I don't think it's racist. It's prejudicial. If a person flat out says "I won't fuck n*****s, w***s, g******s, k***s, c***s, j**s, b*****s, h*****s, s*********s, or m********s." Then, yes, that is racist. Especially if they use the asterisks in their language. It's a preference unless some commie asshat liberal dicksuck tree-hugging politically correct asswipe makes it an issue.
I don't like to see people of color of either gender in my porn. It really doesn't do anything for me. I don't say "there's a goddamn n*****r in that, I won't watch it." I just don't watch it. I can appreciate beauty but so many of the scenarios where a black dong is involved rarely have any connection to an aesthetic that appeals to me. The stuff I've seen looks like it is geared to piss off people. "Look, Mom's banging a black dude," or "your daughter is fucking a n******," just seem hateful and designed to denigrate.
But I digress. Revamp, you're still the douchiest troll on the board and I hope you get hit by a couple trains.