All of this in a lot of ways destroys the belief that god created the earth. if he had, wouldnt it have been all setup from the get go? Why would he have to tinker with it so much if he is perfect and created everything? picture that in your mind and it has to seem fucking ridiculous even to the most faithful believer. The perfect being who does no wrong in a workshop using a screw driver to adjust the planet alignment and the placement of the sun and the settings for gravity ONLY for the earth, but not for any of the other planets. scattering stars around like he's throwing confetti. you guys REALLY believe that's how this all started???
the earth has evolved over time. it was once a solid mass and volcanoes erupted seperated the land with huge holes and spaces between the masses. then came water as the atmosphere developed & the water filled in the gaps left by the volcanoes. the earth is a work in progress over billions of years. if there were a god this would all be mute. how can you believe in god yet believe that people are capable of destroying the earth, gods creation? think of every little tedious detail like bugs and atoms and amoeba and things you cannot see with your naked eye. you think someone drew up a blue print like they were putting together an Ikea bookshelf? come on dude.