I Know This is Unethical, But How in the Sam Hell is it LEGAL?

Motilium - It's not banned, but not approved for prescription as an anti-nausea med (I know, effectively the same thing, but it can be bought for off-label uses in some pharmacies in the States). regarding coming to the US with your meds, I believe the rule is that as long as you have a valid prescription from a licensed medical practitioner in your country of origin and the med is approved there, they can't take it off you unless there is proof of your intent to supply that medication illegally in the states.

Motilim also stimulates lactation. How are your tits?

LOL It's never had that affect on my although I only take it when I really need it and that can be sometimes just once a week, I'm not a tablet guy :D
Actually those braces are normally $50. But they recognised that BSS could be conned into paying more and nobody would care because nobody cares for him.

My friend worked in a factory. She got repetitive strain injury on her knee. She got keyhole surgery. She's fine now and it didn't cost her a penny. I would rather not risk exposing myself to american medicine :thefinger:

post of the week
But even as I believe in capitalism, I'm sick of hearing people talk about corporations as if they are living beings, with the same rights as any American citizen. I also see the warnings that Jefferson issued about banks/bankers as being equally applicable to health insurance companies, and every other corporate sector:

excellent post.

The foresite of our founding fathers is uncanny sometimes.

Jefferson issued that warning much in the way Washington issued his about political parties being the death of this country.

To bad we didn't listen.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
$3500 er bill here when some dude ran into my car. I couldn't walk for a month but now that I think about it the ability to walk run and fuck was well worth the 3500. you can't put a price on your life or it's abilities and freedoms, so get fixed up and deal with the bill when you can
Actually those braces are normally $50. But they recognised that BSS could be conned into paying more and nobody would care because nobody cares for him.

I think he's got a point BSS, they essentially hustled you for double the money. They worked out you weren't some stingy tight fucker that was gonna examine the bill with a microscope and scientific calculator so just told you a number, the fact it took you 2 years to check the paperwork just shows you they were right. They probably still laugh and talk about it now, 'remember when we sold that Scandanavian guy that cheap and nasty wal-mart reject ankle brace for $300, it cost us $7 from mexico inc delivery, boy I hope he comes back here soon, remembering the piss poor job we done on his ankle he probably will, this time I'm gonna spend the money on a trip to Hawaii' :nanner:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
And btw about Canada, if you don't have a health card they WILL refuse to treat you in the ER if you are a walk in. Unless you have 400usd cash upfront you cannot even see a triage nurse. This happened to me a few yrs back in Ontario. Wonderful country

They also take credit cards and will deal with US insurers, although anyone with a brain gets travel insurance when going to foreign countries for work or pleasure. That way, residents don't end up having to pay the price for visitors misfortunes or idiocy. And if your injures were in anyway life threatening, you would have been treated.

Or it could be they just didn't like you. Go figure.
I think he's got a point BSS, they essentially hustled you for double the money. They worked out you weren't some stingy tight fucker that was gonna examine the bill with a microscope and scientific calculator so just told you a number, the fact it took you 2 years to check the paperwork just shows you they were right. They probably still laugh and talk about it now, 'remember when we sold that Scandanavian guy that cheap and nasty wal-mart reject ankle brace for $300, it cost us $7 from mexico inc delivery, boy I hope he comes back here soon, remembering the piss poor job we done on his ankle he probably will, this time I'm gonna spend the money on a trip to Hawaii' :nanner:

Actually, I had the last laugh. I didn't pay a penny for that shit because I was a student and on GAMC. If you only knew how cheap my premiums were you'd probably think I was joking. And for the record I realized it was shady tactics a while back, it's just that I found the bill again and realized the crookery that took place. Yeah...I had the last laugh. :1orglaugh

I've also had other bills that were about 10 times as much for shit I'm just not going to go into right here. And yes, my credit is FLAWLESS.

BTW, they don't show you a bill up front, they stick it to you in the mail about a couple weeks or a month later. I guess like Rey said I should have inquired immediately when I walked in, but my ankle was literally destroyed and I had seasonal employment coming up that next month.

So yeah, they are a shady, unethical bunch of crooks for sure. :2 cents:

But then again, doctors don't go to medical school and drop six figures for nothing.
$3500 er bill here when some dude ran into my car. I couldn't walk for a month but now that I think about it the ability to walk run and fuck was well worth the 3500. you can't put a price on your life or it's abilities and freedoms, so get fixed up and deal with the bill when you can

If it happened as you say..sue him, get a judgement, collect your judgement or put a lien on his shit.

And btw about Canada, if you don't have a health card they WILL refuse to treat you in the ER if you are a walk in. Unless you have 400usd cash upfront you cannot even see a triage nurse. This happened to me a few yrs back in Ontario. Wonderful country

:confused: So carry $400 with you at all times or some health card? I'm assuming the health card is somehow less convenient to carry around for some reason than the $400...otherwise, who wouldn't just get and carry the health card??:dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
And btw about Canada, if you don't have a health card they WILL refuse to treat you in the ER if you are a walk in. Unless you have 400usd cash upfront you cannot even see a triage nurse. This happened to me a few yrs back in Ontario. Wonderful country

Yes, because this makes complete sense. Canadians pay for our medicare system, and as such it is Canadians who benefit from it. So naturally, you need a card to prove that you contribute to the system. If you don't have one, you need to pay for your treatment just like in the US. We don't have a medicare system just so people from other nations can come and get free health care. :dunno:
Yes, because this makes complete sense. Canadians pay for our medicare system, and as such it is Canadians who benefit from it. So naturally, you need a card to prove that you contribute to the system. If you don't have one, you need to pay for your treatment just like in the US. We don't have a medicare system just so people from other nations can come and get free health care. :dunno:

I suppose what shimm is leading into is in the US hospitals have to at minimum stabilize patients who come in with emergencies...

