How to hide your porn from your girlfriend?

your first idea was fine get a portable hard drive hide your porn there limewire is what i use but remember most women have porn to

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Why hide the porn collection? :dunno: I don't get it.......

To avoid this:

With a girlfriend, he'd be in the right (IMO). With a wife, I'd say the "war face" is going to be inevitable, no matter what he does.
Sorry to be Captain Obvious here, but if you married a woman who was so anti-porn that you have to come whine on a forum about it, then you probably married the wrong woman! Sorry, but if there is something that is SO important to you (ie. porn) that you would rather lie about and hide from your spouse rather than actually give it up for her...then yeah, you shouldn't be with her. Your wife is supposed to be the one person (aside from children) that you will do anything long as its not unreasonable. And IMO, pornography is something that is totally justified as being something in a marriage that can cause tension and dramaz. Yes porn is fun, yes porn is a great thing, yes theres nothing wrong with it (I'm not a prude, I get naked on cam day to day so don't jump down my throat lol) but I mean...isn't what you share with her, both emotionally and sexually worth so much more than porn?

Trust me...don't hide it. Women have a crazy accurate intuition, and she WILL find it. And then she'll leave your sorry ass and everyone will know that you broke up because you couldn't stop watching dirty vids. You want your family and friends to view you as someone with a porn problem? Because thats what she's gonna tell everyone lol. Lying and being decietful should never take place in a marriage. White lies are one thing....but going behind your spouses back, when you know she's going to be hurt...and trying to figure out how to spend your finances on it...just...don't. You married her, you vowed to love and honor her until the day you died. Lying doesn't do that. Either give up the porn or give up her and hand her over to someone who'll give her some more respect.

(sorry for that tirade. just had to give him a married womans POV)
On reflection....:wtf: is this!!!?? We are men, aren't we?? :wtf: should we hide our BIG TIT porno from our wives?? We should display our big tit porno with pride. Fuck this/ I want this thread CLOSED immediately! We are men, not fucking wimps. CLOSED.


On reflection....:wtf: is this!!!?? We are men, aren't we?? :wtf: should we hide our BIG TIT porno from our wives?? We should display our big tit porno with pride. Fuck this/ I want this thread CLOSED immediately! We are men, not fucking wimps. CLOSED.



No dissent ?? :1orglaugh
