i need to get it out

i feel like shit, im so lonely, i just want a girlfriend, and not to get laid, because i just need someone to connect with on an emotional stage, just to connect, someone to talk to.
im a geek, i knew it all along but i refused to accept it until it was brought to my face today, i pretend not to be but i cane excape it
im sick of being alone im sick of being a loser i have no one to turn to
i just feel like things would better if i would just die, but i could never do that because im too much of a pussy
i hate sitting in my room all the time but if i went out of it id have no where to go
i hate the fact that im just over weight enough to not be average not fat but just enough to not want to ever take my shirt off
i hate being shy even though i try not to be
im sitting in a dark room listening to depresing music crying alone, and i fear that things wont get any better than this
i need somebody, and have no one, this is the only place where i wont get made fun of for teyying my truths
:helpme: :crying:
hey, thegovna,

i don't want you to feel like that. You have the courage and honesty to confess your feelings here, and that is good. but what happened today to make you feel so bad? Maybe if you tell here we can help.

maybe sound like cliches, but I think perhaps you need to have hobbies that involve you coming in contact with real people in nice situations who will appreciate you.

We're here for you, thegovna. Don't do anything stupid. Calm down, and we can all talk through this. REPEAT -- DO NOT do anything stupid!!!

Life is a joyous thing, but sometimes yes it feels like a shithole. There is always tomorrow, though. Only you can change the way things are going, but if you need help, people can help you. That's what friends do.

I've been where you are before and I understand. It WILL get better!!!

Talk with us! This is a positive community! :)
im 19 and it feels like im just still a little kid and everyone else just passed me by, and dont worry id never actually do any harm to myself


Member, you member...
You are young and you have a lot of living to do. I've felt like you do many times and I still keep going. You have family I hope - they are a great source of fun if you have a good relationship with them - believe me.
People at work can sometimes be acquaintences or become friends - try them.
Stop the depressing music and let out a big fart - it all could just be gas.
Go out to the stores, spend a little on yourself if you have sum cash to spare.
Kill a flower to remind you of a previous job you disliked.
I hope you get over your feelings - I often go through those times myself. We, as humans have feelings, and one of the worst ones we have is loneliness.
Here's sum help to start you on the right path:
Another tip - you should get an instant messenger program (MSN & Yahoo) and start talking to people here. Lots of us do it!!! It's fun, free, AND it's a social activity (sort of lol). :) :thumbsup:
I went through really bad spell between maybe 14 and 20 years old. Then, I go to study in another place, I meet wonderful person, I start to feel great, I start to look much better, I meet lots of other great people.

Now 37, deliriously happily married, wonderful husband, children, sex life, interests and i look back on my unhappy years and realise I learnt a lot then, and came out of them well.

You just need to make right changes. Give us some more ideas to help you, please.
thegovna -

I just sent a p.m. to you. If you get the chance, please read it and respond back via p.m.

Like 'Fly said...

Nightfly said:
We're here for you, thegovna. Don't do anything stupid. Calm down, and we can all talk through this. REPEAT -- DO NOT do anything stupid!!!

Life is a joyous thing, but sometimes yes it feels like a shithole. There is always tomorrow, though. Only you can change the way things are going, but if you need help, people can help you. That's what friends do.

I've been where you are before and I understand. It WILL get better!!!

Talk with us! This is a positive community!

I concur.... VERY MUCH SO.
Im already feeling better, after listening to my current favorite song Beverly Hills by Weezer, i realized, fuck it.

im 19 im in college, and i am a geek

who cares im a geek, i dont need to worry about looking cool anymore since im out of high school. Im gonna be a geek, and im gonna be damn proud of it, and im gonna go find my self a ctue geeky girl and im going to be happy, cause in the end, after all the shit that happens, just being happy with yourself is all that matters. And I would greatly like to thank everyone that halped me out today, you all truly helped me over a crisis in the making.

now my next challenge is "comming out" as a geek (not gay) to my friends and if they can't accept that, well hey im moving in a year so screw them, guess they arent my friends.

thanks again :)
Don't worry, you'll outgrow the "dork factor" of geekiness. You'll find your own style and as you mature you'll get more confidence and happiness because you'll find yourself doing things you once never even dreamt of doing!

:nanner: :hatsoff: :)


Will someone please tell me what is wrong with being a geek?

I am 42. I havr never been married. I have no kids. I have been engaged. I was quite the partier.I've owned 9 different houses. I've owned 3 Corvettes - nice ones, 4 Camaro's, 2 Mustangs, 2 Challengers (hopped up), 2 Chevy Tahoes, 2 motorcycles and about a dozen other cars. Including an AAustin mini and A little Ford Festiva. I have done all kinds of things. But now? I do nothing all day in my 553 square foot apartment (I haven't got NEARLY the money I used to have - drugs and women and cars will do that to you) except play video games, surf the net and masturbate. I am about 50 pounds overweight (I am 6' 1" 240- 245 pounds. When I should be 190-195 pounds). I live off of my stock portfolio. Not enough to buy fancy cars or anything. But enough to get by.
I get pissed off at myself for not doing more with my life. ANd I want much more for myself, of course.

But, my point is...i am a middle aged semi geek? Am I not? If not a full geek? And I am, what is so wrong with that?

