I Personally Know You...And I Masturbate To You

The person I masturbate to the most is...

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knows petras secret: she farted.
my ex. kinda. i mean we had a sexual relationship but never together. shes been a close friend for a long time. and my wife is also really good friends with her now too. which is crazy and cool. still, we both agree this girl is smoking fucking hot and ive thought of her a million times since then. even had a phone sex girl mimic her for me.
I've got a co-worker I'm super hot for. We're both married to different people, damn! But I do like to imagine being with her.
Because of porn, my imagination is shot. I haven't masturbated to someone I know for a couple years. And even then, I was thinking about my fiancee. Far in my past, I wanked to teachers, friends, co-workers, just about anyone who was attractive to me. But I just don't fantasize like I used to. I can get it hard by thinking about a girl, but I would much rather masturbate to porn.:dunno:
My former boss, a huge boobed MILF.

All the girls at my local Blockbusters.

My postwoman.
Eh, my girlfriend. She's living in another city at the moment for work, and I only really get to see her on the weekends. :(
I masturbate to a few of the girls I know. They all know I do and are ok with it. Most of them have known me for years so are pretty comfortable with me and my sex fandom lol

Some even find it flattering, as they usually associate us guys wanking to really hot celebs and porn stars. So they find it nice that we hold them in such high esteem lol

Some have even given me pics of them. Nothing saucy or nude/naked, just pics they have of themselves. Although with this giving up wanking thing till xmas (check the virgin thread lol) I might try and get some risque pics as a xmas prezzie lol
I wish guys would tell me that they masturbate to me. Well, some do tell me, but I know there are others...except for one person--

Because of porn, my imagination is shot. I haven't masturbated to someone I know for a couple years. And even then, I was thinking about my fiancee. Far in my past, I wanked to teachers, friends, co-workers, just about anyone who was attractive to me. But I just don't fantasize like I used to. I can get it hard by thinking about a girl, but I would much rather masturbate to porn.:dunno:

But I do my thing thinking about the man I live with...and maybe a couple of other guys. But that's ok. The man is all about his porn. :D

Oh, hey, CCT? No multiple answers?
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Usually it was co-workers. One co-worker in particular. Most recently there was this incredibly smoking hot latina chick working at Target. Big tits underneath that red tshirt. I'll probably fire one off for her soon.

Lately I see a lot of attractive women out in the world. America...all the millions and millions of advertisments and bullshit celebrity shows have worked. We have indoctrinated women across this country that they must he hawt! :nanner:

Seriously...go to Starbucks or Borders. Lots of cuties are working there lately.
Heather, The Little Red-Haired Girl in Penuts, loved by Charlie Brown.

:wtf: You're aware all the characters in Peanuts are children, right?


You're right. Didn't think of that. Heather was created in 1961 and at that time I was about the same age as the Peanuts characters. She was my fantasy and I felted as if I knew her. But I keep getting older and she didn't. It doesn't seem fair to have a fantasy stuck at a young age. :confused:
Well I used to masturbate to several my classmates when I was on highschool and of course to some hot teachers too. I especially liked three of them, big breasted milf, young teacher with pretty face and perfect body and tanned and fit PE teacher. In summer all of them liked to wear miniskirts and open shoes, the look on their bare legs kept making me hard all my teen years :). And of course, there is one my friend, who enjoys swimming and sunbathing in G-string and no top, I sometimes masturbate to her even now.
A former female co-worker (she was a supervisor in fact) who was about 10 years older than me and for a long while she became may jodrell fantasy. :D
this thread is useless without pics. what good does it do to tell people i jerk it to the girl that butters my bagel in the morning?!
There was this hot eastern european chick at this coffee shop i go to that was stunning, just had the cutest face ever

This Italian I have been to a few times has this goregous waitress ... they wear just simple dark blue t-shirts but hers is so tight and she has massive tits, what makes it better is shes pretty young (18 - 19 maybe) and slim which makes them look even bigger

Plus i work with a right couple of milfs! ... wanked to them far more than the other 2 i mentioned
I have a friend/co-worker, mother of 3, early 30s, yet somehow 5' nothing, 80 pounds wringing wet and perfect figure. Small perky breasts, fantastic round ass, gorgeous smile and always a tan. I haven't masturbated in well over a year without her being present. Sometimes I feel bad, as she is a good friend of myself and my wife. But I console myself by knowing that I would never in a million years cheat on my wife and I can't really control my lust when I'm confronted with this girl every day at work.
Interesting that this thread should come up. It had been years since I did anything but look at porn while wacking off, but recently I masturbated while thinking about having a threesome with my fiancee and a female friend of mine. The scenario wasn't even of my creation either, it was the friend that brought it up, so that made it even more exciting to think about. They are very opposite type of women, so it would almost be like having the best of both worlds.
i gotta confess that i do to my significant other,i need to grow up but she sometimes asks me to do it for her so she is partially as guilty as i.