If you bring someone into a hospital bleeding from multiple stab wounds and the receptionists, nurses and doctors are all standing around with their hands out for $400..then that's no good IMO if that is the case.

On the other hand, if you're going to live anywhere in which you're reasonably concerned for your health..it makes sense to do what it takes to ensure you can get fixed if you find yourself broken. If it's not possible to do it reasonably...then you probably should be somewhere you can.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If you bring someone into a hospital bleeding from multiple stab wounds and the receptionists, nurses and doctors are all standing around with their hands out for $400..then that's no good IMO if that is the case.

I don't think that would actually happen... If you went in with stab wounds you'd be treated ASAP... Plus, I don't think you'd be walking into a ER casually if you got stabbed, though maybe shimmy is one bad ass mofo so who knows.
i don't think that would actually happen... If you went in with stab wounds you'd be treated asap... Plus, i don't think you'd be walking into a er casually if you got stabbed, though maybe shimmy is one bad ass mofo so who knows.

Probably not...fyi...

...if you bring someone into a hospital bleeding from multiple stab wounds
That price includes R&D, lobby dollars, lawsuits, insurance and all kinds of shit you'd never think about.

It's the same reason why an aspirin costs $14 in the hospital. $13.90 of that goes into the till in the event that somebody has an undiagnosed aspirin allergy and kicks the bucket. Legal fees and court awarding ain't cheap.
im sorry i disagree there is nothing wrong with the uk health service its free always has been always will be quite how the us cant follow our model is shit


Official Checked Star Member
And btw about Canada, if you don't have a health card they WILL refuse to treat you in the ER if you are a walk in. Unless you have 400usd cash upfront you cannot even see a triage nurse. This happened to me a few yrs back in Ontario. Wonderful country

Thats not true if you're an actual citizen of Canada. I've gone into the ER before not having my health card and been seen, I just had to give them my information to look up to verify who I was and provide other ID (birth cert.). Of course, if you're a visitor to Canada, obviously you'd have to pay, but anyone with half a brain would get travellers insurance, duh. lol


I'm watching some specialist videos
Now I know our current healthcare is superior to places like the U.K. and Canada

Well, there were people limping around in that ER room for the better part of 10 hours with all kinds of shit wrong with them.
I have NEVER had to wait that long here in UK. Longest was 3 hours, shortest immediately. Neither time was life threatening, and the 3 hour wait was due to a couple of victims of a Road Traffic Accident who took priority.

Not true. My parents were blue collar "clock punchers" who worked check to check for a good 30 years, and they always have had HC. And I was covered by their insurance for the better part of that time. :dunno:

If Americans were'nt such piglets and we didn't let 30 million illegals into places like California - where their situation is terrible at best - maybe we would'nt be in this situation. :dunno:

I have the knowledge here that I will be treated regardless. I do have health insurance as well, but that is not for the ER, only more chronic illness or recuperation.

my moms got bronchitis right now
went to the doc, and got a prescription.
$440.000 for the medicines.

its a grim situation there.
The most your mum would have to pay here is the prescription fee of £7.20

Yeah Dude, The Health Care system is messed up, I tripped over a air line in my shop & split my head open on a bumper, LOL, Anyway I went to the ER & waited 5 Hrs for them to tell me Ehh its healing already nothing we can do now, WTF! All I did was shower cleaned it & put Neosporin & they think its OK, I had a 5 inch gash & the skin was cut clear to the skull, I swear to God They did not touch it other than give me a tetanus shot no one cleaned it no stitches nothing!!! & I received a $3,600 Medical bill two weeks later! WTF!!!
That was F'd up man, I'll never go to the ER again! Not even if I'm Dying :(

I say again - longest wait 3 hours. Zero to pay.

I badly twisted my knee last year, and have only just really recovered from it about 9 months later. Wait Time in ER 2 hours. X-Rayed and given a removable splint and crutches and an appointment for the orthopaedic surgeon 2 days later. Examined by orthopaedic surgeon, splint not required, replaced with elasticated bandage. Revisit to OS 4 weeks later.
Total cost to me. £7.50 for parking at the hospital (£2.50 a time).

Who's health system is better?

I have NEVER had to wait that long here in UK. Longest was 3 hours, shortest immediately. Neither time was life threatening, and the 3 hour wait was due to a couple of victims of a Road Traffic Accident who took priority.

I have the knowledge here that I will be treated regardless. I do have health insurance as well, but that is not for the ER, only more chronic illness or recuperation.

The most your mum would have to pay here is the prescription fee of £7.20

I say again - longest wait 3 hours. Zero to pay.

I badly twisted my knee last year, and have only just really recovered from it about 9 months later. Wait Time in ER 2 hours. X-Rayed and given a removable splint and crutches and an appointment for the orthopaedic surgeon 2 days later. Examined by orthopaedic surgeon, splint not required, replaced with elasticated bandage. Revisit to OS 4 weeks later.
Total cost to me. £7.50 for parking at the hospital (£2.50 a time).

Who's health system is better?

I don't have a clue where you live, but the ER I was in was one of the largest and busiest in the Midwest, and it was on a weekend. I'm not going to dig on Google, but the bottom line is I've heard and read acounts that terminally ill in your country (Britain?) are apparently dying because of having to wait for care. That sure doesn't sound good to me.