I fucking hate my city.


WINDSOR, Ont. — The holy pilgrimage to sin city has begun.

Hundreds of people from Windsor, across southern Ontario and the United States flocked to a normally quiet street Tuesday to see a statue of the Virgin Mary that supposedly weeps tears of healing oil.

A spiritual healer from Manitoba was also gathering a contingent of believers from his province and Saskatchewan to make the journey.

For some faithful in Windsor — known to many Americans as Sin City North — it's about time.

"Look at our city," said Chris Gillen. "Windsor is classified as 'sin city'. This is a positive thing happening in this city. I'm surprised it's taken this long. You're getting people out, they're praying. The city is in desperate need of prayer, desperate need of people getting back to church."

The statue — believed to have come from Los Angeles — is encased in an addition to the front of a Garvey Crescent home owned by Fadia Ibrahim. She said she began receiving messages from the Virgin Mary about two years ago. After news of her supposed communication with the Madonna spread in the Catholic community, supporters in Detroit donated the statue, as well as money to build the enclosure.

Catholics have been gathering for the last three months at the foot of the statue which, according to Ibrahim, smiles during the day and weeps tears of oil at night. Ibrahim also claims to secrete the oil from her hands. Believers even show up at the house with Ziploc bags full of cotton balls and makeup remover so they can collect the oil, take it home and bless their homes and other people.

Who wants me to steal or destroy this statue??
I will help you, my friend! Then I will leave mysteriously into the night.

You will be wondering what happened to me.

Until I return with a 24 pack of beer! :nanner:
There will be no blasphemy here, sir. I'll not have it.
I want you to make love to a big jeans-wearing American woman instead.
No need to worry. It will soon be discovered that the fluid coming out of her eye is no miracle but natural menstrual fluid.
I can always count on you. :)

:wiggle: Because I'm the Whimsy Man!

Break it down!!!

I just wish we could have dressed up as Pyramid Head together this past Halloween together. :(

No need to worry. It will soon be discovered that the fluid coming out of her eye is no miracle but natural menstrual fluid.

Someone just comes along and jacks off into the head, puts the head back on, and a day worth of miracle fluid is ready to be dispensed. Kind of the same way those soap dispensers in public restrooms work.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Wow, finally something exciting happens in Canada and you want to destroy it.
But all the murderers and lowlifes are coming to Windsor to repent. And all of the AIDS victims are coming to get healed. fml

One of the fringe benefits of living next to an NHL-based large urban center? :dunno:

I swear, if not for Windsor, Joe Louis would be half empty every Wings' game. :1orglaugh

Well, the scum have to go somewhere. It's either Windsor or Minneapolis, and believe me, I've met a fair share of freeloaders in the TC as well who moved to get all the goodies.
Realize I am going to sound preachy and like a douche....I get it...but what's the big deal? :dunno: People gathering peacefully to demonstrate their faith.....I don't know.....with all the bad shit going down in the world today, I kinda like stories like this. So what if they seem nuts? They're not hurting anyone.
Realize I am going to sound preachy and like a douche....I get it...but what's the big deal? :dunno: People gathering peacefully to demonstrate their faith.....I don't know.....with all the bad shit going down in the world today, I kinda like stories like this. So what if they seem nuts? They're not hurting anyone.

They believe a statue cries healing oil. Let me repeat that. They believe a statue.....cries healing oil. I'm not hating on celebrating faith. I'm hating on stupidity.


It's still embarrassingly fucking dumb.

Without the much needed pointing out of said retardation this kind of shit starts to become the norm which opens up the floodgates to all manner of fucked up lunacy and before you know it we're back in the dark ages.
It's still embarrassingly fucking dumb.

Without the much needed pointing out of said retardation, then this kind of shit starts to become the norm which opens up the floodgates to all manner of fucked up lunacy.

Don't worry. For shit's sake, if you don't think secularists are taking over North America (Canada and America), you're living under a rock. A couple more liberal SCOTUS's and you'll be there. Everything you could ever dream of - gay marriage, universal abortion, legalized narcotics, open borders, no right to own a firearm, no more Christmas - will be realized. I think a couple (?) thousand people doing something like that is hardly a concern.