Nightfly said:
B - with no guns in the house, the accidental death rates of children, and adults, would be significantly reduced. Voluntary, intentional deaths such as a 13 year-old going into his dad's closet and pulling out the ole "trusty" shotgun, waiting for his parents to come home from work and them blowing them into guts-stuck-on-a-wall would also be more limited if no guns were kept in the family's home.
And what do you think the percentage of those occurances are compared to kids
who learn and grow up with guns?!?!?!
Nightfly said:
It takes a very concerted effort for most children to get a gun on the street. In certain segments of society they're even sold to children on the street by thugs, but saying that gun deaths of parents by their children won't be reduced by keeping a gun-free home is simply unfathomable.
I said
far less likely when the parents are responsible and
teach their children to respect guns! That's the
repeat omission even your study did!
Nightfly said:
The statistics are used to push an agenda with kids, not realizing it's kids who are
never taught to respect a gun that kill people by a
wide margin.
Nightfly said:
Here's an article for information, and I normally hate long copied & pasted articles in posts:
Statistics, Gun Control Issues, and Safety ...
This is reflected in our constitution, whose second amendment guarantees that "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Though the application of this amendment applied to maintenance of a militia, and not private gun ownership, the second amendment has been consistently interpreted to protect private ownership of many types of guns.
This is bullshit.
It mentions militia, it does
NOT mean it's the only reason.
Remember, the US States wrote the Bill of Rights, and the absolute #1 and #2 Amendments that the majority of states wanted before signing the constitution was to ensure against
federal abuse on its citizens.
Those who put it in such a "oh, they didn't mean that" context are wholly ignorant of the entire reason for the Bill of Rights -- for which our Consititution would have
never been passed by 9 of the original 13 states without it!
Furthermore, even the federal drafters instantly recognized this, and called for the submissions which were originally 91 and whittled down to 10.
Anyone who has read Franklin, Jefferson and others can quote many times where they have explicitly talked about private gun control post-revolution, and that it should never be outlawed.
Frankly is regularly quoted on the "myths" of what (and his words) "gun control" in the American society does not actually do.
And he did not put it in a context of "militia," other than the
rights of states to organize a militia.
In actuality, that portion of the 2nd Amendment was largely
voided in the civil war.
So if that was the case, why wasn't private gun ownership outlawed in 1861 then?
Nightfly said:
Child safety is an important issue. Firearms injury is the second leading cause of non-natural death in childhood and adolescence. (CDC, 2004) Accidental shooting deaths are most commonly associated with one or more children playing with a gun they found in the home. (Choi, et al, 1994) The person pulling the trigger is a friend, family member, or the victim. (Harruff, 1992)
Yes, and I quote ...
"children playing with a gun"
Children who are taught to
use and respect firearms do not do this!
Parents who own guns and and to
not teach their children to use and respect them are irresponsible!
In that case, yes, the parents should
not own a gun!
I more than agree!
But the small number of children who use guns to hurt their parents would use other means if guns were not available.
The overwhelming majority of children who hurt other children or adults is due to "playing with guns" because they don't respect them.
And that's overwhelmingly because they were never allowed to use them and, therefore, respect them.
Parents who have guns need to teach every member in the house to respect them!
Everyone from the Libertarian party to the NRA will tell you that's issue #1!
Again, these studies don't point that out, and that's why they get quoted on "playing" rates instead of actual kids who know and respect them.
But thank you for making my case further, on the fact that it's "ignorance" more than anything.
Towns where gun ownership is a heafty percentage are actually some of the safest places to live, and where far more children respect firearms.
Larger cities tend to have crime in general, and outlawing guns will do little to stop them from being acquired by criminals.