To me a geek is a guy or gal that contemplates and thinks alot - and looks it. What is the alternative? Someone that just acts and lives for the moment and doesn't worry about the consequences? Someone that does what they are told at work and lives for the weekend where they can get married to the first person they can stomach and who can stomach them? Have 2 kids and be a half decent father; but not a great one. So not great that these kids get fucked up later in life? So I can have compromise sex with someone I don't even really love so I fantasize about some unattainable babe at work or at the bar I hang out at? And then get drunk every weekend and go fishing or hunting or some other moronic, macho (but in reality - very unmasculine pastime. What the fuck is manly about hiding in a bush until a helpless deer wals by and then shooting it with a $1,000 gun?) pastime? Convince myself I am fine by not ever taking a hard look at my life? And then making fun of everybody that doesn't do what I do because of the possibility that their way might be the right way scares the fuck out of me?
And then suddenly realize when I am old and have nothing to take my mind off my life that my life was one BIG COMPROMISE? NO FUCKING THANKS.

To me, geeks are perfectionists. They analyse life. Not just live it. Geeks look at the world and see all it's flaws - and immerse themselves in videogames and books et al. But geeks are the ones that face reality - when we aren't playing games or reading et al. Geeks are the ones that consider the big picture. And geeks are the ones that WILL NOT COMPROMISE. And, generally, geeks are more sensitive and more considerate.
And geeks are the ones that get bugged about it because they are different.
Fuck the masses. I'll take a world full of Geeks thank you very much.
I may look like a loser. I may seem like a loser. I may feel like a loser sometimes. But at least I am not slowly dieing inside and too scared to dare to look at it. (I am slowly dieing inside and ARE looking at it - LOL)
I may die unhappy. But I fuckin' guarantee you that I have a FAR better chance at happiness then some semi heartless masses guy. Oh, they will be less miserable then I can get. But the best they can hope for is a semi-decent life.
Well, that is not good enough for me. I gotta try for the brass ring (Mr. Frodo) or forget it. I am an all or nothing guy. And I will not compromise.
And the day I have to is the day I hope I am dead.

That was kinda fun.....my point was that Geeks are the smart, sensitive ones. WHat the FUCK is wrong with that?
Now if you are overweight. You should change that. Though it can be EXTREMELY hard - I know, because I am trying. It is not healthy to be overweight. And it is hard on the ego.

But outside of that, I see NO reason why you cannot be happy.

You ARE sensitive. You are strong enough to look at your feelings. And you seem intelligent. Get yourself reasonably fit and what the fuck else does a woman you are going to potentially love need.
And the older women get, generally the less superficial they get. Guys stay superficial forever. But most women aren't. Once they hit about 25 or so, most seem to need less the ultimate pretty boy. And more the guy they can depend on and talk to and love.
I am middle aged. And I have seen it.

Just hang in their, if you can. Being a teenager SUCKS. I am 42 and I can tell you it was the hardest part of my life. You feel SO powerless. So weird. So paranoid about what everybody thinks. It does get better.
Wait at least until you are 30. You still feel like shit; then blow your brains out. But don't end it at 19. Don't let those fucking masses, insensitive assholes (who really are decent people - most were just treated like shit by thier parents or something and don't know any better) win. Please don't give up. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it.
Please. Not yet. That means there will be one less person like me...I will feel just that much more lonely.

Please stay with us. Everyone should be warned on their 13'th birthday...'Being a teenager sucks...period. Just try and survive it.'

We are all in this together.

I always get more emotional when I see the end of LOTR: the Twin Towers (which I did tonight). I cannot remember a movie scene between two men parting company that moved me so much - I am talking about when Frodo leaves the Shire and Sam.
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its the simple things that count my nugga .....send me a message fool ...i can help u out dawg for sho ! .... you will thank me for the rest of your life ....i can make u into a pimp and im not playing


kevinnnn said:
its the simple things that count my nugga .....send me a message fool ...i can help u out dawg for sho ! .... you will thank me for the rest of your life ....i can make u into a pimp and im not playing

A pimp? Are you serious? I've known pimps. Pimps are just about as scummy as you can get. They make money off others misery. They get gals hooked on crack or heroin or meth or speed or whatever. They fuck 'em and say they love 'em, and then go fuck someone else.
I think most pimps are pieces of shit - unliteraly.
And I used to be a crackhead - big time. I KNEW pimps. I honestly have much more respect for crackdealers then I do pimps. Although ALOT of dealers were pimps - or so it seemed.

However, if you were joking or I mis understood you - nevermind.


mcrocket said:
A pimp? Are you serious? I've known pimps. Pimps are just about as scummy as you can get. They make money off others misery. They get gals hooked on crack or heroin or meth or speed or whatever. They fuck 'em and say they love 'em, and then go fuck someone else.
I think most pimps are pieces of shit - unliteraly.
And I used to be a crackhead - big time. I KNEW pimps. I honestly have much more respect for crackdealers then I do pimps. Although ALOT of dealers were pimps - or so it seemed.

However, if you were joking or I mis understood you - nevermind.

and u say your shy and u write like that ? ..that doenst look like a shy person to me..or is it just a act ?


kevinnnn said:
and u say your shy and u write like that ? ..that doenst look like a shy person to me..or is it just a act ?

When did I say I was shy? Another thread? In that huge speech above? Are you sure you aren't confusing me with someone else?


kevinnnn said:
how fat are u?

That's 2 questions I have asked without you answering. You want me to answer your questions; how about answering one or two of mine?

The answer to your last question, btw, is in my 'speech' above.