Ahhh, the gentle sounds of effervescent sarcasm is much like the rain running off a tin roof at night under a full Harvest moon in the autumn season ...
Oh hell, who am I fucking kidding? Your 'witty repartee' (AHEM) is akin to fingernails on a chalk-board, Jeb. You and I both know what you meant ... pretend all you want that you were cuddling up to dear ol' 'Fly. PFFFT.
Welcome back, snookums. I MISSED YOU. MWAH! :lovecoupl
Oh hell, who am I fucking kidding? Your 'witty repartee' (AHEM) is akin to fingernails on a chalk-board, Jeb. You and I both know what you meant ... pretend all you want that you were cuddling up to dear ol' 'Fly. PFFFT.
Welcome back, snookums. I MISSED YOU. MWAH! :lovecoupl
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