How would you react...


Saying you'd rather a daughter be a pornstar then a son be gay is not homophobic. No anti gay comment was made. Of 2 options, one was preferred. No different to this:

Pepsi or coke?


More I think about it, the notion seems kinda neat. Both scenarios.

Saying you'd rather a daughter be a pornstar then a son be gay is not homophobic. No anti gay comment was made. Of 2 options, one was preferred. No different to this:

Pepsi or coke?


More I think about it, the notion seems kinda neat. Both scenarios.

You see to me that is a homophobic statement, you'd rather your daughter fuck a whole bunch of guys on camera for money than have your son love another man :dunno: Its not a choice of Coke or Pepsi.
I see it differently. You are asking my personal choice. Now I am not calling for any anti gay laws etc, let them be as they wish. But I am a firm believer in the traditional m/f dynamic...and that's not hateful.

I could accept my daughter being a star easily then I'd come to terms with the other scenario. Where's the hate?
I see it differently. You are asking my personal choice. Now I am not calling for any anti gay laws etc, let them be as they wish. But I am a firm believer in the traditional m/f dynamic...and that's not hateful.

I could accept my daughter being a star easily then I'd come to terms with the other scenario. Where's the hate?

I may not agree with your opinion but I'll accept it and move on.

Will E Worm

It would be a huge disappointment. I would rather my daughter find a new home and my wife would be gone.


No one has said I bad word to anyone.

What homophobia was in this thread? More Politically Correct :bs:

No one is afraid of homosexuals. That's what a phobia is, the fear of something.

I don't care what they do as long as they don't push their beliefs on me or anyone else.
Also, they don't deserve special rights. They have never been a culture and are not a minority culture.
I don't want them teaching my children either. I will home school my children. Thank you very much. :hatsoff:

Phobia, a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation. Homophobia should be taken out of all dictionaries.

The hypothetical guy in this thread could end up being the 'victim' of a mother-daughter type scene.

I guess I see softcore/stills as different from hardcore.
It would be a huge disappointment. I would rather my daughter find a new home and my wife would be gone.

What homophobia was in this thread?

No one is afraid of homosexuals. That's what a phobia is, the fear of something.

I don't care what they do as long as they don't push their beliefs on me or anyone else.
Also, they don't deserve special rights. They have never been a culture and are not a minority culture.
I don't want them teaching my children either. I will home school my children. Thank you very much. :hatsoff:

Much agreed on the second issue.

You'd kick your daughter out? :eek:
I can understand porn, but nude photos (ftv type) are classy, non invasive or perverse, and beautiful. They are a celebration of womanhood.

You'd react so strongly even to that?

Will E Worm

I can understand porn, but nude photos (ftv type) are classy, non invasive or perverse, and beautiful. They are a celebration of womanhood.

You'd react so strongly even to that?

Taking your clothing off is not empowerment.

My daughter should act like a lady and want more out of life. :hatsoff:
that's nice imagine. maybe you should try reading what I actually said.

I read that, I just didn't (and don't) think it makes much sense in the context of your reply. You claimed that a person is free to do whatever he/she wants in a relationship. I say that if it relates to the nature of the relationship, like sleeping with other people, then it is not fine without input from the other person. Either they can come to an agreement, or they can end the relationship. Problem solved.

If you think that basically both parties going against or otherwise doing things that they don't want to because the other person demands it is what makes the perfect relationship, well, good luck with that. it sounds whack to me.

Indeed, which is more or less exactly what I said (though I didn't use "demand", but rather "does whatever he/she wants"). If I'm in a relationship, I expect to have an equal say in matters that concerns the relationship. Whether I'm told about it before or not.

Will E Worm

A few stills doesnt mean she's not a lady. Those shots are so delicate and feminine.

I'd not mind if my daughter did that sort of thing.

