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Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
....why doesn't he tell us. Maybe I'm being skeptical here, but when you have millions of people divided all over the world over something so unsure as religion it seems ridiculous. If I died right now and there was a heaven and God and all that, it would be the first question I would ask. In fact, I would be angry at a God who could intervene on this earth with a miracle to stop the religious wars but chooses not to.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I have the same theory, but I think he turns his head and says only the strong survive, it doesn't matter if you have faith or not, just look @ all the violence, mayhem, natural disasters, plagues, disease's, accidents, and all other ways people die, if there was a god, do you think he would let all this carry on? I thought all men (humans) were created equal and were all here in the pursuit of happiness? with the same chance @ happiness and success? :dunno: IMO that's just a load of
to pacify us.
:2 cents:
....why doesn't he tell us. Maybe I'm being skeptical here, but when you have millions of people divided all over the world over something so unsure as religion it seems ridiculous. If I died right now and there was a heaven and God and all that, it would be the first question I would ask. In fact, I would be angry at a God who could intervene on this earth with a miracle to stop the religious wars but chooses not to.

God does not exist. The question is void. Move along, we have jihads to wage, murders to commit in the name of said lord and general inhuman atrocities to commit. Isnt "religion" fun.


All human existance is an eye-blink to God. He doesn't give a shit if you win the lotto or get in a car wreck. He is, however, watching us to see how we handle our existence, how we relate to each other, as individuals and as societies. I think God is the same God for Christans, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. I think he did this on purpose to see how we would handle it. I think he is disappointed.


I once read a quote that said "With or without religion, good people would still do good and bad people would still do bad." Religion is just an excuse, but we'd find other things to fight over(land, resources) and hate the fellow person for(political views, ethnic background). Its in our nature to do both good and evil.
I think that if God exists he just lets the universe evolve on its own, maybe he has intervened before(in biblical times) but that hasn't stopped us from killing each other. Or it could be that since God is all-knowing, he knows the exact moment he has to reveal himself to the world and that moment has not come yet.
All human existance is an eye-blink to God. He doesn't give a shit if you win the lotto or get in a car wreck. He is, however, watching us to see how we handle our existence, how we relate to each other, as individuals and as societies. I think God is the same God for Christans, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. I think he did this on purpose to see how we would handle it. I think he is disappointed.
Well, he's only got himself to blame!
There are some things that are just beyond our comprehension, even if God did exist, then who created him/her and can he/she die? Almost like answering where is the end of the universe and what is beyond that end or what was here before the universe began. Because of these unanswerable questions I lost all interest in astronomy as a child. I also think that religion divides us all and in practical terms causes more harm than good, we don't need religion to become decent civilised compassionate beings. :2 cents:


There are some things that are just beyond our comprehension, even if God did exist, then who created him/her and can he/she die? Almost like answering where is the end of the universe and what is beyond that end or what was here before the universe began. Because of these unanswerable questions I lost all interest in astronomy as a child. I also think that religion divides us all and in practical terms causes more harm than good, we don't need religion to become decent civilised compassionate beings. :2 cents:

God has always existed according to the bible, nothing created it nor can it ever die. There is no "end" of the universe, in any direction you go you will eventually return to the same point (like a point on earth) granted you can go faster than the expansion of the universe. The universe was created within an even bigger multiverse that exists in extra dimensions we can't even detect. Religion divides us, as do many other flawed lines of thought, so removing religion alone wouldn't solve the problem.
God has always existed according to the bible, nothing created it nor can it ever die. There is no "end" of the universe, in any direction you go you will eventually return to the same point (like a point on earth) granted you can go faster than the expansion of the universe. The universe was created within an even bigger multiverse that exists in extra dimensions we can't even detect. Religion divides us, as do many other flawed lines of thought, so removing religion alone wouldn't solve the problem.
So what was god up to before he created the Earth etc? & I don't remember anything about multiverses in the bible? & if the universe is within an even bigger multiverse then this universe must have an end or it cannot be within something else. . .
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