Should the Obama lose, I can see the left going crazy.
Romney will raise taxes on the middle class. He has literally stated this. So, I can see a fringe party being formed - one which, at first, will seem to be an anti-tax party, one for both parties, but will only be for the very left. Of course, though it will appease to the far left, it will be funded by leftie billionaires. They will even give themselves a different party name, but still remain a part of the Democratic party.
Of course, it will not stop there. Romney's dad is Mexican. This is will documented. There will be another fringe group that will call Romney's citizenship into question. That group will join itself with that fringe lefty group. Even when presented with factual proof that Romney was born in the U.S., that group will continue to claim that he was not. Of course, since he is a white guy, there will also be continual claims that he is a Christian, and a financial elitist.
As I said, that fringe group will consist of crazies - but the group will grow in power in the Democratic party. Some of our Democratic leaders will be forced to step in line with this party, or face being bounced in the primaries. Pelosi and Reed both will vow to block any legislation Romney proposes. There will be open talk of secession from the U.S. by some sour grape blue states. Romney's tax plan will be challenged by those Democratic governors, who will vow to constitutionally fight those taxes, arguing that taxes are states rights.
Meanwhile, the very obviously liberal media will play their part. Lies about Romney will be accepted as fact, and some news stations will in fact have editorial hours, followed by news hours citing those editorial hours as their very sources. "He was not born in the U.S." "He is a religious fanatic." "He is a fascist". "He hates black/brown/red/yellow people." "He tied his dog to the bumper of his family vacation station wagon, then sped off." Facts will become non-existent, fairy tales fact. Hate speech by public officials will become the norm and accepted in many corners - acceptable, after all, because Romney is so different than the rest of us. Hell, he doesn't look like any other President we had in the 2010s...he MUST be one of those weird Christian Mexicans!
Yeah. I can totally see that.