Your right i wasn't that drunk. I was refused entry to most of the bars after a while.
The best nights are when you are inside a nightclub and when you can't walk by the end of it
I regularily fell asleep in Moscow night clubs. But this was more due to the fact that I stayed in the warm 'till the metro re-opened at 5, rather than getting an expensive and possibly dangerous taxi ride home.
I got really drunk one time in my life abount 25 years ago. I had a hangover for 3 days and will never repeat that mistake.
3 Days is the longest I've been hung over for.
5 Days is probably my longest drinking streak.
Itemised drunk stories:
1) I've been so drunk I staggered into the lee of a church to eat a burger out of the cold, but as I did I accidently dropped the burger, trod on it and flipped over. I woke up much later. I assume that I knocked myself out.
2) I've been so drunk that I was walking home (wearing red camoflage clothing and red and black camoflage body paint with a whip hanging off my belt - it was the 90s and I enjoyed raving. A LOT.) and I was pushing a shopping trolley (Something about drunks and shopping trolleys, they just go together so... easily.) when I saw a police car driving down the street towards me.
As it so happened I was walking past the local YMCA (yeah yeah, don't laugh) and so I pushed the shopping trolley away up the slope into the YMCA car park in order to be free of it and then attempted to walk nonchalantly on.
The key part of that sentence is
UP the slope. After maybe 10 paces I looked back to see the shopping trolley rolling back down the slope into the path of the oncoming police car. So I ran back, grabbed it, ran it all the way back up the slope and pushed it behind a bush. Certain now that the shopping trolley would stay put I ran back to the road and tried to continue walking nonchalantly (No, I didn't whistle) as the police car approached. It must now have been all of 10 metres away.
Earlier that night, walking home from the night club I had met a German girl who had given me her chips. So when the police car pulled up and the window wound down, my first word to the police officer inside was "Wanna chip?"
3) I've been so drunk that I woke up with one eye open. The eye had been open all night. My eye was touching the pillow. The pillow had acted like a sponge and pulled much of the moisture from my eye. I couldn't see properly from the eye and went to the bathroom to pour water on it. It took hours for my sight to return to normal after I woke up and stopped my eye touching the pillow. I'm so ashamed of that that to this day I still tell people that experience was had by my friend Dima.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the 3 that spring most readily to mind...