as much as you guys talk about hicks and all the white guys who are supposedly pissed
a good number of them have too much to do in life than to obsessively think about porn
most white guys I have met in real life have been cool, same with other forums, but here you get the sexually frustrated cunts that no one wants
If you don't like what this forum has to offer, feel free to close your account.
You try to insult members, myself included with juvenile jibes about being single/gay/failures in life etc, look to your own insecurities before you try to label us.
You accuse the board of being populated by white guys obsessed by porn? The pot calling the kettle light brown right there.
You repeatedly post your relentless crap about the lack of Asian men in porn - If you are so uninterested in pornography, the ethnicity of the performers shouldn't bother you in the slightest.
I've read your fan fiction, asides from the fact it's crap, it's about as subtle as a brick to the face, laced with your innuendo and compensatory story lines about the brown sex god getting laid.
Yes, I do post racist remarks in regards to your topics, but those are posted intentionally to piss you off and make you play the victim card, because that is far more amusing. I have Asian friends and work colleagues and they are all a far more modest and respectable group of people than you portray yourself to be.
Now, I'm sure if you even read this you'll fire back with your usual crap about "the racist who amounts to nothing", surprise me instead, write something intelligent for once.