In my opinion, if someone isn't attracted to a certain type of person they shouldn't be forced to have sex with them. Sex is a taboo subject, especially in America, which is why the porn industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Just because these women are willing to have sex for money doesn't mean that they should be forced to have sex with anyone and everyone. That is what separates pornography from prostitution. When someone is forced (or coerced, basically the same thing) into doing something that they don't want to it is degrading, and that isn't what porn is about (for the most part, I know there are some niches that are all about degradation but not all porn is about that). So if a pornstar doesn't want to do interracial scenes (or interracial sex in their personal lives) then too bad for the interracial fans.
I agree that if these women are racist then, the male performers are anti-gay. The logic is exactly the same. The only difference is that the opinion is not as popular. forcing a person to have sex with someone who they don't want to have sex with is basically like raping them. There are like 3 or 4 parts to the definition of rape (depending on the dictionary you look at) and most include "any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person". So if by putting pressure on these women to have sex with people who they do not want to have sex with, you're basically raping them (or at least suggesting that someone should). I know that rape is a genre in porn but that stuff isn't real, the sex is consensual, and even though personally I think it's messed up, if a person is willing to act like someone is raping them, then so be it. Again, the womans' choice not to have sex with who she doesn't want to is part of what separates pornography from prostitution, and is partially why pornography is legal and prostitution is not (in most places).
And I hate to burst any bubbles but the whole interracial genre is basically based on the degradation of white women (whether intentional or implied). Why else would it only be considered interracial if the male performer is black? When the female is black it is called ebony (which I think is a pretty stupid, and kinda racist, name for a genre if you ask me). Honestly if anyone is racist here, it is the interracial fans who are complaining, not the pornstars who choose not to do interracial scenes. Why are only white women being given a hard time about not having sex with black men? I haven't done my research but I'm willing to bet there are plenty of black women (maybe more sense, and I could be wrong but I don't think I am, it's less socially acceptable for black women to have sex with white men than it is for white women to have sex with black men) who don't do white guys on camera. No one is hassling them about not doing scenes with white guys, why?
Sadly it's for the same reason that Chris Rock can go on stage, and national television, and shout, "cracker as cracker!" a hundred times and people think it's hilarious but if a white comedian were to go around saying, "n*****, n*****, n*****" they would be called a racist and it would almost definitely end their career. Think about it, it's pretty clear who the real racists are here.