact that Ahmadinejad is a madman who wants to see the world as a violently ran Islamic state like his own country, well, good luck living in that world. I know I wouldn't want it. Neither would I want a nuclear fallout if he does get his hands on nuclear warheads.

So what are you saying the end? You have regrets of moving here? Unhappy? Were you able to so freely mention this kind of dislike and opinionated views without repercussion by the government where you used to live?

This is indeed a great country to live in. Don't let a few folks make you think of this country as bad. And if this country is so bad. Why so many illegals sneaking in for a better life and get up in arms if they have to go back to their country of origin?

I say this is a mighty fine damn country and I would like to see it stay that way. Just too bad we have shit politicians and a quiet public not voicing what it is that needs to change. Politicians work for US; not the other way around. That is what people need to remember. In this country there is supposed to be majority and minority. Plain and simple. Equality is for humanity only. What you do for yourself will always separate you from others. So if you are rich you are rich; if you are poor you are poor. In the end we are all humans with different ways of living; but still human.

Keep this country great.
When you have a leader get up continuously talking about wiping Jews off the face of the planet, destroying Israel and all the swine in it, nuking Israel, and hating North America in the same vicious light. Do you really want him to be able to build nuclear warheads?
who sets the rule? im supporting iran but they said they had no intention to build nuclear weapons, they said this in UN meetings... israel can have nuclear weapons but other cant?

why did israel jumped on to Civil Ships in international water? i repeat in international water not in israel territory?
if you go to a little midwest, you will see how ignorant and religious people are... even in florida, just remember the church who were planning to burn quaran....

israel has been bombing civil places and killing innocent people for years, israel soldiers even posted torture pics to their facebook pages...

i have a lot of jewish friends im talking about governments here....
Just because someone says something at a UN meeting don't mean squat! UN is useless. Worst thing to ever happen to the world.

UN meetings just another hot air blow fest.