I was very resistant at first to the idea. 'Pshaw, a book is a book. I want to feel paper, smell paper ...' etc, etc. But the more I read I was intrigued, particularly by the resolution technology.
I honestly expected to be underwhelmed, but the pad is a little work of genius. As I said earlier, not only does it read as well as paper, it's actually better. The page flipping is simple and clever and as quick as a manual page turn. The pad weighs less than a pulp paperback, hold 3,500 books that you can organize as a library, by collection, author etc. you can make notes, highlight passages, all of which are archived and saved and can be shared.
The only real adjustment is having only one, instead of two page surfaces in front of you, and that takes about 30 seconds to get used to.
They're only $140 now (if you opt for wi-fi only and not the free 3G (which is $50 extra) - and as I don't imagine the situation where I am walking down the street and must immediately download the Divine Comedy (or the Firm!!) - who needs the 3G?)