I don't want my daughter showing her body to millions of people. Once you're on the net, it is forever. It can also effect your future. Look how many people on here wouldn't marry a pornstar. (There's a thread)

She should just find a decent man to marry.
Of 2 options, one was preferred. No different to this:

Pepsi or coke?

those are two choices from the same criteria- cola beverages.

homosexuality and porn have nothing to do with each other, except de facto.

Because of that, I assumed that you were making a value judgment and substituting an arbitrary condition that you perceive to be a negative as the basis for a comparison.

Am I wrong? Let me ask you this, forget the comparison. Would you have a problem with your child being a homosexual?

Speaking of...

No one is afraid of homosexuals. That's what a phobia is, the fear of something.

They have never been a culture and are not a minority culture.

You are being disingenuous. Phobia in layman's terms can refer to an aversion to something, so in this context it is adequate to describe the characteristic of someone that is opposed to the practice of homosexuality, such as you are.

and while we are on the subject of definitions, a culture refers to the customs, behaviors and believes of a group. Who are you to decide what group constitutes a culture and what does not?

gay people share a common, distinguishing trait that gives rise to shared experiences and community, in addition to lifestyle habits.

It's just as much a culture as hiphop, hunting/outdoors, etc. Anything that centers around a practice and a group.
I say that if it relates to the nature of the relationship, like sleeping with other people, then it is not fine without input from the other person. Either they can come to an agreement, or they can end the relationship.

well I didn't really get into the dynamics of it so much. The key words here are input and agreement, which is what makes it a relationship. It is a compromise between two different sets of wants. usually these wants will be the same in most cases.

But it is naive to assume that they will or can always be the same. That's my point. To expect them to be when they are not will lead to a break up in the relationship, whether by direct decision or by deterioration in intimacy.

You expect that your partner should respect your wishes to not seek to do something that you are opposed to, and that is fair, but it goes both ways, and you should respect her wants as something that is valid and worthy of consideration.

It may even be more valuable to you for her to be happy and to do something that she feels to be worthwhile, even if it is something that you disapprove of. that level of acceptance requires selflessness on your part, and it is rewarding to you when it is equally given back. that's why I say that people should be free to do what they want to. I think that will ultimately create more intimacy and a stronger relationship.

I think that knowing you are being held back from doing what you want will only lead to resentment of your partner.

Of course that doesn't mean that anything goes. You have to decide what level is acceptable, and where you can be flexible. Some things you may never be able to accept, and that's fine, it just means that you will not be able to have a relationship with someone where that is a factor. That happens. Not everyone is compatible with each other.
I don't want my daughter showing her body to millions of people. Once you're on the net, it is forever. It can also effect your future. Look how many people on here wouldn't marry a pornstar. (There's a thread)

She should just find a decent man to marry.

I respect that...i feel she still could/would, but its cool.

I just find female sexuality so beautiful, so powerful, that from my pov to show the world is not a big deal. If I was a woman, I'd try and enter the biz!
That is one hell of a question. I'll probably be prone to accept and forgive, but if my son turned out to be a GAY porn star, that shit would probably break the camel's back. I guess on the social scale of 1-10, being a porn star is far more acceptable than having a murderer in the family.
I would be hurt my any inclination that way.

this thread poses a deep question, is it wrong to admire ANY women at the purely AESTHETIC level?

no sexual activity, but as a woman physically?

Will E Worm

gay people share a common, distinguishing trait that gives rise to shared experiences and community, in addition to lifestyle habits.

It's just as much a culture as hiphop, hunting/outdoors, etc. Anything that centers around a practice and a group.

It is only about who they want to have sex with.

That does not constitute a culture, never has, never will.


persona non grata
No one is afraid of homosexuals. That's what a phobia is, the fear of something.

I don't care what they do as long as they don't push their beliefs on me or anyone else.
Also, they don't deserve special rights. They have never been a culture and are not a minority culture.
I don't want them teaching my children either. I will home school my children. Thank you very much. :hatsoff:

Phobia, a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation. Homophobia should be taken out of all dictionaries.
Wow, just wow. Totally unbelievable. I actually think this post could be used in dictionaries as a perfect example of homophobia.