It's good that you have few family history concerns with catastrophic diseases. But with the repeal of this bill, along with insurance company desires to get more information on each American (with or without their knowledge), all it will take is a cheap (in the future) genetic test to see whether or not you're "worth" insuring.
Taking the devil's advocate/purely capitalistic point of view, before an auto insurance company writes a policy for you, they research your driving record, your credit history, whether you own or rent a home, who is in that home who might also drive the vehicle and also what type of vehicle you're seeking to insure... all BEFORE they set a price or decide to insure you or not. So could you blame a health insurance company if they elected not to insure you because of your ankle? I mean, it sounds like a relative certainty that you're going to have to have that worked on sooner than later, right? Knees and ankles can become $20K-$50K surgeries easy. So like the one-eyed guy with 2 DUI's and a Corvette: DE-NIED! :ban2:
To your ER situation, all you can do is ask LOTS of questions up front. Once you sign the paper, there's nothing you can do then. You've already given them permission to arse-bang you at that point. Capitalism is not about solving some or any of society's ills. I'm not sure why some people think that. Capitalism is based on the premise of charging what the market will bear. Once demand is negatively affected, only then would/should the price be dropped. If people are paying for $300 plastic braces, then I guess that is the "correct" market price. Once demand drops, even with the same number of ankle injuries, then they would likely drop the price.
I've never tried this, but my understanding of the Emergency Room Act, that Reagan signed in 1986, is that no ER can refuse you emergency treatment, regardless of nationality, citizenship or ability to pay. So even if you refuse to sign the promise to pay contract, I don't believe they could just let you lay there and die (legally). It was Reagan, by signing that act, who guaranteed all these illegal aliens de facto free treatment, and it could be the root cause of the ER financial issues that some of you folks complain about. In my area, we don't have an illegal alien problem. Our problem has been unemployed people, who insist on bringing their sick kids and wives in for care, whether they can pay or not. So my local hospital is hanging on by a thread. And the 45 million uninsured figure that is quoted are citizens of the U.S. The illegals would be on top of that.