I know, global warming is a liberal hoax, but still...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/red-xxx said:
Red XXX[/URL][/B], post: 7914355, member: 55251"]I think America should keep a very close eye on the San Andreas fault first!

San Andreas is child's play compared to the New Madrid fault.


Official Checked Star Member
The problem with climate control is that it's probably impossible to do, take a look at that hole in the Ozone layer - it's closing not getting bigger http://www.livescience.com/27049-ozone-hole-shrinks-record-low.html but this may increase temperatures! The proper scientific study of climate systems is still in it's infancy around the world and needs many, many years of work before any solid scientific theories come forward.

One good move would be to remove any form of competitiive funding from long term scientific research programmes - scientific research should be purely that and should not just slavishly follow any fashions or whims- after all we may never have found America if we'd stuck to the status quo!
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/red-xxx said:
Red XXX[/URL][/B], post: 791442, member: 2504"]One good move would be to remove any form of competitiive funding from long term scientific research programmes - scientific research should be purely that and should not just slavishly follow any fashions or whims-
I would say that you're wasted in porn, but that's quite obviously not true.

after all we may never have found America if we'd stuck to the status quo!
Oh you sneaky double....
Very good.
Mother Nature takes care of all things at the end of the day. Global warming/climate change is a load of bollocks. Just an excuse for people to speculate. We get hot, we get cold it all goes in cycles. I wouldn't worry about it.


Official Checked Star Member
Im so sad to see you write that chopper :( you can't seriously believe that pourning tons of toxic waste into the air and the sea daily is not harming the earth and the atmosphere? the plants growing further north than any time in history because of the increase in temperatures? the migration of bird and animals changing dramatically the disappearance of glaciers in glacier national park at an alarming rate? no cod to be found in cape cod? 40 million sharks killed a year eliminating the top of the food chain that balances the populations? you don't believe those things are hurting the earth and the sustainability of human existence? How can you believe such a thing is bullocks when more than 90% of the world's scientists agree on it?


Closed Account
HAY-SOUS H.CRISTO! .I said that climate change seems to be exacerbated by human beings . But I have also asked the simple question has the present conditions and rate ever been experienced before. Not a one of you can answer that.

Here you go, bu you could have easily googled it for yourself, there's tons of information on that. The statistics are self-explanatory. The first two show the effects since the industrial revolution (man-made)

Until the past two centuries, the concentrations of CO2 and CH4 had never exceeded about 280 ppm and 790 ppb, respectively. Current concentrations of CO2 are about 390 ppm and CH4 levels exceed 1,770 ppb. Both numbers are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years.

source: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/climatescience/greenhousegases/industrialrevolution.html


Closed Account
Here you go .... I googled it myself ..... https://www.dmr.nd.gov/ndgs/Newsletter/NL99W/PDF/globlwrmw99.pdf.... Figure 4 and the conclusions just about say it all :google:

If you are saying there's a rise in temperature anyway because of the Holocene, or that there is a 'global warming' because the temperature is rising since we come out of the little ice age, than you are - in a way - correct. There is indeed a rise in temperature for a long time. However, one does not exclude the other. It's the drastic increase in temperature in the 19-20th century that can not be explained with natural causes (sun, continental drift, etc.). Most scientist do now agree that there is a direct link between the drastic increase in gasses like CO2 caused by human industry and this drastic increase in temperature.
this is an interesting one, there definitely are environmental issues going on in the world today, no one can deny that, but the whole carbon credit scheme led by none other than Goldman Sachs stinks to high heaven and I still want to know why Al Gore bought a few homes right on the coastline if he believes so much in this global warming and why do the oil corporations that he owns major stock in still continue to pollute the air and oceans up til this day even as he still tries to get up in front of congress and scream about global warming SMH